Saturday, December 31, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele- Dec. 26, 2011

Hola hola,

Wow, time really flies. It seems like just yesterday that I was talking in the living room with all of you! Things were kind of crazy yesterday, I'm sorry if I wasn't able to give my full attention to you at home, but I promise I had been looking forward to that for 7 months, and it came and went too quickly. But that's what the Lord's plan is at this time, so that makes me happy. I was having so many emotions yesterday that I just didn't know what to do. Just to name a few.... it was Christmas, I had to give a talk (and Saturday night and Sunday morning I felt prompted to not give the talk I had prepared, so that added to the emotion), we had the lowest attendance in the branch in over a year, of 12 people, Brother Beltran was the only member of the Presidency there and it was his first time conducting, so I was right there with him the whole way, obviously I got to talk to all of you! and then about the changes and saying goodbye to people.... I'm exhausted. We left at 6 this morning and are here in Pachuca. I find out tomorrow who my companion will be and where I'll be serving for this next chapter of my mission.

It was special though because we announced in Sacrament meeting that those who would like to come with us to give the Sacrament to an elderly sister and sing hymns with us for her were more than welcome to come. Chucho, our house dueƱo came along with the Beltran family. It was a different kind of Christmas, but it was so special. There are sooooo many things I would like to share, but my time is short, and I'm sure yours isn't much taller either. But someday I hope to share with as many as would like to listen all that I've learned here in Molango in the last 7 months. I love my mission with all my heart. I would never trade it for all that the world has to offer.
The quilt sounds really neat! I believe that the best gifts are those with some kind of emotional value with it. I look forward to seeing it.

The FHE idea sounds great! I know that all who will be in attendance will be greatly blessed. It is a special talk, which reminds me.... I haven't seen it in a few weeks. I'll have to sit down and watch it sometime this week.

No mom, thank you! I loved seeing you all yesterday, even if you've grown a bit blurry lately. I just loved seeing all of your personalities and voices and stuff. Although physically most of you have changed, you're all still the same people, and that makes me happy :)

Have a wonderful last week of the year! Enjoy every moment of it ha ha. I love you all! Travis, happy birthday tomorrow, Derek on Thursday, and Mom on Friday. Eat some real cake for me!

Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- Dec. 26, 2011


Well, it was so good to talk to you all yesterday!! It was funny because my companion got to talk with her family a few hours earlier. Afterward, we left to have a lesson with a member in the ward who had asked us to come over to teach "his daughter-in-law" who is not a member. We had to run back to the Vezenyi house to be able to get there at 6:30 p.m. to call you. Here´s why...

We had just finished eating lunch with the familia Vezenyi (they are the one´s who were so kind as to invite us over to use their skype AND eat their food :D Plus they are friends of Sergio y Florencia. Anyway, we rushed over to go to the house of this other member to be able to teach his "daughter-in-law" and make it back in time for you guys.

We knocked on the door and his wife said she had no idea we were coming over and started cleaning up a bit. We figured he just must have forgotten to tell her since he had just invited us a few hours earlier. He sat us down in a room and said to wait there while he went to get his daughter-in-law. Later his wife came out with two plates of food!! haha

We were already full having just eaten, but we said thank you and started to eat quickly because I wanted to talk to you guys on time. Then he finally comes back, not with his daughter-in-law but some sort of health shake he had just blended for us.

We said thank you and then asked, ""where´s your daughter-in-law?"

He said he would go and see if she wanted to come... haha He also mentioned how he wanted to talk about the Word of Wisdom...

As he left to go "find his daughter-in-law" he just kept asking about the smoothie, if we liked it and all that. We said it was good and he said, "No sugar, no sugar". He told us it was a carrot and apple smoothie and he wanted to take care of us.

We just thought, okay, so he really likes his smoothie. haha

We kept trying to eat our huge plates as fast as we could and THEN he comes back out with the bottle of this powdered smoothie explaining all the good vitamins and things it has inside it.

There's more...
He pulled out this flip chart, sits down and says we're going to talk about the Word of Wisdom with her. I figured that´s a bit weird since we hadn´t even met her but figured we´ll just explain the Book of Mormon and see if it´ll lead into the Word of Wisdom if we need to.) But no, he tricked us!!! haha He went through this whole flip chart thing and at the end called his daughter-in-law when we said we only had 5 minutes left to be able to get back on time.

He kept us after a little bit longer as he pulled out some chart he needed to fill out and said, "Hermanas, I don´t want to forget your name, let me right it down. You, Hermanas, don´t have a land line, right?" We told him no. "Well, actually what about at home, that way we can always keep in contact. What's your address so we can write you letters and your number so we can call you sometime"...

Oh my goodness!! haha He wrote it down on his little Herbal Life chart!! Anyway, we gave it to him. Just so you know in case you get any calls from Herbal Life haha

After we ran for ever, we made it right back at 6:30, but then we couldn´t figure out how to get the skype to call you since you weren´t one of her contacts. And it said if I used a phone number it would make them pay or something, so that´s why I sent you the quick, ZUBAGOO email.

I´m glad you got it! :)

I love you all!!!!!!!
Hope you have a happy new year!!!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas pinata

Poster made for the branch

Steak, enchiladas and beans. Yum!!!

Nativity with Molango Primary children

Molango Branch nativity

Jordan's Christmas package arrived before Christmas!

Elder Jordan Keele- Dec. 19, 2011

Hola familia,

We had an investigator come to church yesterday!!! I had forgotten how amazing it felt to have someone actually make that step :( With all the Pachuca trips, tithing settlement, membership audits, and other things, we've been so busy lately, and we've had very little time during the week to proselyte like normal. However, we had our Branch Christmas party on Saturday, and that was very special. About a week and a half ago we had invited an investigator to church and to the party, but she didn't show much enthusiasm for either one. But as my companion and I and the primary kids were rehearsing for the nativity, Sara walked in! Come to find out, a member here also had invited her to the dinner and so that's why she came. Then she returned Sunday morning to church. Ah, life is good again :)

I still haven't been told if I'm leaving next week or not, but it's hard not to know. I've become great friends with all the members, and it'll be impossible to say goodbye to all of them in one day if that were to be the case. However, I have complete confidence that the Lord will help me do everything I need to accomplish as long as I do my best. We've had to go to Pachuca this month for lots of different reasons. Once for Zone Conference, another time for a meeting for district leaders (even though I'm really not a DL, but just because we don't belong to a district of Elders. We're out on our own here in Molango), another time to Mexico for my Visa renovation, again for the temple thing.... just lots of different reasons. We normally only have to go twice a month, but this month as been four times, and maybe 5 times if I have changes next week.

El-Dere-Keele sounds like he's doing so great! It's so nice to hear from him as a missionary. I know he's already blessing many lives there in the MTC, back at home, and at least one here in Mexico. :) Last Tuesday night I'm sure was a very special evening for all of you.

I don't think I mentioned last week that we were able to call Brother Beltran from the branch as the second counselor when Pres. Hicken came to visit. We're an independent branch, so Pres. Hicken is essentially the Stake President. It's going to be really good for the branch and for his family as well. He has a lot of enthusiasm, and he's got an amazingly solid testimony.

I'll plan to call at 3:30 my time then. I'll give you a call though Sunday at 12 or 1 just to confirm... if you don't answer (because I don't know what time your church is) then I'll just call every 30 minutes until you do. I'm so excited for the skype calls!! I'll probably just use a members account, so don't be afraid to answer it if it says it's from a woman. :)

Lately I've been reading a lot in Jesus the Christ as well as the December Liahona, and I've truly come closer to my Savior this Christmas season. It's probably just the missionary in me that's speaking, but as I see all the decorations here, and the Santa focus, and other such manners of celebration, I haven't gotten so excited this time. It's when I read about, hear about, or talk about my Savior that I've really felt the spirit of Christmas. All the other hoopla is fun, but it's a different feeling. I love my Redeemer so much and am so grateful for all that He's done and continues to do for me.

It sounds like a very busy time for the Cook family, but it's sure to be a beautiful time as well. Please tell Bro. Allen thank you very much for his support. Thanks for always watching out for me. Like I've mentioned, I hope not to need the money but I'm glad to know that it's there in case of necessity.

Have a wonderful time preparing for Christmas, and enjoy this special holiday season! I love you all so much, and I think every week that love just continues to grow stronger and stronger. I'll see you on Sunday!

With much love and a big spirit of CHRISTmas (which translates to 'More Christ' in Spanish, almost ha ha),

Elder Jordan Keele

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Dec. 12, 2011


Mirta finally came to church!!! :D I don´t know if I´ve mentioned her but we´ve been working with her for a while now. She´s a member. Inactive. Her husband's atheist. Her oldest daughter got baptized when she was little and hasn´t gone since and her other daughter hasn´t been baptized anywhere yet. It´s been years since she had come to church, one of the reasons being that she has many addictions and problems that she wants to overcome first and THEN come back to church once she´s all in line. (I hope nobody EVER feels like that) It´s just like how in True to the Faith under Prayer, it talks about how sometimes people feel unworthy to pray and that thought comes from Satan. Well the same thing goes for church, we should never feel like we shouldn´t go, that thought comes from Satan. Coming to church to learn and improve even though you have things in your life that you need to work on... is one of the main reasons we go to church! To improve! To regain some extra strength, guidance and help each week as we continually get better. Where as if we don´t go, we will continually get weaker and further away from our Heavenly Father.

So anyway, last Thursday she promised us she would come to church this week! We went looking for some investigators Sunday morning who kept on sleeping, so we decided to go knock on Mirta's door and walk to church together. She said she had just woken up. We said "yay, you´re up"! She said no because it would take her a long time to get ready. We said we´d wait. She said no because she had to bring all the clothes on the line in from outside so we said we would help. haha She finally agreed and though we were late, we walked to church together! (Luckily sacrament meeting is last here :D)

The Acosta girls got confirmed! Although they were so nervous to go up in front of everyone to do it, they did! And they are now new members of the church :D Their mom was sitting behind me and gave me the hugest hug. haha It scared me at first until I realized who it was. "They did it, it´s done!" she said. They´re such a good example to their family. Even though no one else came, they will stay strong with the mom and it´s just a matter of time for the rest of the family to join with them! :)


Well, I love you all! Keep being good! :)


Monday, December 5, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Dec. 5, 2011

Hola familia!! :)

Yes, there was water in the church yesterday!!! :) Actually we went to the church last Friday to check out the baptismal clothes and (tender mercy) the water fixing guy just happened to be there! He was going to explain to us what we had to do and then he said, "Nah, I´ll just come Sunday if you need me to! Do you want me to?"
Well sure!! haha So he did!!! And he made sure there was water for the baptism! :) The Gambarte girls, Ariana and Eliana got baptized! :) They are so cute!! I am going to have my companion send me a couple of the baptism pictures so I can send them to you too!

Well, we finally saw Gilbert again... he´s moving! haha Goodness! We have spent so much time trying to track him down and then last Monday after leaving from an appointment with Marybel, we saw him walking on the street! "GILBERT" He acted like it was no big deal. He asked if we wanted to come the next day? So we did. We went, talked about the restoration again, and the importance of acting on what we know. He said he still believes that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, but he still does not want to give up his hip hop group in his "other" church. Oi! :(

Ariel didn´t come to church yesterday. Well, actually he said he did and then went back because his stomach wasn´t feeling well. Hopefully he´s better now, but Satan's been working hard on him. It´s been 3 weeks since he or his girlfriend have come to church for whatever excuses they seem to be finding. He did however accept a new baptismal date for the 24th of December! We think it will be a better motivator to be able to give up smoking and then be reborn if he does it as a Christmas gift to the Savior! So we´ll be trying to help him have a greater understanding of his Savior over these next couple weeks :)

Way to go Steph!! You basketball pro you! :P

That´s cool that you met Elders who are coming here. Just remember to tell anyone you meet going to this mission that they´ll have the best mission president!!! :D

Gracias por todo
I love you all!


PS Well, I´ll just show you how I wrote my talk when I come home because it´s a mess haha
Computers are so useful!! :)

PPS I´m not sure, but I think they´ll be sending us an email about skype and telephone calls soon :)
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Elder Jordan Keele- Dec. 5, 2011

Hello family,

December is soooo busy and crazy. We had an amazing zone conference last week with Elder Benjamin De Hoyos. I ended up going Thursday to play the piano for them. It went well. Ha ha After a brief break between talks, and before Elder De Hoyos spoke, he asked me if I could play "Haz el Bien" ("Choose the Right"), and I told him I could. He then asked if I could play it well, and feeling a little sheepish and not wanting to feel stuck-up and all, especially to a General Authority, I kind of shrugged my shoulders to say "I don't know" ha ha. Fortunately Pres. Hicken was right there and hearing the little conversation jumped in and told Elder De Hoyos "Elder De Hoyos, don't worry, Elder Keele can play all the hymns and does a fantastic job!". The only reason I share this with you is because it was my little conversation with a General Authority! I had shaken his hand before that and told him I'm from Orem, Utah, but other than that I didn't really talk to him. But his talk was incredible! I learned so many important things. And as always, specific things that I really needed to improve on. I don't actually know where he's from in Mexico though...

I've been trying to ask some of the sisters that we eat with if I can come a few minutes early to have them teach me how to cook. I've learned a few things, I'm learning a few things, and I hope to be able to learn all things that the sisters can teach me. I'm learning to love to cook. We didn't have tacos yet... but I did buy some stuff to make hot dogs, so that was really good.

Nope, Ana is the pioneer of her family. Although we've been talking a little with her uncle and gave him a book of Mormon to read. I know by her example that many of her relatives, past, future and present, will be blessed.

Way to go Steph! It brings me great joy that my team is crushing all the others ha ha :)

Ha ha sorry Jamie, but it makes me laugh that you had to be without electricity for a day. In fact, Saturday evening the power went out in Molango and didn't come back until Sunday morning. But that happens at least once a week. Sometimes for an hour, other times for a day. When I was a kid, I always hoped for a cool power outage, but I think I've had all the fun that's possible to have during those dark times. But that sounds like a lot of damage though, hope things are fixable.

On Christmas, I think we'll just have Sacrament meeting at 10:00, and possibly eat with a member, but I can work around your schedule. I would say anytime after 12:00 my time. I don't know what the time difference is right now. Is it possible to have a 3 way skype call? Because I really would love to hear Jessica's voice. The cell phone I'm using in my area has unlimited minutes to anywhere... so it'll be easier to communicate with you beforehand. If a 3 way skype call isn't possible, I'll ask permission from Pres. Hicken to talk to Jess for even just 15 minutes or something. Also, I'd like to talk to Derek.... before he leaves maybe? That is if he can't for Christmas in the MTC. Pres. Hicken is coming to Molango this Sunday so I can ask him there. But I'd like to call this Sunday to Derek if I can. Sorry to be so confusing, hope you understand.

Love Elder Jordan Keele