Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Waiting for the blown tire to be replaced

My new arch-nemesis

A small view of Molango from the top of the mountain

Elder Castillo sweeping the water

Water sneaking into the house

Molango from our rooftop

Elder Jordan Keele-June 27, 2011

Buenas tardes,

It's been a busy week. We did a lot of work preparing people to go to the temple this past Saturday. We left at 5:00 AM, all jam packed in a big van, (24 in total), and headed towards the temple. About half-way there one of the back tires blew up, so we had to stop and get that fixed. It wasn't bad though. We finally arrived at the temple at about 10:30, and 8 members got their patriarchal blessings. Afterward, a couple stayed in the Visitors Center, (including Maria that was just baptized), a few others did baptisms for the dead, and the rest of us went up for an endowment session. Afterward a member that was also recently baptized into the church, David Beltran, had his Melchizedek Priesthood interview done from President Hicken. On the way home we got pulled over for no reason and that was another 45 minute delay and another 1000 pesos, (80 dollars). But, we got home safe and sound around 10:15 at night. It was a good trip.

It's been raining every day this week. Rain here in Molango is not your average rain. It'll pour super hard for five minutes and the streets turn immediately into rivers. No one is outside either. It's way beautiful though. The other day we went hiking to see an investigator, and she lived up in the mountain ha ha. Right as we were saying the closing prayer of the lesson, it started to pour. We had no choice but to go and enjoy it. We walked down the muddy river-street and just loved it. By the time we got home to change, our shirts were completely see through and my brown pants I was wearing magically turned to black. I'll send you a picture of one I took from on the way up to that house just before the rain started.

We've had to sweep water out from our porch everyday so it doesn't flood in the house. When we were gone all day Saturday we got back to water that had snuck in under the door about 5 feet in. But nothing was lost, on the contrary, a lot of neat experiences were gained. :)

Good job Nathan! I'm excited to hear all about your experience!

Also Dallin, I need a picture of you in your new suit! Way to go bud, you'll be an excellent Deacon along with your little buddies like Todd and Bryan.

It's always good to hear that all is well. Or at least that nothing bad has really happened :) We are here to have trials, and we're here to enjoy them. We knew completely about that when we covenanted to come down here in the first place. Always remember to just "Smile Away!"

I love you all and don't you ever forget it!

Elder Jordan Keele

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- June 27, 2011


More changes!!! Well, Thursday we got a call that Hna. Bray and Hna. Vargas will be over the area of Urquiza and VicenteLopez 1 & 2 are no more! Back to just Vicente Lopez!! Oi, haha My area is HUGE!!!! But the good news is I now for sure have your reference in my area! Were you able to get his information? Y conoce a alguien más que nosotras podemos enseñar? haha :D

Bueno, one experience that I liked yesterday was with Didier. He is the son of a less active who is starting to reactivate and wants her son to get baptized. They went out of town for a week, and we didn´t think we were going to see them until Tuesday. But they surprised us yesterday as we saw them walk passed our Principios del Evangelio class. We went out to make sure it was them, and they were outside the primary room door. He didn´t want to go in and his mom was trying to convince him to go. Then my companion had the idea to go in and grab Benjamin, an 11 year-old boy who had gone with us to one of the lessons to meet Didier before. He came out smiling and invited Didier to go inside. Didier said, NO! Then Benjamin slapped his hand on Didier´s shoulder and said "Vamos" (let´s go) and they both went in smiling! It was cute!!

Bueno, Jonny is progressing! And I now have la familia Romero again!! :) They were a referral my first transfer here! They are an amazing, amazing family!

Bueno, Jamie I love your dress!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D It is so pretty!!!!!!!!!!! Did you cut your hair to shoulder length also or is it just the picture?

Well, I love you all! Keep strengthening your testimonies! I Love you!


Monday, June 20, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele-June 20, 2011


Elder Castillo, (my comp) gets all the credit for that picture :) It was such a blessing to be a part of that baptism. I shared with Grandma a little about how the water was really cold, but as soon as I lifted my arm a feeling of gentle warmness immediately came over me and Maria. She's such a wonderful lady with a lot of difficulties that are slowly being resolved as she lives the gospel. She was confirmed yesterday at church.

Gema continues to put excuses for not coming to church. We'll continue inviting her, but we have to kind of move on a little bit. When she's ready, she'll come.

We taught a referral, 18 year-old Ivan. He's into alcohol hardcore. He drinks every single day. He also has some smoking issues. But he has a desire to stop. Friday morning we talked about the Word of Wisdom and challenged him to stop completely, and with a little hesitation, he accepted the challenge. Things were looking good into Sunday morning. He hadn't had a single drop. We went to pick him up for church, and he came and loved all 3 hours. He's a special guy. His family is all Catholic, and earlier his mom didn't want us to come. But after seeing him start to change, she asks ''when are you coming back?'' and always gives us some soda to drink. However, last night we called to check up on our new friend, and he had been drinking with his friends. It's going to be hard for him to get over this addiction, but nothing is impossible with the help of the Lord, and the prayers of many righteous saints.

Poor Johnny! And poor Stephy! I hope you can find a new one that she falls in love with.

The party sounds like a lot of fun. Although, it may have been more fun for everyone that came than it was for Dad, or at least at first. But that's usually how surprise parties go. Congratulations Dad! I don't feel like you're 50, and hopefully you don't either ha ha. But I heard a quote in the MTC that said that you'll be old a lot longer than you are young. I don't know exactly why I'm sharing that, but it was just on my mind. My companion told me his dad always said you're only as young as you feel. That's probably true. Age might tell you how old you are, but it has nothing to do with how young you are.

I think I remember seeing my cello book one time with all the piano books somewhere. If not, possibly in my cello case. I know that's a lot of work, but hopefully you can find it. I'm still way excited about Dallin playing the cello! Soon we'll have a family orchestra/band + drums and guitars choir! Cool!

Unfortunately the computer I'm using isn't ''camera capable'', but I'll try and find one next week to send some pictures.

I love it here, and I love Elder Castillo. We're kind of the same in a lot of ways, and it really helps us be better.

Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- June 20, 2011

Hola familia!!

Your surprise party sounded fun!! :D

Wow!!! Thank you for the reference. You have to send me more info so I can meet this family:) That's awesome, my own mom could give me a reference from Utah. The gospel truly is spreading all over the world! Me encanta!

My companion's name is Hna Alfaro.. She's my 4th companion from Chile haha "Ya po" :P (That's what they say). She's awesome! Y ya sabe todo igual. She served a mini mission in Chile a few months ago. She told me I remind her of her dad haha hmm.. hombre. But that's okay because she reminds me of RJAy.

I'm eating Sweet Tarts right now!!! :D I almost screamed when I saw them and scared my companion. We were in line at the supermarket, and I was about to buy a face wash and well, they were about the same price, (CARO!) Y bueno, I replaced it for the Sweet Tarts. I may regret the decision once they're gone BUT I really wanted them!! hahah

Ahh y MAMÁ! Rompí mi cámara o sea se rompió :( I don't know how. I am going to try and take it somewhere next week to see if I can save it because today is some sort of holiday and everything is closed. It took us forever to find an internet shop! Pero quiero mi cámara :( I can still see my pictures but the lens won't open to take new pictures. So if you see me take out money next week, it'll be for that!

Yesterday we ran out of coins for the bus, and it was Sunday so we couldn't buy anything to get more coins as usual. So we walked ALL DAY! We had 0 set appointments and a whole list of old investigators to visit. Either no one was home, they had moved away, or they weren't interested anymore. BUT we found a couple of people we wouldn't have found otherwise. Our list of former investigators live in a more dangerous area where all the members tell us not to go. (Pero todo esta bien) Anyway we don't go there very often and when we go there we don't stay very long. As we were walking some streets I've never walked before, there was a big group of drunk men yelling so we decided to take a more round about way to get to the house we were looking for. We walked down another street and there were only a couple of men at the end so we decided to go for it. When we were almost to the end it scared me because one of the men started to cross the street. My mind told me to keep walking but my companion had stopped. "Hey chicas! Do you have something for me to read because I've got all day" So we gave him a pamphlet and then started to walk again when he called after us again. We stopped and suddenly some other men came speeding into this warehouse he was guarding. He went in and started yelling at them. My companion and I looked at each other like...ummm do we wait or do we go now?

But we decided to wait. But when he came back out again he thanked us for stopping and said no man should have the kind of problems that he has right now. We promised him peace in his life for reading the pamphlet. He started tearing up and told us that he had to leave his family in Peru and hasn't seen his daughters in over 14 years. I don't remember how we got onto the subject but he ended up telling us that he's in something that my companion later told me is like the mafia. AHH! I don't know but it's something against the government. But it just made me think how much the Savior truly loves ALL of his children and has prepared the way for ALL men to repent!! I hope we can find this man again. He didn't give us an address but we have his phone number. I love the gospel and know it's the only way to help him!

Bueno, time to go now. It's good to hear from you all!! Keep strengthening your testimonies everyday!! I love you all so much!


Monday, June 13, 2011

Maria's baptism in Lake Atezeca

At Maria's baptism with three of her grandchildren

Traditional shirt burning on 1 year mark!

Elders from MTC District 20-B reunited in Mexico- Elders Pemberton, Keele, Castillo & Falslev

Elder Jordan Keele-June 13, 2011

Buenas tardes!

Que gozo es escribirles de nuevo, y a reportar en lo que ha estado sucediendo aqui en Molango.

It's been a really busy week this past week. But I'll just share a brief portion of what happened this weekend. We had been working with Maria all week long preparing her for her baptism and, with the help of the Lord, were able to get her all set and ready to go. On Sunday she showed up to the house of prayer with two bags. The plan was to go directly from the House of Prayer after the 3 hour block to the Atezca (the name of the little lake here in Molango) with most of the branch for her baptismal service. Maria had prepared 60 tamales the night before, staying up until 2 am to get them all done so she could share them with the branch before heading down to the Atezca. She's such a humble, sweet lady. She's really not a lady of much money, but she made it happen. At the baptism service, tears came from her eyes as one of the brothers shared his testimony of the plan of salvation. Maria had recently lost her husband about 3 months ago. It was a really good experience, and I was blessed with the opportunity to baptize her.

Gema is the name of the mother of the girl that died a few weeks ago. Service is really opening the door with her. At first, she was kind of hesitant. So we've just offered to help her set up her paper store. We've gone by a few times this week to help her out with it. She's getting more and more open with us and hopefully this week she can make it to church with us.

That does sound like a fun day! I love season passes. They're a great blessing, and the keep the kids busy doing good and fun things.

Jamie's dress really does look super beautiful! I'm so glad things are going so well for the wedding preparations.

That makes me really sad about the hamster. I didn't even expect these feeling in me and I don't even know the critter! I hope he'll be all right. And if not, I hope his replacement will be just as good. Steph's a tough girl, so I'm sure she can handle whatever the outcome may be.

I totally forgot that Dallin is going to do cello. Way to go buddy! That's awesome! I never rented, because there were extra cellos at the school, and my teacher never made me pay for it. I kind of lucked out. I've missed the cello, and I'm excited to get back to playing it. But good luck Dallin!

I love everyone today. Some days are just like that :) I sincerely hope everyone can take their challenges and make them strengths. Elder Castillo and I learned how deep Ether 12:27 can go. I think what we were discovering may not apply so much to English, because it's a bit different in Spanish. But it says that if we GO to the Lord, he'll make our weaknesses strengths. Not just turn towards Him. But that also means that we should never get discouraged when we're trying to do things right and things just seem to go wrong, cause that's how it's supposed to happen. We wouldn't be made stronger if we don't struggle a little bit. So go about your days with gran ANIMO and the Lord will take care of the rest!

Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- June 13, 2011


Mom, thank you so much for your faithful emails! Inserio, it didn´t even worry me last week. For one thing, I got to see the picture and figured you´d be writing anyway. I´ve had companions that go weeks without hearing from family, but I´ve never had to even doubt that you will write me! Just want you know how much I truly appreciate your letters and all that you and Dad have done for me to be able to have this opportunity! I LOVE my mission!! And I don´t want to know where I would have been if I didn´t have the opportunity to serve a mission. Aww, but I can´t believe how old I am on the mission!!

Congrats, Jamie, on your wedding dress!! Send me a picture for next week! :)

Awww,. I´m sorry to hear about Steph's hamster! :( What an amazing loving Heavenly Father we have though that has prepared a plan for each one of his creatures!

Yesterday we had a stake/Argentina conference. President Packer, Elder Anderson, Elder Zivic and Sister Rosemary Wixom spoke to us! Elder Anderson spoke Spanish himself and there was a part in President Packer's and Sister Wixom's talk that they spoke a little too! Y bueno, Elder Zivic is from Buenos Aires, asi que tambien habló español!

Well I´m nervous, surprised and excited! There´s so much to tell that´s happened this week, but first of all...

My streak with kicking out my companions continued. Hna Cariola is the 4th companion that I´ve left or that´s left me during a transfer. I´m starting to expect it. But, she left me last Monday to go back to Almagro for an emergency transfer. (Hna Moreno had appendicitis.)

Then Katy (Facundo´s mom) called me saying that her other son, Johny, decided that he also wants to be baptized!! ;D Que ejemplo Facundo! We´ve never even been able to teach Johny before.

I saw Maria y Luis at family night last night AND David Salbeti!!! I don´t know if you remember me telling you about him way back in Campana, but he was the guy that said "Hey chicas! What are you selling?" to Hna Peña and me. Well, he was very happy to tell me that he has the priesthood now! :) Wahoo!!

Our apartment keeps blacking out! The first 3 times was our fault but the past two have not been! We had to hold flashlights for Hna Salas as she packed up everything last night. Que loco!!

Y bueno, transfers were today, and I´m going to be training. I still don´t know anything about my companion and won´t until tomorrow, if she´s a ("Gringa") or Latina. We had a meeting with President today, and they´ve changed the whole way they´re training now. We´re going to have 2 hours of companion study instead of 1 so we´ll be leaving at 12 everyday. That´ll be interesting. AND, they say the transfer is suppose to be 12 weeks... but we´ll see if I make it 2 transfers with the same companion haha Nah, but I´m very honored to be training, A lot of things have been coming to mind that I need to change and be a better example in. I hope I can be like Hna Peña! She was definitely the best "mami" :) She was so patient with me. She leaves next transfer, SOO CRAZY!!!!

Y bueno, that was a little bit about my week! OOOH and I met two elders that I´m suppose to pass a message along for! First of all to Jamie. Elder Unrau! He said, "Hey Sister Keele, do you have a sister that works at a bank?" -uhh yes!- "Ah because I met her about a year ago and she told me she had a sister that was going to the same mission. Finally I met you. Tell her hi!" Jamie, I even remember when you told me about him! You couldn´t remember his last name and just said it was something weird and that I should remember. Do you remember?

And an Elder Bennett. I think he was in Jordan's graduating class. I´m actually not sure about the last name, so if I see him again, I´ll have to double check. But someone who knows Jordan says, Hi.

Now I'm done! I love you all! Keep being good and doing what´s right!


Monday, June 6, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele-June 6, 2011

Hello, hello from my little pueblo!

I can't tell you how well things are going here in Molango. Elder Castillo and I are just the best of friends, and the Devil's got nothing on us :) We're in the middle of a little valley with mountains surrounding us, and it's just beautiful. Tomorrow we're going to visit a sister that lives by the viewpoint of the city, so I'll be sure to take my camera. My companion is the second counselor in the branch, and we've been doing a lot of clerk work and stuff. It's a lot of fun.

We just got news about the new mission. I'll be staying here with Pres. Hicken in the Mexico City East mission, and it's such a blessing. I love President Hicken, and it's an honor to be serving in his little "project". I do have some missionary friends that are going to the other mission, but it's all right. It's all the Lord's will.

Congratulations, Tyler, on your wedding! It's still weird for me, and I don't think I'll get used to either Tyler, Nicole, or Jamie being married until I get home.

I heard all about Elders Oaks and Cook that came here. Our mission wasn't invited this time, but the youth of my last ward went, and we had a couple investigators go and love it. I'm sure I'll get a chance to hear from a general authority here in Mexico, but not this time.

We have a couple people that are supposed to be baptized this weekend. Rosa Delia and Maria. They could use your prayers. We're striving to get on a roll so that would help us get a good start. Almost everyone in town knows everyone, so references come pretty easily. We had the opportunity to talk to a lady that her 3 year-old daughter fell off her two story house and was killed just last week. We talked about the plan of Salvation and sang a hymn for her. She was busy with funeral things so she couldn't come to church yesterday, but we'll keep working with her so she can be with her daughter again someday.

Thanks and love to all!

Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- June 6, 2011

Aww!!!! Felicitaciones a Tyler y mi nueva primita, Alyssa!! Nicole´s is coming up, no!?!?
Just a reminder!! If anyone adds you on facebook from Argentina or has some sort of Latin name, please accept!! Anyway, Saturday we had our talent show! It went very well. We had a lot more people sign up than we thought and it really helped to bring more unity to the ward. :) Everyone loved it! And Ima wrote our song. It went like this...except it sounds better in Spanish.

Yo listen, We´re here
Vicente Lopez 1 2 3
From a across the sea we came here
for you.... for you/to serve

Called to preach
and lead the way to salvation
and find your friends ? hahah


It doesn´t matter how long it takes
not even where, how, or why
I´ll find you, I can see you
The chosen ones are the best!

Called to preach
and lead the way to salvation
and find your friends... hahaha

Sister Salas, Sister Bray
Sisters Keele and Cariola too.
I will find you, I can see you
The chosen ones are the best!

Bueno the other part I don´t have time to write because we have to go, but I also put it in Spanish! :) I love you all. Hope you're all doing well!

Hna. Keele

Che escuchen!! Estamos aqui
Vicente lopez, 1 2 3
Crusando el Mar Vinimos aqui
por ti... por ti/para servir

Llamadas para predicar
y a la salvacion poder guiar
y a tus amigos encontrar


No importa cuan largo es
Ni donde, como, o porque
Voy a hallarte lo puedo ver
los escogidos son de 10 :)

Llamadas para predicar
y a la salvacion poder guiar
y a tus amigos encontrar

Hna Salas Hna Bray
Hna Keele y Cariola tambien
Voy a hallarte lo puedo ver
los escogidos son de 10

Su bondad sus dones Recibire
Alegre haré su voluntad
y lo que me mande seré

llamadas para predicar
y a la salvacion poder guiar
y a tus amigos encontrar
