Saturday, December 31, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele- Dec. 26, 2011

Hola hola,

Wow, time really flies. It seems like just yesterday that I was talking in the living room with all of you! Things were kind of crazy yesterday, I'm sorry if I wasn't able to give my full attention to you at home, but I promise I had been looking forward to that for 7 months, and it came and went too quickly. But that's what the Lord's plan is at this time, so that makes me happy. I was having so many emotions yesterday that I just didn't know what to do. Just to name a few.... it was Christmas, I had to give a talk (and Saturday night and Sunday morning I felt prompted to not give the talk I had prepared, so that added to the emotion), we had the lowest attendance in the branch in over a year, of 12 people, Brother Beltran was the only member of the Presidency there and it was his first time conducting, so I was right there with him the whole way, obviously I got to talk to all of you! and then about the changes and saying goodbye to people.... I'm exhausted. We left at 6 this morning and are here in Pachuca. I find out tomorrow who my companion will be and where I'll be serving for this next chapter of my mission.

It was special though because we announced in Sacrament meeting that those who would like to come with us to give the Sacrament to an elderly sister and sing hymns with us for her were more than welcome to come. Chucho, our house dueño came along with the Beltran family. It was a different kind of Christmas, but it was so special. There are sooooo many things I would like to share, but my time is short, and I'm sure yours isn't much taller either. But someday I hope to share with as many as would like to listen all that I've learned here in Molango in the last 7 months. I love my mission with all my heart. I would never trade it for all that the world has to offer.
The quilt sounds really neat! I believe that the best gifts are those with some kind of emotional value with it. I look forward to seeing it.

The FHE idea sounds great! I know that all who will be in attendance will be greatly blessed. It is a special talk, which reminds me.... I haven't seen it in a few weeks. I'll have to sit down and watch it sometime this week.

No mom, thank you! I loved seeing you all yesterday, even if you've grown a bit blurry lately. I just loved seeing all of your personalities and voices and stuff. Although physically most of you have changed, you're all still the same people, and that makes me happy :)

Have a wonderful last week of the year! Enjoy every moment of it ha ha. I love you all! Travis, happy birthday tomorrow, Derek on Thursday, and Mom on Friday. Eat some real cake for me!

Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- Dec. 26, 2011


Well, it was so good to talk to you all yesterday!! It was funny because my companion got to talk with her family a few hours earlier. Afterward, we left to have a lesson with a member in the ward who had asked us to come over to teach "his daughter-in-law" who is not a member. We had to run back to the Vezenyi house to be able to get there at 6:30 p.m. to call you. Here´s why...

We had just finished eating lunch with the familia Vezenyi (they are the one´s who were so kind as to invite us over to use their skype AND eat their food :D Plus they are friends of Sergio y Florencia. Anyway, we rushed over to go to the house of this other member to be able to teach his "daughter-in-law" and make it back in time for you guys.

We knocked on the door and his wife said she had no idea we were coming over and started cleaning up a bit. We figured he just must have forgotten to tell her since he had just invited us a few hours earlier. He sat us down in a room and said to wait there while he went to get his daughter-in-law. Later his wife came out with two plates of food!! haha

We were already full having just eaten, but we said thank you and started to eat quickly because I wanted to talk to you guys on time. Then he finally comes back, not with his daughter-in-law but some sort of health shake he had just blended for us.

We said thank you and then asked, ""where´s your daughter-in-law?"

He said he would go and see if she wanted to come... haha He also mentioned how he wanted to talk about the Word of Wisdom...

As he left to go "find his daughter-in-law" he just kept asking about the smoothie, if we liked it and all that. We said it was good and he said, "No sugar, no sugar". He told us it was a carrot and apple smoothie and he wanted to take care of us.

We just thought, okay, so he really likes his smoothie. haha

We kept trying to eat our huge plates as fast as we could and THEN he comes back out with the bottle of this powdered smoothie explaining all the good vitamins and things it has inside it.

There's more...
He pulled out this flip chart, sits down and says we're going to talk about the Word of Wisdom with her. I figured that´s a bit weird since we hadn´t even met her but figured we´ll just explain the Book of Mormon and see if it´ll lead into the Word of Wisdom if we need to.) But no, he tricked us!!! haha He went through this whole flip chart thing and at the end called his daughter-in-law when we said we only had 5 minutes left to be able to get back on time.

He kept us after a little bit longer as he pulled out some chart he needed to fill out and said, "Hermanas, I don´t want to forget your name, let me right it down. You, Hermanas, don´t have a land line, right?" We told him no. "Well, actually what about at home, that way we can always keep in contact. What's your address so we can write you letters and your number so we can call you sometime"...

Oh my goodness!! haha He wrote it down on his little Herbal Life chart!! Anyway, we gave it to him. Just so you know in case you get any calls from Herbal Life haha

After we ran for ever, we made it right back at 6:30, but then we couldn´t figure out how to get the skype to call you since you weren´t one of her contacts. And it said if I used a phone number it would make them pay or something, so that´s why I sent you the quick, ZUBAGOO email.

I´m glad you got it! :)

I love you all!!!!!!!
Hope you have a happy new year!!!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas pinata

Poster made for the branch

Steak, enchiladas and beans. Yum!!!

Nativity with Molango Primary children

Molango Branch nativity

Jordan's Christmas package arrived before Christmas!

Elder Jordan Keele- Dec. 19, 2011

Hola familia,

We had an investigator come to church yesterday!!! I had forgotten how amazing it felt to have someone actually make that step :( With all the Pachuca trips, tithing settlement, membership audits, and other things, we've been so busy lately, and we've had very little time during the week to proselyte like normal. However, we had our Branch Christmas party on Saturday, and that was very special. About a week and a half ago we had invited an investigator to church and to the party, but she didn't show much enthusiasm for either one. But as my companion and I and the primary kids were rehearsing for the nativity, Sara walked in! Come to find out, a member here also had invited her to the dinner and so that's why she came. Then she returned Sunday morning to church. Ah, life is good again :)

I still haven't been told if I'm leaving next week or not, but it's hard not to know. I've become great friends with all the members, and it'll be impossible to say goodbye to all of them in one day if that were to be the case. However, I have complete confidence that the Lord will help me do everything I need to accomplish as long as I do my best. We've had to go to Pachuca this month for lots of different reasons. Once for Zone Conference, another time for a meeting for district leaders (even though I'm really not a DL, but just because we don't belong to a district of Elders. We're out on our own here in Molango), another time to Mexico for my Visa renovation, again for the temple thing.... just lots of different reasons. We normally only have to go twice a month, but this month as been four times, and maybe 5 times if I have changes next week.

El-Dere-Keele sounds like he's doing so great! It's so nice to hear from him as a missionary. I know he's already blessing many lives there in the MTC, back at home, and at least one here in Mexico. :) Last Tuesday night I'm sure was a very special evening for all of you.

I don't think I mentioned last week that we were able to call Brother Beltran from the branch as the second counselor when Pres. Hicken came to visit. We're an independent branch, so Pres. Hicken is essentially the Stake President. It's going to be really good for the branch and for his family as well. He has a lot of enthusiasm, and he's got an amazingly solid testimony.

I'll plan to call at 3:30 my time then. I'll give you a call though Sunday at 12 or 1 just to confirm... if you don't answer (because I don't know what time your church is) then I'll just call every 30 minutes until you do. I'm so excited for the skype calls!! I'll probably just use a members account, so don't be afraid to answer it if it says it's from a woman. :)

Lately I've been reading a lot in Jesus the Christ as well as the December Liahona, and I've truly come closer to my Savior this Christmas season. It's probably just the missionary in me that's speaking, but as I see all the decorations here, and the Santa focus, and other such manners of celebration, I haven't gotten so excited this time. It's when I read about, hear about, or talk about my Savior that I've really felt the spirit of Christmas. All the other hoopla is fun, but it's a different feeling. I love my Redeemer so much and am so grateful for all that He's done and continues to do for me.

It sounds like a very busy time for the Cook family, but it's sure to be a beautiful time as well. Please tell Bro. Allen thank you very much for his support. Thanks for always watching out for me. Like I've mentioned, I hope not to need the money but I'm glad to know that it's there in case of necessity.

Have a wonderful time preparing for Christmas, and enjoy this special holiday season! I love you all so much, and I think every week that love just continues to grow stronger and stronger. I'll see you on Sunday!

With much love and a big spirit of CHRISTmas (which translates to 'More Christ' in Spanish, almost ha ha),

Elder Jordan Keele

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Dec. 12, 2011


Mirta finally came to church!!! :D I don´t know if I´ve mentioned her but we´ve been working with her for a while now. She´s a member. Inactive. Her husband's atheist. Her oldest daughter got baptized when she was little and hasn´t gone since and her other daughter hasn´t been baptized anywhere yet. It´s been years since she had come to church, one of the reasons being that she has many addictions and problems that she wants to overcome first and THEN come back to church once she´s all in line. (I hope nobody EVER feels like that) It´s just like how in True to the Faith under Prayer, it talks about how sometimes people feel unworthy to pray and that thought comes from Satan. Well the same thing goes for church, we should never feel like we shouldn´t go, that thought comes from Satan. Coming to church to learn and improve even though you have things in your life that you need to work on... is one of the main reasons we go to church! To improve! To regain some extra strength, guidance and help each week as we continually get better. Where as if we don´t go, we will continually get weaker and further away from our Heavenly Father.

So anyway, last Thursday she promised us she would come to church this week! We went looking for some investigators Sunday morning who kept on sleeping, so we decided to go knock on Mirta's door and walk to church together. She said she had just woken up. We said "yay, you´re up"! She said no because it would take her a long time to get ready. We said we´d wait. She said no because she had to bring all the clothes on the line in from outside so we said we would help. haha She finally agreed and though we were late, we walked to church together! (Luckily sacrament meeting is last here :D)

The Acosta girls got confirmed! Although they were so nervous to go up in front of everyone to do it, they did! And they are now new members of the church :D Their mom was sitting behind me and gave me the hugest hug. haha It scared me at first until I realized who it was. "They did it, it´s done!" she said. They´re such a good example to their family. Even though no one else came, they will stay strong with the mom and it´s just a matter of time for the rest of the family to join with them! :)


Well, I love you all! Keep being good! :)


Monday, December 5, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Dec. 5, 2011

Hola familia!! :)

Yes, there was water in the church yesterday!!! :) Actually we went to the church last Friday to check out the baptismal clothes and (tender mercy) the water fixing guy just happened to be there! He was going to explain to us what we had to do and then he said, "Nah, I´ll just come Sunday if you need me to! Do you want me to?"
Well sure!! haha So he did!!! And he made sure there was water for the baptism! :) The Gambarte girls, Ariana and Eliana got baptized! :) They are so cute!! I am going to have my companion send me a couple of the baptism pictures so I can send them to you too!

Well, we finally saw Gilbert again... he´s moving! haha Goodness! We have spent so much time trying to track him down and then last Monday after leaving from an appointment with Marybel, we saw him walking on the street! "GILBERT" He acted like it was no big deal. He asked if we wanted to come the next day? So we did. We went, talked about the restoration again, and the importance of acting on what we know. He said he still believes that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, but he still does not want to give up his hip hop group in his "other" church. Oi! :(

Ariel didn´t come to church yesterday. Well, actually he said he did and then went back because his stomach wasn´t feeling well. Hopefully he´s better now, but Satan's been working hard on him. It´s been 3 weeks since he or his girlfriend have come to church for whatever excuses they seem to be finding. He did however accept a new baptismal date for the 24th of December! We think it will be a better motivator to be able to give up smoking and then be reborn if he does it as a Christmas gift to the Savior! So we´ll be trying to help him have a greater understanding of his Savior over these next couple weeks :)

Way to go Steph!! You basketball pro you! :P

That´s cool that you met Elders who are coming here. Just remember to tell anyone you meet going to this mission that they´ll have the best mission president!!! :D

Gracias por todo
I love you all!


PS Well, I´ll just show you how I wrote my talk when I come home because it´s a mess haha
Computers are so useful!! :)

PPS I´m not sure, but I think they´ll be sending us an email about skype and telephone calls soon :)
- Show quoted text -

Elder Jordan Keele- Dec. 5, 2011

Hello family,

December is soooo busy and crazy. We had an amazing zone conference last week with Elder Benjamin De Hoyos. I ended up going Thursday to play the piano for them. It went well. Ha ha After a brief break between talks, and before Elder De Hoyos spoke, he asked me if I could play "Haz el Bien" ("Choose the Right"), and I told him I could. He then asked if I could play it well, and feeling a little sheepish and not wanting to feel stuck-up and all, especially to a General Authority, I kind of shrugged my shoulders to say "I don't know" ha ha. Fortunately Pres. Hicken was right there and hearing the little conversation jumped in and told Elder De Hoyos "Elder De Hoyos, don't worry, Elder Keele can play all the hymns and does a fantastic job!". The only reason I share this with you is because it was my little conversation with a General Authority! I had shaken his hand before that and told him I'm from Orem, Utah, but other than that I didn't really talk to him. But his talk was incredible! I learned so many important things. And as always, specific things that I really needed to improve on. I don't actually know where he's from in Mexico though...

I've been trying to ask some of the sisters that we eat with if I can come a few minutes early to have them teach me how to cook. I've learned a few things, I'm learning a few things, and I hope to be able to learn all things that the sisters can teach me. I'm learning to love to cook. We didn't have tacos yet... but I did buy some stuff to make hot dogs, so that was really good.

Nope, Ana is the pioneer of her family. Although we've been talking a little with her uncle and gave him a book of Mormon to read. I know by her example that many of her relatives, past, future and present, will be blessed.

Way to go Steph! It brings me great joy that my team is crushing all the others ha ha :)

Ha ha sorry Jamie, but it makes me laugh that you had to be without electricity for a day. In fact, Saturday evening the power went out in Molango and didn't come back until Sunday morning. But that happens at least once a week. Sometimes for an hour, other times for a day. When I was a kid, I always hoped for a cool power outage, but I think I've had all the fun that's possible to have during those dark times. But that sounds like a lot of damage though, hope things are fixable.

On Christmas, I think we'll just have Sacrament meeting at 10:00, and possibly eat with a member, but I can work around your schedule. I would say anytime after 12:00 my time. I don't know what the time difference is right now. Is it possible to have a 3 way skype call? Because I really would love to hear Jessica's voice. The cell phone I'm using in my area has unlimited minutes to anywhere... so it'll be easier to communicate with you beforehand. If a 3 way skype call isn't possible, I'll ask permission from Pres. Hicken to talk to Jess for even just 15 minutes or something. Also, I'd like to talk to Derek.... before he leaves maybe? That is if he can't for Christmas in the MTC. Pres. Hicken is coming to Molango this Sunday so I can ask him there. But I'd like to call this Sunday to Derek if I can. Sorry to be so confusing, hope you understand.

Love Elder Jordan Keele

Monday, November 28, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele- Nov. 28, 2011

Hola mi querido familia,
Is it just me, or do I mention how fast time flies every single week?

It's been a busy, busy week, with many unexpected things happen. Mom, I wanted to be obedient to you and go for tacos for Thanksgiving but, due to the circumstances, was unable to make the time for it. Maybe this week I'll go in memory of your suggestion. Thursday morning Marìa (mother of a member Manuel, the mom's not a member) passed away. She was born and died Catholic, and we never had the chance to even see her although she lived next door to Manuel, whom we visit and eat lunch with every Wednesday. Well, here in Molango there's not really a funeral service place, just one lady named Rocìo, who happens to be a member, and who teaches Sunday School. She sells some caskets and she kind of prepares the bodies. I think there's a law, or if it's not a law, it's just customary to bury the dead within 24 hours. (I feel like I'm writing very confusingly, but I hope you're following). Long story short, the members and my companion and I gave them support and went over to Manuel's house to watch the casket. In Mexico its customary to watch it all night long, but of course, most of us couldn't stay for too long. We did bring over the little keyboard and sang hymns for about an hour. Then Friday morning at about 11:00 we went over and had the funeral service. We loaded the casket in Manuel's little old pick-up truck and slowly drove over to the cemetery. Manuel is the only child of his mom. Anyway, last minute I was asked to dedicate the grave, and it's a good thing I went prepared with the order of the words in mind. It was a good experience, but I left with just a strong feeling of gratitude for the knowledge that we have of the resurrection and the kingdoms of glory.

Other than that, we went to Pachuca yesterday and just got back this morning. Yesterday at church the lights went out and the fuse box blew up because we tried to use 4 heaters that are huge electricity hogs. We went to the temple on Saturday as a branch... oh, I almost forgot. We had helped Ana, (the 19 year-old that was baptized recently) prepare the names of her 3 cousins that she was so close to that died in the lake 3 years ago. She was able to be baptized for her girl cousin, and for the two boy cousins was baptized Cesar, a deacon in the branch. Ana, Mari, Doricela and Lucio also received their patriarchal blessings that morning. Mari also did baptisms for the first time. President Hicken had a birthday on Saturday. Elder Pintor and I bought him a 6 pack of snickers because we knew we were going see him at the chapel by the temple because some members had some interviews with him. If you weren't confused in the first paragraph, I'm sure you were in the second ha ha sorry.

If you somehow made it through, and wish to continue... this week we're going to Pachuca for a multi-zone conference on Wednesday with elder De Hoyos, I was going to go on Thursday with a different zone because they didn't have a piano player, but somehow it was figured out and I'm going Wednesday unless they call and switch things up on me again. We have to stay until Thursday to rehearse for the mission talent show and somehow they want to do a musical/skit thing with me playing the piano in the background. I have no clue how that'll turn out, but we'll see how things go. Elder Falslev, my best friend from the MTC distric,t was recently made companions with his cousin Elder Chambers, who came to the MTC 6 weeks later. They're zone leaders in Tulancingo. That's about all the information I've got right now. Hope you enjoyed it.

We've been struggling lately in bringing investigators to church. It's been a while since they've come. We hope to be able to find some people who are interested in living a perfectly happy life for all of eternity this week.

As usual, it seems that you've had quite a busy week as well, but a very satisfying one to say the least. I just saw a picture of Derek at Jamie's wedding that he's hugging her and looking straight at the camera... aside from the fact that he looks like a model in that picture, he looks so pure, so innocent, and so ready for the work the Lord has in store for him. He's going to love it so much!

Nathan, I hope you feel better! Dad, good luck with your YW talk! I wish the rest of you success as you go about your day at work, school, or at play. Until next time on the weekly report.

Con mucho cariño,

Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- Nov. 28, 2011

Hola Familia!!

Guess what! I talked in church with Derk yesterday! haha Pretty funny. It was the first time in my whole mission to give a talk in sacrament meeting!! I know Jordan does it a lot! I was really excited though and then I remembered it was Derk's farewell talk too! Crazy, same day, different countries, one about to start, one about to finish! Crazy!

I can´t believe how fast time is going!! :( Today was transfers again, and I´m going to be ending here in Caballito!! :D Wahoo! I didn´t want to leave, but sometimes president gets revelation to make some pretty interesting changes, but I´m staying and so is Hna Smith as well! haha I´m very happy about this transfer!

Well this Sunday the little Gambarte girls will be getting baptized! Our church is out of water again so we´re going to have to go to another church, but at least now we can plan on that! haha

Ariel still has not given up smoking yet, but we were able to go see a baptism with him on Saturday. Hopefully that helps him with his own desire to be baptized. But okay, I've just got to tell you some of the stories my companion and I are having with him or even more, when his girlfriend is there. I think I told you that his girlfriend is a member but just from another ward. Well, we think she is awesome! She can be super dramatic, but we just think it´s so funny!

They´ve only been dating two months but I guess you could say she´s starting to get a "little" impatient with Ariel and how he hasn´t given up smoking yet. So we had just sat down to start the lesson, and we asked them how they had been. Ariel starts saying how Maria del Carmen (his girlfriend) had had a really rough week. So we asked, why? Maria de Carmen loves animals and she has a ton. So he starts to tell us about her pet "rat" that escaped and ran away from her, and as he´s telling us she looks up and stops him and says (in a VERY angry dramatic tone)....
-My... rat? My rat, Ariel? My HAMSTER is white and pure! He has had a hard life because all his family left him but at least my HAMSTER doesn´t destroy his future family by smoking!

.... haha um... Anyway so we calmed them down a bit, started reading in the scriptures, the Spirit came back and then we asked Ariel what he wants most in life?

So he starts to explain with a huge smile on his face,
-"The only thing that I want is to make Maria del Carmen happy for what´s left of her life."
- "What´s left of my life?! What´s that suppose to mean? When am I going to die Ariel? At least I´M not the one smoking purposefully trying to destroy my own life!!"

I know this is not one of my spiritually uplifting experiences on my mission, but it was ridiculously funny so I wanted to share it with you all anyway!! haha She kept finding any excuse to make some sort of "example" about the need for him to quit smoking. But it was impossible to teach because there was so much tension between them. Then we remembered that there was a baptism that night so we invited them. Ariel first said no, which of course, Maria de Carmen didn´t like that answer, y bueno. We all ended up going. My companion and I felt the spirit there and Maria del Carmen felt the spirit and later apologized to Ariel for her impatience. Ariel said he didn´t feel anything strong but he said he liked the baptism anyway. At the end when they dropped us off they told us that they just love us so much and consider us like children. :) We feel the same way -- we consider them like children too haha nah jk. They´re just funny!!

Well I hope you all keep having another wonderful week!! Love you Mucho!!!

Elder Jordan Keele- Nov. 21, 2011

Dear sweet family,

I think it was just last week where I said that time is flying fast, but I just feel the same. I can't seem to find a way to slow time down, so I think I'll stop trying. I gave another talk yesterday in Sacrament meeting, then the gospel principles class followed by the priesthood class ha ha. The brother that teaches priesthood called me yesterday morning and said he wouldn't be able to make it. Anyways, it all went really well, and I'm sure I learn 10x more than any of the ones listening, so I love to teach and talk. I just love studying the gospel. Sometimes I wish we had more time to study, because 1 hour a day just isn't enough! However, like Alma said, I do sin in my wish, for I should be content with the time the Lord has given me.

Rosa Emilia has been doing better emotionally. She and her husband broke up and he took the kids... it's a long confusing story, but it's been very hard on her. We've been helping her a lot this past week. In fact, I got bit by another wasp while we were sweeping in one of the rooms upstairs. My thumb grew 3 sizes that day [Jordan always loved the Grinch movie] ha ha but all is back to normal now.

I think I do remember her... I think her name is Kelly? Maybe I'm wrong. I really wasn't too social in high school, I kinda just stuck to my own thing. But the mission has surely changed the way I look at things. I remember a talk by Pres. Eyring where he told of an experience where he helped a man shovel some mud out of his house from a flood in Idaho like 35 years ago.... he said that if they were both to have worked alone, they both would have lost a spiritual blessing. I think sometimes we need to ask others to help us not cause we need it necessarily, but because they might. I don't know what that has to do with being shy in high school, but whatever...

I think this Thursday won't be any different from last Thursday :) But I'll be sure and eat something rico to celebrate at least a little bit. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Enjoy the time together.

Mom I love reading of your experiences in the TRC and in your life. I don't remember much of The Living Christ, because I really haven't reviewed it much here in Mexico. I may try to memorize it in Spanish, but we'll see. Good luck continuing with it. I know you can do it!

Derek, good luck on your talk this Sunday! I know it'll be great. If you could send me a copy I would love to read it next week :)

I don't foresee any problems in skyping on the 25th. Here in Mexico the bigger celebrations are on the 24th night. The 25th is usually a nice relaxing day. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Con muchisìsimo amor,

Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- Nov. 21, 2011

Hola Familia!!

Well it´s been another week full of surprises.... haha

The Gambarte family is progressing. (Well part of them anyway.) We read Ether 12 with them Tuesday, and by Thursday Andrea (the mom) said that they were still talking about what a beautiful lesson we had had Tuesday. (I love Ether 12!!) The two little 10 and 12 year old girls are the cutest things ever!!! They are such examples of why we should try our best to become like a child! She said that they are always waiting for her with their Book of Mormon to read right when she gets home from work. haha They had a million questions during the week. My favorite was this "So let's say there is someone who only went to church once... how long would it take for them to get baptized?" hahah

So cute!!!! So we asked "Do you two want to follow the example of the Savior and be baptized?" and with THE biggest smiles on their faces they looked at their mom "Mamá, Can we?" hahah I love them so much!! Andrea said it was up to them and they both accepted. :) We set a date for the 3rd of December. Sad thing is they lost the baptismal date because they didn´t come to church yesterday. Here´s why...

So I think I told you that the parents are separated but still living in the same house right just because the dad doesn´t have any other place to go. Every time we´re there the dad seems fine. We can tell he´s got an angry personality but nothing ever happens and he actually seems interested in the message. Well, apparently he is abusive. Saturday night we got a call from one of the older daughters saying that her mom told her to call and let us know not to go looking for them in the morning before church because they won´t be there. They went to sleep over at a friend's house. We tried to understand more, but she wouldn´t give us anymore information than that. Sunday night we had an appointment with a less actives at the park. So we went but we couldn´t find him. The park was crowded so we decided to walk around, and if we couldn´t find him we´d just do contacts. Well for some reason we had to meet at the park even though we never found the less active we were trying to meet up with. All of a sudden one of the little Gambarte girls ran up to hug us. :) She looked so shocked "What are you two doing here?" So she took us to where her mom and uncle were sitting and she introduced us to her brother and explained what had happened. Apparently the dad went a little crazy Saturday and they left to get away from him. One of the little boys got hurt but nothing serious because he was off playing soccer at the park.

Hna Smith and I were soo happy to have found them! We were worried about them all Saturday night and Sunday. and the Lord helped us find them! :D Que Bendición!!

Well, about saving me turkey, haha yeah that would be fun!! :D

Wow, I feel like I JUST found out where Derek is going, I can´t believe it´s already time for his farewell talk. And YES!! I would love to see Derk in the TRC. haha That would be fun!

I think memorizing the Living Christ is a wonderful Idea, just like Elder Scott said how when we memorize a scripture it can be a friend for us in a time of need. I love my Savior. That reminds me, right now we´re working with a less active who no longer believes in deity. She started taking some philosophy courses at the university, stopped reading her scriptures, stopped going to church. Her husband still comes every week with his little boy but asked us to start seeing her. Although it strengthens my own love and testimony of Jesus Christ, it makes me so sad when people don´t believe in their own Savior! Hopefully we can help her trust in what she already feels. Her thing is she´s just scared about believing in something that isn´t real even though she´s had experiences to prove that it is true. We talked about the story with Moses and the serpent on the staff. JUST LOOK In the end, she committed to read the whole Book of Mormon again and we promised she´d receive a firm answer before she finishes.

Well, I gottta go now but I love you all!!
Talk to ya next week,

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele- Nov. 14, 2011

Buenas tardes everyone,

Mom, you're absolutely right, time passes by very quickly. There have been lots of changes in the mission lately, but that's pretty much always how it is. However, things have been pretty calm here in Molango. For most of us that is. I would kindly ask for your prayers in behalf of a member named Rosa Emilia. She's going through some enormously difficult family situations right now. More difficult than I feel comfortable sharing at this point. But I would ask that you may keep her in mind. She's a wonderful woman that's been through a lot, and she just needs to feel peace right now.

I'm so glad you had the opportunity to watch the talk (Jordan is referring to a talk given by Elder Holland in the MTC last January where he says that a missionary should never return home the same as he left). I really wanted Derek to see it before he goes. Maybe he can even take it with him and I can send another copy home for Christmas. Let me know if that's what you want me to do. And that's so true, Jessica, you can't go back! Mom, I don't think I'm ever coming home. It won't be the same anymore. My mission marks the point in my life where I've completely changed. Nothing will ever be the same. That's how it was intended to be, and that's how it needs to be. We're in this to the end, and while it starts at baptism, the mission really is the point where we realize all that we have learned is true. Derek, when you say goodbye on the 14th, make sure it's forever!

I'm glad G'ma Judy got my letter. Even though I don't really know her too well from before, it's nice of her to do what she does. It's fun to respond to her letters.

I loved the Salt Lake Temple experience! It was unforgettable! I know Derek will love it! What a good goal. I'm so proud of all that's been happening lately over there!

Wahoo Steph! I'm so proud of you! You'll be a part of the Lady Bruins! Ha ha the memories!! I remember that Mika Pinner played for MV when she was in 9th grade, and it did really help a lot. I know it might be difficult, but Steph is really going to make a big impact on the team. I can't wait to go to her games in support of her! Have a great season, Steph!

I remember Megan Goodman really well. She was a great player, but most of all she was a team player. Steph, if you see her, tell her how happy I am to hear that she's going on a mission. I never thought I'd write home about her ha ha. Anyways, tell her hello for me and wish her a good mission!

I look forward to hearing from Jamie and Travis. I hope all is going well with them. You mentioned last week that now that they've settled in you don't hear from them very much. Also, I was thinking (I know it's a bit far away, but so you can be planning it out), for the Christmas call in this mission we can do it on the 24th or the 25th at pretty much anytime. I'm sure for you, and probably for us too Sunday may be a really busy day. Especially for you with church, presents, family, and 3 missionary calls. (actually idk if Derek will call on Christmas... but anyway). If you want, we could maybe do it Saturday morning or afternoon. Whenever is best for you. There are a few members here that have skype capability, and I would love to do that again for Christmas. Something to think about.

Love, Elder Jordan Keele

P.S. I'm glad too that you didn't open all the files yet :) Don't worry Mom, Christmas is coming soon!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Nov. 14, 2011


Nuts!!! If only you knew how long and hard I´ve worked to get a copy of Elder Holland's talk!! The beginning of this year president showed it to us all the time. I LOVE IT!! I´ve seen it many, many times and I´ve been trying to get a copy, but I was either turned down or I´d get transferred when I found someone willing to make me a copy. Then randomly at district meeting JUST last week an Elder brought it and gave a copy to my companion and me. I was SO excited to watch it with all of you! And now you already have it, easy as that! hahhaha I´ll just leave this one for my companion then. It makes things easier :D hahahha

Anyway, today we got tramites (visa paperwork) done for my companion so I got to see the Obelisco again! AND I was able to get the Christmas package you sent me! Thank you very much! No worries, it got here in time and no, I´m not waiting to open it :D just in case you're wondering. But thank you very, very much for your notes and the sour candies and pictures!! Love it!

Let´s see, this week was a busy but good, good week. We are working a lot with a part member family called la familia Gambarte! Just to explain a little bit of their situation, the parents are separated but they are living together just because he´s got no where else to go. They´ve had 8 kids together but one just recently passed away in June from a bad pregnancy. She was 16 and had twins, but they survived. When I first met the mom, Andrea, about a month ago she was very angry with God. We invited her to church and she just said NO straight up even though her 10 year old daughter wanted to go. She didn´t want to believe what we said when we talked about God's love for her.

But now it´s a lot different. We passed by a couple weeks ago and she´s in more of a mourning/sad mode. Her "husband" started getting really interested when we talked about being able to do baptisms for the dead. Then this past week we were able to talk more in depth about the temples, being sealed as a family and doing baptisms for the dead. None of her children have been baptized. After that lesson when she walked us out, she said "There´s something you guys don´t know, we´re not together. He´s just here because he´s got no where else to go. But he´s not good for the children".

Anyway, so they´re not together but they´re together. But it was good that he showed some interest because it opened the way for us to talk more about how she can see her daughter again and the steps she needs to take to be able to be baptized on her behalf. She´s still a little bit sad and angry, but she´s got some sort of spark of faith or hope because she came with us to church yesterday along with her amazing 10 and 12 year old daughters, Ariana and Eliana. She´s going through a lot right now, but Ariana just sits and hugs her every time she cries. The three of them came to Church yesterday!! :) We were able to have a member give her a beautiful priesthood blessing of comfort. She committed to come to church and pray day and night for 4 weeks to see if it helps. :D We know it will!! It´s sooo important to NEVER stop reading the scriptures, saying your prayers, and going to church! Those seminary answers are key to a happy life now and hope for a better life in the world to come!

Steph!! Congratulations on making the basketball team! :D Wahoo!! And thanks again for the Christmas package and your love and support! :) I love you all


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mexican bee sting!

Celebrating Halloween in Pachuca!

Jordan, Ana, Elder Pintor

Learning to make Mexican tortillas. Yum!!

Elder Jordan Keele- Nov. 7, 2011

Dear family,

We had our interviews on Thursday. We left at 7:00 am, arrived at 10:00, finished at 10:45, went to McDonalds (I was craving a big mac), then headed straight back to Molango. We didn't really waste much time. It was re-affirmed to me that I'll be here at least until December 27th. But I'm happy to hear that. This past week Dia de Muertos was celebrated. Lots of orange flowers, alters, fireworks, and other commotion. But all has finally settled down a little bit, at least for a few more days.

We're working on ordaining a member that's been a priest since he was baptized like 7 years ago. That'll help us with a lot of responsibilities and even out the load. One thing that is a little burdensome is that each home teaching companionship is assigned to at least 6 families because of so many less active and part member families that are on church records. I hope our landlord decides to be baptized soon so he can help out and receive these blessings.

I was thinking of Bro. Allen this last week because I noticed on my calendar that he had a birthday. I'll write him a card, but if you see him, please congratulate him for me! He's such a good man.

Ha ha Mexican transportation is kind of different. From Pachuca there are buses that leave every few hours, but because the road is sooo windy, usually rainy and wet and only 1 lane, the buses take about 4-5 hours. Plus they cost about twelve bucks (American bucks). Taxis leave whenever they get filled up. They use a Tsurus. It's about the same size as the Prizm, if not smaller. In back fits 3 people and in front 3 as well. Right behind the stick shift they put a little cushion for the middle person, and the feet go in with the passengers seats feet. Taxis usually make it in 2 and a half hours, because they drive insanely fast, pass everyone, and it gets pretty scary sometimes. E. Castillo and E. Pintor get sick every time, in bus or in taxi. I've been fortunate and don't feel too dizzy. Taxis also cost like $8 too, so we save a little bit of cash.

Good luck Steph! Maybe you can be the first Keele to make the basketball team :) At least out of us kids.

Life continues to move on. Investigators seem to come and go faster than normal, but we're doing our best to sift out the elect. All three families that have been baptized since I've been here, (Mary, Doricela and Lucio, and Ana) continue to make a strong contribution to the branch. It's been a blessing to be strengthened by them. We have lots of work to do though before they can be completely self-sufficient. I know the Lord guides us as we strive to be worthy of His divine assistance.

I love you all,

Elder Jordan Keele

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Nov. 7, 2011


Nope... Gilbert did not get baptized. He knows the Book of Mormon is true, but he´s not clicking with the whole faith = action thing. He didn´t even come to church yesterday... :( My companion and I had a very "fun" pressure filled weekend haha Ugh!! Anyway, we´ll see what more we can do for him.

Today we met up with our district at this restaurant that reminded me a lot of Tucanos because they keep bringing you more meat. It was so good!!!! The appetizers were empanadas. I first got a chicken milanesa napolitana, then pork with a sweet barbecue sauce, next some awesome steak and fries, and last their creamy delicious chocolate ice cream!! Oh, and instead of a chicken heart, the fear factor food for this place was a blood sausage. Google "morcilla" if you want more details on that. It spreads like Jam. =)

Are you getting excited for the trek? Oh mom, that reminds me about the time you asked me if I thought Jordan would feel left out when you all are gone for that trip. I can´t remember if I answered you or not... So now I am going to :) I am very excited to bond with Tammie, Dallin and Jordan on our weekend together!! I even had a dream about that last night! haha It was funny, but yeah I´m pretty sure he´ll understand. Fulfilling callings are important and we´ll make it fun! :D So no worries!

Right now we´re working a lot with a member in the ward whose name is Samantha who just recently got reactivated! She´s awesome!! She actually ran away from home when she was 16, fell away from the church, later got disowned by her family and started living with another family who was really active. In June or July she just moved into Caballito. (She´s 26 now btw) She´s awesome!!! She doesn´t have a job right now and she just signed up to feed us lunch every single Tuesday and Thursday in November!! haha She will be very blessed! We´re teaching her best friend, Conrado, as well. Every time after they read the chapters we leave them in the Book of Mormon, she looks up the cartoon videos of the Book of Mormon stories (the ones we always watch on Sundays) so that her friend can understand it even better. She´s an awesome missionary!!

Ariel still smokes like a chimney, but he´s progressing. We ate lunch with him and his girlfriend yesterday. (Oh, sad fact, I lost my camera cord the last time I promised you I´d send pictures and it didn´t work. Well I´m pretty sure I left my camera cord plugged into the computer and I haven't seen it since :( so not that you´ve seen a ton but you won't be able to see any more pictures during my mission...) Anyway, instead of a pack a day he got to 1/2 a pack over Saturday and Sunday!! PROGRESS!! :)

We´ve got our interviews this week, and I think President is coming to our apartment! I heard about that meeting of Sergio and Florencia in Peru. They met Pablo´s (hijo of the Vezenye family) mission president. He just got his call last week to Cali, Colombia. I´m not sure if President Gulbrandsen goes to another country for meetings. I think they actually do a lot here because President Arnold lives in our mission. Also, Elder Christofferson is here right now. I don´t know if we´ll get to see him but hopefully!! :)

And that´s about it! I love you all. Keep being good!! :) haha


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele- Oct 31, 2011

Dear family,

I don't have much time today... really. I'm in Pachuca and our taxi to Molango leaves in a few minutes. Anyway, we had a wonderful week. Ana was finally able to get baptized! It was such a blessing. She wanted to do it in the "Cascada", or waterfall of the lake. I think 1) because it's pretty ;) and 2) because she didn't want to do it in the lake because of her two cousins that drowned there. I apologize for not bringing the cable for my camera, but I didn't think we'd be in Pachuca this long. We came on Saturday for the financial meeting which was fantastic! I just love how the Church is in every aspect. We went back to Molango after the meeting. Then after church yesterday we headed straight back. Our travels aren't through yet because we have interviews with Pres. Hicken this Thursday here in Pachuca. I don't like little spaces :) but it is what it is, and we just have to make the most of it.

E. Pintor ended up coming with us because ALL of the other priesthood brethren of the branch were out of town. C´mon, there's only 5 of them.

At night it's been getting pretty cold. I have no idea what temperature though.... But in Molango we've literally lived in clouds for the last few days. We've got a couple cool pictures of some thick fog.

Oh man... I just read your amazing stories and comments on dad's class. Mom, thank you so much for sharing all of that with me.

Saturday night before heading back to Molango the sister that was supposed to talk on Sunday called us and said she wouldn't be able to go. Since we were right there with Pres. Mercado, he asked E. Pintor and me if we'd step in. I've now given four talks here in Molango, but I think this was my favorite one. On the way home Saturday night I pondered if I were to leave Molango, what would be the one thing that I would want the members to remember. The most important thing. As my thoughts wandered through a variety of important gospel topics, I kept thinking about "Clinging to the Iron Rod". That's what it was about. I didn't cry, but I can't describe the feelings I had as I closed my personal conversion story about the Book of Mormon, and about how much I love the members here. I don't know how to explain it, but I felt invincible for those few moments. I know this gospel is true. I told the members that I chose this topic and thought it to be the most important because if we constantly cling to the Iron Rod, there's no way we won't see each other in the Celestial Kingdom.

I love you all, and it's time for 3 hours of extreme discomfort. Have a wonderful week. The Book of Mormon is true, and it's one of the greatest treasures we can obtain in this life.

Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- Oct. 31, 2011

Hola Familia,

I completely forgot it´s Halloween, but happy Halloween to you too!! =)

What a week!!! haha It was really very crazy, but I've got to try to make this short. Gilbert didn´t get baptized. =( That´s a story I´ll have to give you more information on in the future.... But as it turns out there was no water in the church... again!! Remember how that happened with Esteban and then the sacrament meeting when we had soda instead of water? Well, that seems to be a more and more frequent problem here in Caballito.

Anyway, Gilbert had already had his interview. He even brought his clothes to church because we were going to go to another building to have it. Then right before it was to happen... he chose not to. It seems he took the whole, "not having water thing" as a sign that he should not get baptized.... AHhh!!! Satanás es poderoso pero no tanto como Dios. We told him it was Satan trying to stop him because he was about to do something that God wanted him to do. But he said "Really, because in my other church that didn´t happen when I got baptized"

....Exactly!! haha What can be so obvious to us can be so confusing to others. Satan tried to stop Joseph Smith only when he was about to receive a true answer from God not when he started going to one religion or the other looking for answers that aren´t true. If Joseph had taken that as a sign that he should just go back to one of the other religions, we would not have had the restored gospel!

In the end, Gilbert accepted to pray about another baptismal date for this Saturday. We would´ve and should´ve done it last night, but he had a hip hop thing he wasn´t willing to miss.) Please pray for him. Pray that over the week he can learn and grow rather than fall further and that he can understand why Satan is trying to stop him from getting baptized. He´s such a good kid. I know it was Satan trying to stop him because he´s a 19 year-old kid away from home, looking for answers from his loving Heavenly Father. He´s a future worthy priesthood holder, full-time missionary, and father to lead his family to eternal life!!

Bueno, I hope you all had a great week!! Dallin good job on your talk!!!! :D Love you all,


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blister after the basketball game!

Playing basketball

Jordan and Elder Falslev

Elder Jordan Keele- Oct 24, 2011

Buenas tardes,

We've had a pretty weird week. Lots of first time things happened to us, some good and other things not so good :) Ana finally came to church and was super happy there. We only met with her once last week because if she's not going to come and progress, then there's only so much we can do. But she did come and now baptism is just that much closer. President Hicken asked that I attend a financial meeting with branch president Mercado that the Pachuca Mexico Stake is putting on this Saturday. My companion will stay in Molango with another member. I love it here, and I can't tell you how fast the time is flying. I've been in Molango for almost 5 months already! I'm assuming I'll be here for Christmas, but anything can happen.

Your trip sounds like it was so much fun! That's awesome that you went snorkling. I understand why it'd be kind of scary, but it sounds like it'd be really cool. And Jamie and Travis went para sailing?! That sounds like fun!

I had no idea about the only two attacks on U.S. soil. What a blessing it is to have the protection and freedom that we have.

Elder Workman spoke to us when I was at the MTC. I don't remember what about, but I have his notes in my notebook.

Oh man, I don't remember that about grandpa, but I can only imagine how dad's yells sounded ha ha... "yÁhoo!".

Wow, all that flight stuff just sounds like a big mess. But I'm glad all was worked out and that everyone is now home, safe and sound.

I hope everyone has fun with the Japanese student. Thank you all for your wonderful examples and for doing all the good things you're doing. I enjoyed reading about your Hawaiian adventures, and I hope you can understand my cluttered comments about your trip. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!

Love, Elder Jordan Keele

Elder Jordan Keele- Oct 17, 2011


I'm glad to hear that you've all, well, almost all, have made it safe and sound, and are enjoying a bite of paradise!

We've rearranged the hometeaching assignments in the branch, and hope that that'll help them fulfill their assignment. Last week in priesthood we read Pres. Uchtdorfs conference talk from April about living up to our privileges. If we aren't feeling joy in our priesthood, (or any other) assignments, somethings not right. Hopefully that'll help them a little bit step up a little higher so we can progress as a branch, and as children of God more effectively.

Ana still hasn't gotten baptized yet, due to difficulties with her mom. But I have a good feeling about this week :) She has a super solid testimony of the Book of Mormon, and once she's in, she'll be in for the eternities for sure. I can't wait to see her progress and make an influence in the branch.

Sounds like you had a great experience at Sacrament Meeting. I'm sure the families of those two elders were super happy to hear that! Thank you for including their comments in your e-mail.

Mom, I think to a little extent I know what you mean about the little moments of inspiration. The other day Elder Pintor were trying to think of what member we could ask to accompany us to a lesson with an investigator that day, and we decided on Hna. Sara Mari. Right after we said her name, and turned the corner, we saw her across the street and thought, "Yup, she's the one!". The Lord wants so bad to be a part of our lives and guide us by the hand, day by day, hour by hour. We just have to be sure to be always listening to what He's trying to tell us, and be worthy of hearing it as well.

Whoa Mom, hold your horses! You're talking about Novemeber of 2012 already? I haven't even thought of Novemeber of 2011 yet! Ha ha jk, but I would love to stay home with the little kiddies next year ;)

Thanks for all you do, and just keep being righteous!

Love, Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- Oct 24, 2011

Hola Querida familia!!!

Yes, I got my companion on time and everything. Her name is Hna Smith. She´s from Virginia but for the past year she and her family have been living in Utah. She´s awesome! I feel so blessed because she´s all ready to work and I´m so happy about that!!

Gilbert's doing great. He´ll be getting baptized this Sunday. Ariel is having a real tough time quitting smoking though. He is used to smoking a TON! He did get a priesthood blessing yesterday with the bishop and another member that his girlfriend seems to have known. And he has improved in building his faith also, so we´ll keep daily contact with him and keep praying that he can have the strength to quit.

Another investigator that´s progressing is Ruben. He´s got a lot of family problems going on.. For example his current wife left him and took his youngest son. To be completely honest, I think part of the reason was to humble him. Becasue seriously there was a huge change in him from our first lesson to our lesson last night. haha The first one he had a list of questions (he was an old investigator that we set up an appointment for) to try and contradict us and argue his points of view.Then last night he said, "look I´m really not in the mood to talk about the Bible. I don´t even want to fight or defend it right now.

But he let us in anyway, and we handed him a triple with the cover on it to read DyC 58:2-4 with him. He paused as he read it and said how he really liked what it said. Then he continued reading and said he loved it and how he felt a lot of peace and comfort. Then he asked, "wait a second, what book is this?" So we started to explain, but then he looked like he wanted to fight about it so we just said, "you know the important thing is how you feel when you read it! Like how you just said you felt! That´s how you can know this book is true!" His look changed from defense to confusion and he said, "Every time I see you guys you bring me peace. I want you to come more. Can I ask you one thing? Please don't stop coming. I need you! "

It's a complete miracle because last Saturday when we tried to set another appointment within the week, he said that´s way too soon. I was thinking next month. At least a week or two. Now he told us he wants us to see him more. :) We´ll probably be stopping by tomorrow. I´m super excited. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

I LOVE MY MISSION!!!!!!!!!! Just want you all to know! I can´t believe how fast it is going by.... It´s okay though. I´ve got a "fresh" companion who´s ready to work and I'm pretty sure that we´ll be together until I "die" with this new 12 week training program. OH, and just another perk... WE got a mini DVD player in our apartment now because we get to watch the District 2 DVD´s during our companion study. Our study time is also 2 hours long instead of just 1). We also get to watch other DVD´s, many of which I have had my entire mission unused because I never had a way to see it before watching it directly with our investigators. Y bueno I just love Caballito!! :D

Love you all!!! Thank you so much for all the conference talks! :D We were able to watch Elder Holland's in our district meeting last week. It was amazing but I´m excited to read it again now. :) I love you all so much!!!


PS. Diego´s doing well. He´s assistant to the president and loving every minute of it. Stefan is serving in AUSTRALIA... my dream vacation!! hahha

Hna. Jessica Keele- Oct 17, 2011

Hola Familia!!

I´m in Vicente Lopez!!! But just for today. Hna Iñigo went to Almagro and my new companion will be flying in tomorrow.. Hopefully. The volcano in Chile erupted again and with all the ash falling we´ve heard that they closed the airport again... Pero that´s the plan for now at least. :D I´m happy to be staying in Caballito! And remember the Sanchez family I told you about right before I left from Vicente Lopez? Well I get to see them again because we´ve got a family home evening planned for tonight! Que bendición!

I got your letters today!! :D along with one from Diego, Grandma Judy and Stefan (from New Zealand). Gracias a todos!!

November would be about perfect to come back next year, if not October. By then Maribel and Josef should be getting sealed together FOREVER in the temple!!!! :D Hopefully it will be the same time. I actually just told them last night. haha

We haven´t had contact again with Gillermina. I´ll keep trying to call her though!

I had a really good week :) There was a sister from another mission that called the offices and wanted us to see her boyfriend. She was a missionary 16 years ago, got married in the temple but it didn´t work out. She´s waiting for her divorce to still come through, and she wants to marry a worthy priesthood holder. She told us how she´s falling more and more in love with Ariel. When we first talked to her on the phone, she was sooo excited that she had gotten in contact with us. She told us "You guys will be angels for us!!! Remember what I'm telling you!!" So we´ve got some work to do so that she can still marry a worthy priesthood holder! :D He accepted to "prepare" for a baptismal date for the 30th, but he´s got to stop smoking and from the looks of it, he smokes a lot!! But he´s so sweet and so is she!!! Sometimes he doubts if God really exists and how he can know the truth or if it´s just a wish. We could REALLY use your prayers so that he can have the strength to quit smoking and receive an answer that the Book of Mormon is true! :D

The other person we are preparing for baptism is Gilbert. He´s Joseph Chavarry´s cousin. He´s progressing a lot and he´s got a baptismal date for the 30th as well. I´m so happy to see the family Chavarry so excited to share their joy with others! Marybel kept saying I just want to be a member already!! She and Yahir just got confirmed yesterday and are officially members of the church now!:D

I'm seeing so many blessings from the Lord!! Not only in my own life but I love to see them in the lives of others, following their obedience!! The gospel is amazing!!! I know it is being directed by the Savior! Keep studying it daily!! Mom thank you for the conference talks!! Keep them coming please :D I made a little Liahona and read them all while my companion was talking to her family yesterday for Dia de la Madre. (Y FELIZ DIA DE LA MADRE...AQUI) haha And YES, I´ve heard all about Elder Holland's talk and how él estaba "Bajando la caña" a los jovenes. I would like to read it! I love you all! Thanks for all your support and love,

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele, Oct. 10, 2011

Buenas tardes mis seres queridos,

We've had a great week, and this one looks pretty promising as well. Ana didn't get baptized yet, and the Devil is working pretty hard against her. She could benefit a lot from your sincere prayers. We've helped her cling to the Book of Mormon, and we're sure that nothing will stop her this week. However, we did have two baptisms in the branch on Saturday of 8 year old members. Yahir Mercado- the branch presidents son, and Dhamar Rodriguez- the daughter of a very faithful sister. Yahir's mom, Miriam, went all out for the baptism, and it was a wonderful opportunity for investigators. There were at least 60 people there to witness the ordinance, and over half of them were non-members. We hope to see some solid fruit for all the efforts. It was crazy, and it was a lot of work, but it was all worth it and everything turned out nicely in the end. Afterwards we celebrated the birthday, and lemme tell ya, Mexicans sure do know how to throw parties! It was fun :)

Today we're in Pachuca staying a couple days with our zone leaders. It's only the second time that my "son", Elder Pintor, has even seen missionaries since he's been in Molango. But we have another meeting next Monday here, so he'll be able to mingle a little bit more frequently.

I'm so happy to hear about Shannon McQuarrie. She's such a wonderful woman, and I'm happy to see that she can find that peace and happiness that she so desperately needs. No divorce is easy. It looks like she's taken things positively, and that seems to be key in every challenge we face.

That's a really neat quote by that applies perfectly to what just happened for the Provo Tabernacle. Thanks for sharing that with me.

I love you all and can't wait to hear your experiences!

Elder Jordan Keele

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Oct 10, 2011

Hola Familia!

Gillermina moved!!! Que loco!! But anyway, her baptism wasn´t until this Saturday (the 15th). Maribel got baptized yesterday with her son, Yahir! The wedding was short and to the point!!! There was a judge, Marybel and Joseph (the newlyweds), two of their friends to be the testigos, 2 members from the ward, us and their son, Yahir. The judge just asked them a few questions, announced them husband and wife officially, and they put on their rings, signed a paper, y bueno. That was it! No promised blessings or advice, nada!! I imagine it was VERY different from all the temple marriages that you guys had. (But they´re on their way to that one too!! They´ve just got to wait 1 more year to go :D). The baptism was "super linda", we had a lot of support from the ward! WE took SOOO many pictures. Since they don´t have a camera, we were their photographers. I even remembered to bring my camera cord today... but there is no place to plug it in on this computer :( I know I always have some sort of excuse not to send pictures, but I promise I try!!! Next week fo sho! ...unless, of course, one of us gets transferred. My companion's been here a long time. There´s usually no time those days. SO if not then the next week! Wow, I can´t believe how fast this transfer has gone!!!!!!! :(

Okay, so Saturday we had an appointment with Gillermina. Once we got there the guy that answered the door said she had moved. She had mentioned it but we thought it wasn´t for another month at least. We tried calling her over and over again but couldn´t get a hold of her until Sunday. She said she was in Provincia, (I´m in capital so in other words, she was too far to make it to church.) Where she was staying is not where she will be officially because she´s still looking for somewhere to move to. :( It´s an interesting story, but wherever she ends up we hope to get her permanent address so that she can continue on in the church wherever she is. Meanwhile, she promised to come to church with us this coming Sunday. :) Pray that everything goes well and that she can still get baptized and settled down in a good ward.

THANK YOU MOM!!! Very very much for the Conference talks. I've put it all onto Microsoft Word and made it the smallest it can go. I´m going to make my own little Ensign. So yeah, you can send me the other ones too for next week please :D Muchisimas Gracias!

I love that quote by CS Lewis, and that´s so true! Even with us, sometimes we get knocked down so that he can build us stronger. We just have to be patient and put our trust in him! :D

Congratulations to Shannon Peterson! :D Are they going to be staying in the ward then? How is the ward? Any new people? Any old moved out?

About the Christmas package... I don´t think I´ll be needing anything. Just the pictures and maybe some airhead sourZ. :D I still miss sour candies.

I love you all!!!!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Oct 3, 2011

Hola Familia!

I wasn´t able to see the first few talks on the Saturday session due to some satellite connection problems :( And when we finally got it, we only got it in Spanish :( haha I want to ask if you could copy and paste the talks (in English please haha) and send them to me in an email. I´ll put it into word and print it. Because we´re not going to get that Ensign until December or January at the earliest...So if you could do that for me today. Por favor!! I will be soooo happy!

I´m pretty sure I saw President Monson's talk, but I somehow missed that part! Awesome. I didn't know that the Provo Tabernacle was going to be a temple!!! That´s soo cool. If I wasn´t so in love with the Salt Lake Temple I might consider marrying there. I don't know, we´ll have to see :P Have they already started building it then? Is there an expected date of when it might be finished? I saw the picture and was like "What is this?" I thought it burned down. Then I noticed the Angel Moroni and was even more confused. Then I decided to read your email to make sense of it. :P Awesome!

Conference was amazing!!! We also had a wonderful miracle. Our church is the stake center so everyone gathered here for conference. And we had a wonderful miracle. A member from another ward came up to us after the 2nd session Saturday. She had met a lady (Gillermina) in the street the other day, started talking to her and invited her to conference and she came!! :) She lives in our area so she came to introduce her to us. We invited her Sunday as well and she came to both sessions. She was able to see the baptism (other elders in our zone). Afterward we asked her if she´d like to be baptized and she said yes so she´ll be getting baptized next Saturday, (the 15th). From what she´s told us so far, she´s had a very hard life. This was her first time EVER going to a church and she felt the spirit so strongly or as she put it, she said she felt "good, something very good in her heart". She is truly someone the Lord has been preparing, and she's ready to receive the gospel.

At one of the lunches that we went to last week, the member told us that one of the construction workers that was working on her house wanted to meet us. She thought it was weird but said okay and after lunch when we went back down to meet him he told us that he had a dream with us. Actually with four sister missionaries. When my companion and I walked in he said that he recognized Hna Iñigo (my companion) right away. :) The sad news is he committed to come to conference but neither he nor the member came. But we´re going to be passing by this week.

Derk, you got off way easy with the wisdom teeth!! I couldn´t even eat for 2 weeks. Oh guess what!! I know your mission president's son! :) Elder Bruce was in the MTC with me. We weren´t in the same district there but when I was in Almagro, he was in my district. Now he´s in my zone. Hna Gulbrandson (my mission president's wife) asked me Sunday how my family was, and I told her that you just got your mission call to Antofagasta. "OOOOHHHH" :D She shot up. She told me Elder Bruce´s parents are the mission presidents there. Que loco no? So then I told Elder Bruce and he said he was going to write them today and tell them. He said he´d put in a good word for you. :P It´s still a small world!

I think if I had to choose... Elder Eyring's talk was my favorite! Well, I don't know. They were all good but I LOVE being a witness of my Savior. I wished I could have heard it in his voice. It´s kind of weird watching him getting emotional but the voice in Spanish just doesn´t match it. haha But in my heart I could here him. How it would have been anyway. I WAS able to here President Monson say "Hello" though haha (Because the Spanish comes in after about 5 seconds.) :D It reminded me of the way dad says Hello, or "Rabbits" hahah I don't know why but it did.

Okay, good news. With all of the weddings I´ve missed this summer now it´s my turn to see one!!!!!! :D Wahoo!! haha Marybell (an investigator) and her "husband" (pareja) Joseph will be getting married this Thursday. Then on Saturday Marybell and her son will be getting baptized :D We are very excited for them. They are on the right track to becoming an eternal family and they are soo happy. Yahir, (the 8 year old son) reminds me so much of Josh Keele!!! haha Seriously he´s the Latin version of Josh!!

Bueno that´s all the news for now. I love you ALL!!! I hope you treasure up in your hearts the gospel and what it is. Oh and I want to share a scripture!! Jacob 4:6. I love it! What a blessing it is to live in a time with living prophets AND have words from ancient prophets! :D Everytime I hear them it´s so easy to see that they are sooo full of KNOWLEDGE: and like the scipture... that´s how I feel. It's like I return from listening to them with unbreakable, unshakable faith!!! If we ever doubt, we don´t have to look too far to be reminded of how true the gospel is. :) Anyway, till next week,


Conference in Molango

Preparing the tv for Conference

Waiting for Conference in Molango

Elder Jordan Keele- Oct 3, 2011

Dear familia,

I don't know where to start. So many miracles. So many good messages. So many blessings. So much happiness.

We watched conference at a member's house. We had some pretty good attendance, especially from investigators. The members are really working hard to give us references so we can better help the progress and development of the branch. I loved every bit of conference. Because it wasn't on the internet yet, we were unable to watch the Priesthood session. As a branch, we're planning to download it and watch it together on Wednesday. I heard it was good, and I just can't wait!

I haven't studied enough English to know what words to say to express how I felt on Saturday morning, and even still right now. When I heard Pres. Monson announce the new Provo temple, I was sitting alone with so much excitement and gratitude that I couldn't sit still. I didn't have anyone to express my joy with, because no one here understands the magnitude of what just had happened. It was hard to sit still. Then, I started doubting my Spanish abilities and thought I must have understood wrong. It seemed too good to be true. After the session was over, I went back and changed it to English and listened to that part again. It was true! I heard right! I can't believe what's happening. My new life goal is to be the first person to be married in the Provo Tabernacle Temple. Thank you so much for the picture. It looks so beautiful! I'm printing it off and putting it on my desk forever :)

I've thought a lot about how merciful God is to His children that do their best. I've felt his merciful love many times here on the mission. Especially at times when I may not have the best results for my efforts, or I may not have been as obedient as I could've been, but then repent and sincerely try my best. I felt a huge tender mercy when I was asked to be a trainer again after I had felt like I didn't do very well the first time. I felt it again when I was asked to come here to Molango after I felt that there were many other missionaries that were more fit for the job. And then I just felt it on Saturday. Even though the new temple is a huge tender mercy to many, I personally felt that my Father in Heaven was blessing me even though I fail Him so much. I need to be more deserving of the blessings he's already giving me.

Bernardina is progressing very well, and so is 18 year old Ana. However, Ana has a little set-back that I'm still not sure how to deal with. Three years ago, two of her little cousins drowned in the little lake. She was devastated. It hurts her so bad that every time she thinks about it it brings her to tears. It hurts her so bad she hasn't been down to the lake ever since. It hurts so bad she can't even mention the name of the lake, "atezca"[this is where the baptisms take place]. This morning in the house of prayer, E. Pintor and I had a wonderful lesson on the healing and enabling power of the atonement. It was a very powerful lesson. She has the biggest desire to be baptized that I've ever seen in anyone. We'll continue to work with her and prayerfully decide what we need to do.

I don't know if you can fit a little bit of 'love' in the package ;) That's all I care about ha ha. Seriously though, nothing comes to mind. But thank you for the offer.

Have a wonderful week, and get to work on your repentance- changing EVERYTHING that needs to be changed that's blocking you from receiving all of God's blessings.

LOVE Elder Jordan Keele

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Sept. 26, 2011

Hola Familia!

Aww, you had to celebrate without Derk. Pobre hombre :D But, the temple is what´s important. Our ward here just went to Uruguay Thursday and Friday to go to the temple. If I haven´t said this enough, I MISS THE TEMPLE!!! You can plan on it being one of the first things I do when I get home! The MTC sounds very interesting now. I´ll be excited to go and try it out too! (QUESTION, Derek´s not going to the Chile MTC right? He stays in Provo the whole time or no?)

Carmen got baptized Saturday!! :) She´s so sweet and was so prepared. She had 1 friend come to see it who just so happens to have a Book of Mormon already. :) We´ve got plans to start visiting with her as well. Her name is Magda.

Holy cow, Conference is this weekend!!! :D I´m so excited! And the best part is that we get to watch it here in Capallito because it´s the stake center!. It´ll be the first time I don´t have to go in bus AND train looking for our investigators to drag them in before it starts.

It´s starting to get hot here.. ALREADY!! Just the past few days actually, so maybe it´ll go away. And Mom I think you jinxed me last week by saying I haven´t gotten sick on my mission. (But it´s okay :D) I must have gotten the stomach flu or something because the day before Carmen's baptism was not a very healthy day for me. :P Ah well, enough details.

I´m happy to hear that you're doing so well each week. I love you ALL!!!


Elder Jordan Keele- Sept. 26, 2011

Dear family,

It's been a very interesting week, as it usually is. Lots of weird things have happened including drunk people. I won't mention much about it because it could be dangerous, and it's sad. I'll just put things this way, I've been bowed to, called master, called king, and basically worshiped multiple times. All by intoxicated people. It's weird, kind of funny, but mostly just sad. I hate alcohol with all my heart. It's such a terrible addiction, as all addictions are.

Saturday night E. Pintor and I had one of those "one more house" experiences. It was almost time to go home, and we thought, "let's just knock a couple more doors". So we did. The second door we knocked was Bernardina's. She's going through lots of difficulties right now, and we were able to invite her to read, pray, and come to church. She said she felt like she has very little faith but that she wants to gain trust in Him again. She did end up coming to church yesterday so that was a huge blessing.

Then, last night (Sunday) we had another one. We had a lesson at 8:00 p.m. with a man, and we planned to go with branch Pres. Mercado. At 7:30 we thought for a second to just go chill at Pres. Mercado's house and maybe go early to the other appointment, but remembering what had just happened the previous night, we thought to just contact a little bit more. As the Lord always does to his children who are obedient and diligent, we were blessed again. This time in finding a family with 7 eligible baptismal candidates. We're going to do everything we can to make sure both Bernardina and Sta. Lucía and their families enter the waters of baptism in preparation for an eternal salvation.

Mom, Irma (an investigator that hasn't come to church yet) says hi. She was surprised to find out the sacrifice of not being with or talking to family other than e-mail that we have as missionaries, and she feels for you.

We're planning to watch conference via internet at a members house. I'll be sure to take and send pictures. I probably won't be watching it in English and won't get the privilege of listening to the messages in the voices of the prophets, but I'm excited anyways because I know it'll be just what I need to hear.

Is Nathan seriously already dating and going to dances? I'm going to have to ask for pictures or else I probably won't believe it.

Jeff and Jill both went to Salta as well? Wow, it seems like Argentina is just the place to be for our ward. Well, not for all of us, but I guess a few. Tell Taylor congratulations! I'm so happy for all these wonderful people I know that are choosing to be a part of this amazing, life-changing labor of love.

I remembered this week that Kenny Millard went to Chile as well. I don't know what mission though. Also either Bradley Fletcher or Christian Despain (two elementary school companions) went somewhere in Chile. I'm sure Derek will meet somebody I know there.
I was reading in Preach My Gospel and found a suggestion to improve my invitations to people to come to church. It suggests to ask my family members how going to church every Sunday has blessed your life. Could you maybe each write a short little response for that question? Muchas gracias.

I hope you have a productive and wonderful week too! This gospel is 100% true and there's nothing more important in all the world than sharing it with others and living it ourselves. I love you all! Dad, Mom, Jamie, Travis, Jessica, Derek, Nathan, Stephanie, Dallin, Tammie, the hamsters, Lady, all my friends, and all my extended family, and anyone else who just happens to read this and doesn't fall into one of the previous categories! (I know, I'm weird).

Elder Jordan Keele

Monday, September 19, 2011


Elder Jordan Keele- Sept. 19, 2011

Hola familia!

What a pleasure it is for me to write a few words in English to my people back home. We've been struggling to bring people to church lately, but I know that as we continue to be obedient and diligent that the Lord will bless us. I know the people have their agency too, so I guess sometimes I just have to realize that. But we're doing our best. Our dueño de la casa hopefully might get baptized this week. We're going to talk to him later tonight. His name is Chucho.

It's only a matter of a few years where you won't have any kids in the primary program.... of course, soon it'll be grandkids!

When Elder Castillo was here, we had to go to the house of prayer several times during the week to work on MLS things. Usually while he was doing that I played piano for a few minutes. Plus on Mondays a lot of times we just go to the house of prayer to play piano, because there's not a whole lot to do here in Molango. But now that Elder Castillo is gone, and I'm in his spot as 2nd counselor in the branch presidency, I really don't have a lot of time to practice. I don't know if I ever mentioned that....

I was actually thinking of Sis. Alder earlier this week. I hope she continues to hang in there! She's such a champion woman. Just send her my love and best wishes, if you would :)

Ha ha I do remember that huge bumblebee at the Smith cabin. I guess that's one huge bug that isn't very common here. But I'm super grateful to have gone there too. It makes testifying of the restoration and of Joseph Smith so much more personal and meaningful.

I still have most of my vitamins. I know I should be taking them more regularly, but I really just forget. I haven't ever been sick so you're right, I've been very blessed. I'll try and remember to be healthier and take them more consistently.

I love you all and am grateful for everything you're doing. Have a wonderful week!

Love Elder Jordan Keele
P.S. I'm trying to attach a fun little video... hopefully it works out.

1224- Molango!
1231- Updating some MLS stuff ha ha
1235- E. Pintor's 19th Birthday on Saturday the 17th
1243- We ate pancakes, bacon and eggs this morning! Wahoo for an american meal!

Hna. Jessica Keele- Sept. 19, 2011

Hola Familia!!

Los Vezenyi me dieron un abrazo fuerte por parte de los Krasnoselsky ayer :D haha Son tan buenos! Pablo es misionero del barrio y lo conocí mi primer sabado al bautismo del nieto de la flia, Senrra (capás lo conocen también.) Su hermana, Concepción, también estaba y tocaba el piano mientras esperabamos para empezar. La mamá es presidenta de la sociedad de socorro y el papá también me dijo que su fuerte apretón de manos fue como dandome un fuerte abrazo de los Krasnoselsky. jaja Me parece que son una familia buenísima!! Mi compañera las quiere mucho a los Vezenyi :) He preguntado a todos si los conocen a la flía Krasnoselsky pero ahora no me recuerdo los nombres todavía. jaja Perdón. Pero sí, muchos los conocen y dicen que son una familia muy humilde!! Así es. :)

Awesome! Copiapó, is where Hna Campos is from. She just went home last transfer!! Maybe he´ll meet her :) Oh, how I miss the temple!! I can´t believe Derek is going already, Que loco!! :D

Yup, my companion and I woke up to the sirens of the ambulances in the morning. [There was a terrible bus/train accident not far from Jessica last week that killed 11 people.] (Can you believe I can wake up to noises now? haha) Then we later found out what happened through the members and investigators. Apparently there was another one like it a day or two later. I don't know if it was in our area too or further away, but we didn´t hear anymore ambulances so maybe not. And yes, the driving is crazy!! I guess I had forgotten just how crazy it is because I got use to it until Hna Huish came fresh from Arizona and kept holding her breath every time we got on a bus. "Hna. what's wrong?" "Look!! Look how close he is to that other bus!!" "Oh verdad"

The lady who came to church last week is Carmen. She will be getting baptized this Saturday!! We could surely use your prayers to secure her baptism. If we have to postpone it, it will be 2 weeks before she will receive the Holy Ghost because the next week is General Conference. (Which, by the way, I´m super stoked about!). Also, the Porley family is trying to overcome a few strong addictions. Yamil (Esteban's sister) could use your prayers, She is praying to know if God wants her to come back to church, so you could pray that she gets an answer and is willing to follow it :) She´s super sweet!!!

I have been thinking a lot about our trip to Palmyra this week for some reason!! And today I started reading Our Heritage which reminds me all the more about it! I´m so grateful for Joseph Smith and all the pioneers who had such strong faith to do what needed to be done so that the church could be as big as it is today!

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!! :D


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele- Sept. 12, 2011

ANTOFA- (whatever it is...), CHILE! WAHOO!!! Derek, I'm super excited for you! I knew you'd be going to South America. I was thinking Brazil. But I'm glad you're going Spanish speaking, even if they do have weird accents and words there :P

Yesterday, President Hicken came to visit the Molango branch. He and his wife spoke in Sacrament meeting and after the services the branch had prepared a little luncheon. It went well, and it was a blessing to have my mission President so closely involved in our work. We had prepared a choir, and I was privileged to test out a little arrangement I put together for "I stand all amazed". It's got some room for improvement, but I think it went pretty well. I was really hoping that Hna. Miriam (the branch President's wife) would be ready to play at least one song for the Sacrament Meeting. Unfortunately she's been too busy for the past couple weeks with too many other things and hasn't found time to practice. Pres. Hicken, in front of me, asked her how it was going and motivated her to continue with it. She's so close, just a couple weeks and she'll be there.

Mom, I finally got Jamie's wedding invitation yesterday. I was sad to see that it had already passed! I'm so sorry I missed it. Maybe if the invitation would've gotten here in time I would have been able to attend. Please forgive me. :P ha ha jk

Wow, what a small little world Jessica's living in. That must be special for her. Do you think it'll be her last area? Can you believe that's even a possibility?! Time flies...

Wow Derek, what a special experience. I can't wait for you to get out there and tell us all about it! Ha ha I'll appreciate the wave from Derek. Just tell him to look for a sea of cement as he flies over to Chile, and that's where I am ha ha. He's going to do so great. I know he's so prepared, and he'll be a blessing to so many right from the start.

Thanks for keeping me updated on everything. I love you all so much and am so proud of every single one of you!

Elder Jordan Keele