Monday, February 27, 2012

Elder Jordan Keele, Feb. 27, 2012


On Saturday morning we called Pres. Hicken to ask for permission to go to the Distribution Center at the temple to buy my companion a white tie for the baptisms (which actually didn't happen yesterday, ahorita I'll explain why). Usually Pres. Hicken, without a doubt, gives permission for things like that, but this time he was a bit hesitant in letting us go. I didn't know why, but after some thought he said yes.

As we arrived at the store, right as I was about to go inside, I saw Hno. Julio Ramírez from Molango! I quickly yelled for him and he turned around and had a huge smile on his face, as did I, and we gave each other a quick handshake and hug. I thought maybe he had just come alone because I remember him telling me he was going to come in February to be baptized for an uncle that died last year. But no, the entire branch, (well, most of them) came! It was such a surprise and miracle! That's probably why Pres. Hicken was hesitant in letting me go, but either way I had no idea they were going to be there.

I got to say hi to the majority of the members. It was such a sweet little reunion, even if it was just for a few minutes. I actually had a dream of them last Wednesday night and woke up missing them a lot. It was a sweet little tender mercy that the Lord saw fit to give me.

We found out Saturday night that Hno. Jorge and Sis. Rosa María aren't legally married, so we're going to get them married on Wednesday and have the baptism the same day. They're progressing really well and the ward is proud to have them there. All 7 of them are really excited for the special day.

I miss all of you too, but time is going quickly. Before you know it I'll be married and have 3 kids! Ha ha, ok, one step at a time...

Rjay and I write even if it's just a sentence or two every week. We're still best of friends and I look forward to seeing him in about 6 months. I'm happy his family still lives in Orem, it'll be fun to visit with them as well.

I hope Marlo can just hang in there a bit longer! I'd like to see him before anything else happens.

I'm sure it's nice for everyone to have Dad home for an extra week-day. It's nice that his work is so flexible and understanding.

I know everyone would be interested to hear that I conquered the pigs feet! I don't know if you'll remember, but in my first couple weeks in Mexico I was given a tostada with gelatin-like nasty pig feet cubes. Well, yesterday I was given the offer, and I couldn't turn it down. It wasn't as bad as I had remembered it to be. I can now honestly say that I've been able to eat everything that's been given to me!

Elder Jordan Keele

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Elder Jordan Keele, Feb. 20, 2012

Wow, amazing week... and the upcoming one will be even better.

A couple months ago Elder De Hoyos in a Zone Conference suggested that when we're teaching a family that we ask them to think of someone they can invite for the next lesson. Well, Jorge (50ish) [Jorge is the man we taught Amos 8 to...], his wife Rosa María (45ish) and their daughter Catia (11) did just that. For our second visit not only were they all there, but Rosa María had invited her sister María Elena and her three kids: Jacqueline, Andrés, and Angela. They're such a faithful and obedient family! They truly are a miracle. Hno. Jorge says he's been searching all his life for the true church, but that every time he had left a different church he said that emptiness was always there. He could never feel satisfied. Well in their first visit to our church he said he felt "full", just as the scripture promises (3 Ne. 18). Long story short, they all have their baptismal date for this upcoming Sunday the 26th. What a miracle all of this was.

Hna. Isabel is such a sweet older lady. I really love her, and all older women. :) She was kind enough to knit me a really nice and thick scarf! It was a gift she gave me. That was really special.

However Sergio, the Jew, frankly told us that he believes all we're teaching him is true, but because of the traditions of his fathers he would "definitely not take a baptism in our church". We're planning to visit him one last time this week, but unfortunately for him, his ancestors, and his future generations, may not be willing to progress and truly accept the restored gospel.

I pray that Marlo and all of his family can deal with the situation in the best way. Every time I hear something like that, at least on my mission, my testimony is reinforced of the Plan of Salvation. It's not easy losing a loved one, but through Christ and his atonement all of our pain can be taken off of our backs. What a merciful plan it really is!

I'm happy to hear about Jessica's jobs! That's, I'm sure, a very nice blessing. I know Jamie loved it there at UCCU Stadium Branch, and I'm sure Jessica will too.

Thanks for all you do, I hope you all continue to do well and have a great week!

Elder Jordan Keele

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Elder Jordan Keele, Feb. 13, 2012

Happy Love-day tomorrow!

Ah, what a nice peaceful week :) However, the rat story's still not over... Oddly enough, last Tuesday that landlord asked if we had seen a little oven in our apartment. We told him we had, (it was the one the rat was hiding in, but we didn't tell him that). Apparently he had lent it to some missionaries a number of months ago and he had never given it back. So they finally asked for it, but we had to clean it first ha ha. Don't worry, there's no more blood or hair in there anymore :)

Ok, that's enough grossing people out :) We've had a progressive week. We knocked on a man's door on Friday and he immediately invited us in... he had been waiting for us. He's been from religion to religion but continues to feel "empty" and "hungry". We helped him apply Amos 8:11-12 to himself and we testified that he finally found what he's been looking for. He came to church with his wife and 12 year-old daughter, and they're planning to be baptized on the 26th. It's been a good week.

NOOO!!! Jess, you do need to slow down! ha ha I want you to be single when I get back! ha ha, Well, at least not married anyway. You just do what you know is right. I'm sure Steph and Tam are excited to watch the EJ's daugther.

I'm sure the new counselor will do a great job. Here in the mission I've learned that sometimes the Lord calls us as leaders because we simply lack those skills, and that's the only way to develop them. Other times He calls us because we have the experience and can bless the lives of many. And other times it's a combination of the two. We just need to be willing to accept whatever calling or assignment God wants us to fulfill. He knows why He does it, we just have to trust him.

I'm so surprised at how fast Derek's time went in the MTC! He's already going to meet his trainer! Oh how exciting!

I'm glad to hear Derek is doing well. He's in for what could be a rough few weeks, especially because of the Spanish. But I know he'll catch on quickly because of his previous experience. He's going to bless so many people! What a stud he is.

If you talk to him again let him know how proud of him I am, and that there's nowhere I personally would rather him be, let alone our Father in Heaven.

I know I say "thanks" and that "I love you" every week, but I really mean it. I think it's also been a blessing to be gone for so long and learn to appreciate all that is and has been done for me, especially by my Christlike parents.

Elder Jordan Keele

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Fat Rat!

Elder Jordan Keele, Feb. 6, 2012

Buenas Tardes,

Oh boy, what an interesting week. I think the last couple weeks I've only shared spiritual experiences, so I'm feeling like today I should share an exciting story. You may not believe any of it, but it is all true... trust me. I even have pictures to prove it.

Wednesday morning, about 4:00 AM I woke up to a thud on the left side of my body, on my bed. I thought in my mid-awakeness what it could've been, and was satisfied in thinking it was just my blanket, although I clearly knew it must have been something else. Either way, I ignored it and quickly fell back asleep. 4:32 AM I woke up again. This time because I got whacked in the head by something the size of a pen. Immediately I woke up, and to my absolute horror I see the back end of a giant, dirty, fat, Mexican rat right beside my pillow in front of my face. I jumped up at once, somehow managed to get my slippers on and took a giant leap to the light switch, the entire time totally freaked out. My companion wakes up thinking I had a nightmare or something and tries to calm me down. I told him it was a rat, but he wouldn't believe me. Long story short, I found him hiding under my bed. So I went and got my camera so I could prove it.

We scared him back into the tube hole where he had come out, then put a broom stick over it and all was good. Went back to sleep a little bit nervous. 5:30 AM we wake up again hearing something in the window above my companions bed. Again, it was the dang rat! Nasty little thing. He had chewed off the broom handle! I'll show you a picture of that too. So we were too scared to go back to bed.

I told you I was going to make this short... We talked to the landlord and he sealed up the hole. We get home at night, and because of a meeting some missionaries had on Thursday morning, a couple others came to sleep at our house. At 10:20, right before we were about to cover up on the floor, we hear some noises coming from the kitchen. We looked and looked and couldn't see any sign of the rat (other than some nice little droppings he gave to us... what a thoughtful critter). Finally, I turn around a little oven thing the size of a microwave and I see the dang thing hiding in there! We planned to just scare it and we made a nice pathway for him to run straight out the door. Well, the stubborn pest didn't like that idea, and we couldn't scare him out of the little place. We had no other choice but to terminate him. Elder Solheim grabbed a broom stick, and using the handle finally managed to choke him in the neck against the metal wall of the oven. Meanwhile I sought my revenge! Muah ha ha. (Tell me if this is cruel or not...). I grabbed the other broom stick that the very rat had chewed off. He made a nice little point on the end there. While Elder Solheim had him trapped back there, I stabbed him right in the head! (I told you you wouldn't believe this).

Anyways, the rat died after squealing a bit, (which was surprisingly loud), and we now have a rat-free home! El fin.

Other than that it's been a pretty progressive week :)

My new companion, E. Terry is from Peru, I asked him about his last name but I forgot what he said :) ha ha but he really is from Peru, right by Lima. My old companion (E. Rubalcava) got changed to be companions with another elder whose previous companion went home due to surgery.

Oh, I don't know of anything specific that I would like in a package except for a Hot Fudge Brownie Sundae from Coney's, but I don't know if ithat's worth shipping :) I'll let you know next week if I think of anything.

You're meeting with Sis. Dalton sounds like a great experience. What a blessing it is to be so close to so many great and virtuous women.

Thanks for all you do and for all your support. I got the big Christmas letter from the Keele family the other day, so please send my best to all of them! I love you all. Have another great week!

Elder Jordan Keele

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Elder Jordan Keele, Jan. 30, 2011

Better late than never... long story. But the good thing is I'm here now :)

What a crazy week. Lots of amazing things happened. Long story short though: Isabel is an 85 year old widow that lives alone. We contacted her in the street three weeks ago, and we've been teaching her ever since. She's the only member in her family, except for a nephew who pertains to another ward. She's always mentioned about her nephew, Felipe, and every time we'd talked about baptism she said she wanted to talk to him first. Finally on Tuesday we went to his dentist office which is in our area. I was a bit nervous because I thought "What if he's inactive and tells her not to get baptized?" etc. Turns out he's a member of the High Council of a neighboring stake! He encouraged her baptism, and well, it happened yesterday!

Isabel is so special to me. She's such a sweet older lady. She's humorous and very intelligent. She understands everything we tell her. At her baptism I was thinking about what a special opportunity it is for her to be baptized near the end of her life :) She's clean of all her previous sins, and I don't think she'll do anything to keep her from exaltation here in the next few years. That was a neat experience.

Wednesday night I was called by the Assistants that my companion and I would have special changes. Friday morning Elder Terry arrived from Peru. He's 23 years old and knows a lot of doctrine of the church. I think because I'm closest to the temple maybe Pres. Hicken put me as his trainer. But whatever the reason, I know it to be God's will. "His ways are higher than mine", and I'm grateful for that. I've learned a lot from Elder Terry in just the past couple days. He's great.

We played basketball today on a wood floor! We offered service last week at the local "Deportivo Galeana", and the man was nice enough to lend us the court, as well as an enclosed field with artificial grass. We had a zone activity there, followed by zone tacos at the church.

It makes me excited hearing about my siblings and their basketball activities. I can't wait to see them live!

Linda had written me a couple weeks ago mentioning the death of Jeremy. I'm glad to hear that Nathan is trying to be a tool in the Lord's hands to help others. Nathan, I know I've talked over many things with Mom and Dad that I may have thought they had never experienced before, but they had. Besides, they too have the ability to listen to the Spirit to help you as their child. Be sure to talk openly with Mom and Dad so between the three of you you can make the best decisions in those situations.

Lately, it's been a bit chilly in the evenings, but usually it's pretty hot during the days. However, the nights should start to warm up as well in February. It definitely doesn't get as cold here in the DF as it did in Molango. From my perspective, my coat is holding up great! I think that's a mighty fine idea to let future Elder Nathan take it on his mission.

I'm sure your two favorite missionaries will enjoy receiving letters from the family. But, just don't forget about me! ha ha

Thank you much and love you much,

Elder Jordan Keele