Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Elder Jordan Keele, Mar. 12, 2012

Blessed family,

I'm still a missionary, and I'm still doing missionary work everyday. I hope that's not a surprise to anyone. I can't say that we've had an "average" week, because frankly that doesn't exist in the mission field. Jorge and Rosa had to go out of town for a job offer, so they still haven't been able to join the rest of the family. But I trust them and know that they'll do it as soon as they can.

Meanwhile, we were privileged to find another family that is interested in hearing us. The two parents and the two kids were all planning to come to church yesterday, but because of some last-minute complications only the oldest daughter, (Zuleima) was able to go. She's a 19 year old single mother, but she really seemed interested in what we have to teach. She enjoyed church, and during the gospel principles class I enjoyed distracting and playing with her little 1 year-old Luciano so his mother could stay focused and learn about modern day prophets.

I'm sad that Uncle Wendell passed on, but I know that death is only a portal to life. I hope Aunt Arlene continues to hold up and do well. I'd like to see her after I return.

There's nothing like a spiritual impression that confirms a correct decision. Thanks for sharing that experience. I always love reading about your stories. People may think that daily spiritual experiences are only for missionaries, but you're living proof that that's just a myth! They're there for everyone who wants them. All it takes is righteous living.

Ha ha Jess that's kind of a funny story. Just be sure and keep me updated on these things. And if you do get engaged before Mother's day, don't wait until then to let me know :) [Jessica really isn't getting engaged]

We have a Zone Conference this Thursday, followed by an interview with Pres. Hicken to renew my temple recommend before it expires. We'll receive any letters that have arrived on Thursday. Thanks for your support.

Thanks for everything, and I love you all!

Elder Jordan Keele

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