Monday, January 31, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Jan. 31, 2011

Hola familia!

Bueno, another week come and gone. Time goes so fast!! Next week are transfers, but I feel like I´m staying and probably Hna Moreno too. That would break my curse of only having companions for 1 transfer or less. So we´ll see if that happens!

Yesterday we had an amazing lesson with Cheryl. But surprise... it´s a boy!! (and he looks exactly like Johny haha) Anyway, Cheryl is an active Catholic and is married to a member, Noelia, who is mas o menos active. Her brother, Jairo, is less active. Cheryl was sleeping upstairs, and we asked if he was going to join us so Jairo went to wake him up but he said no.

Then after we sang the hymn and said a prayer Cheryl joined us anyway!! We talked about the plan of salvation and surprisingly he had a lot of questions!! (Good questions!) He has a firm belief in God and the Savior and the lesson went really well. Then just as we were finishing up with the kingdoms of glory, their home teachers showed up... After their lesson it was like a ping pong tournament of testimonies!! haha It was crazy but it went really well anyway. He´s already read the Book of Mormon and prayed about it. But then he had 5 more testimonies shared with him and some scriptures letting him know that sometimes answers don´t come right away and asking him to try again. Anyway, he comitted to read again and, then without an invitation, said that he´s going to come to church this Sunday!! Es Buenisimo El!!

We found a lot of new people last week that I´m really excited about! Also, we´re working with another part-member family. The dad is a recent convert about 2 weeks before I got here, but then he went to Bolivia and just came back last week. The abuelo (grandfather) comitted to be baptized on the 12th.

Melani and her family are going to go to Peru for a month :( Bah! So we´re going to have to wait a little longer to work with her mom, Sara.

Hermanos!! Felicitaciones con todo su suerte in los juegos de basketball, eh?! Muy bien! Que siguen practicando su espaƱol! Saludos a todos! y les amo muchisimo!!!!
Con amor,
Hna Keele

Monday, January 24, 2011

A possible investigator?

English sentence using Spanish grammar!

Melonie's baptism cake

La Boca

Hna. Jessica Keele- Jan. 24, 2011


Look at my cute family! :) Nathan looks like Jordan from behind, especially w/his hoodie! I forgot where Leslie is going again?! Alright, so today I'm going to just send pictures because it takes forever to load. I get annoyed and usually just send one or two haha. But I´m going to do it!

La boca (Caminito, with Hna. Moreno), A message for "Tami", some bad English, and then the very Catholic baptism we had yesterday (for Melonie). haha Melonie´s mom is Catholic and made her a wedding cake with baby angels all over it! haha I have one for a souvenir!! :) There was also an inflatable slide jumping thing after. So funny!

Love you all!! Mom thank you for sharing those scriptures with me :) Take care!!


Elder Jordan Keele- Jan. 24, 2011

Wow, I'm stunned and surprised, nervous and excited, and probably a whole lot of other adjectives that I don't want to waste time writing. This week we have transfers. My companion is staying here in Bosques, and I'm headed to another area of which I'll find out tomorrow. I don't know anything about my new companion until tomorrow, other than the fact that he's fresh from the CCM.

The scriptures Hno. Oaxaca wanted are actually the English ones. I haven't asked if he wants it indexed or not, (I would imagine he would), but he does want the mini quad. Even though I won't be here, I could send it to him easily at no cost. Thank you for checking up on that.

Thank you for sharing your experience in the temple. What a blessing it is to have those little connections, thoughts, and feelings of guidance as we do the Lord's work in whatever form.

Congrats Bert and Holly! I'm hoping it's a girl. I guess we'll find out. So Grant and Ali are moving again, huh? Do you think it has something to do with grandma's desire to serve a mission? She told me a couple weeks ago that that's what she wanted to do.

On Thursday, we went over to talk to Cristina. We sang a hymn to start, a prayer, and then E. Rodriguez and I both shared scriptures that we had prepared for her. We gently implied that we would like her to be baptized this week, without mentioning the word 'baptism', and before we finished she said, ''Alright, I'm ready. Let's get it done''. Long story short, she was baptized this past Saturday. It was a great feeling to see her there. I did give the talk during the program, so I guess now you can say I've given a talk. But still not in Sacrament Meeting. Cristina asked that the bishop baptize her. Before Sacrament Meeting yesterday, we talked with the bishop and Cristina about who would confirm her. I didn't expect they'd ask me to do it, and I hadn't practiced a confirmation yet. But I knew the Lord would help me out. During the Sacrament Meeting announcements, I quickly studied my white hand book, and it went fairly well. I know I messed up on the conjugations probably lots more than I think, but either way, she was confirmed. The fortune cookie I got last week was so true! ''Your long journey has come to a close. Don't expect the ordinary!".

Well, I'm excited to find out my new companion and area tomorrow. It'll be exciting, and I know as I try and do things the Lord's way, He'll guide me every step of the way. Thanks for all your support! It's much needed and much appreciated!

Until next time, Elder Jordan Keele

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Jan. 17, 2011

Hola familia!

I´m about to go to Caminito (La Boca) again! Wahoo! Hna Moreno hasn´t been there yet, so I get to go twice. I´ll send some pictures next week... if I remember to bring my cord. haha

We had the zone conference last week, and I got a letter from Diego and a ton of letters from the ward! It´s nice to have such a supportive ward! The ward I'm in right now in Almagro reminds me a lot of home. They´re a really strong family ward as well! And they help us so much in missionary work!! They went to the temple in Uruguay last week, and it´s crazy how much our lessons dropped. It made me feel like I was in Campana again. We also ran out of credit to call investigators so that didn´t help either, but we used a pay phone when we could. When there is help from the ward, missionary work is much easier. It´s going to be an interesting week because we still don´t have minutes on our phone until Sunday. The whole bishopric left out of town yesterday, and we have a baptism Saturday... We´ll see how it turns out!

Yesterday, church was very interesting and very inspiring!! I was sitting in Relief Society when Sister Arnold came and sat next to me. Elder Mervyn Arnold, our area president, spoke at the end of all the speakers during Sacrament Meeting and said that he just put in his gps to find a church and from there, they showed up to our ward. He also spoke a lot about the ward and how much strength he sees they have!

The whole meeting was perfect for a part member family that we found a couple days ago! The mom came to church last week alone and invited us to lunch during the week where we met her daughter Angelica, (30 yrs old) who´s not a member and her son Alexis (18), who hasn´t been active since a little after his baptism. We talked about how families can be together forever. Angelica and her mom were in tears by the end of the lesson and Angelica really wants to know the truth, so she agreed to come to church (After working a graveyard shift as a nurse!!) Alexis is a bit tougher. He told us that he´s seen some things in the youth (and his dad was a member but left them), and he doesn´t want to go back and be involved in the church. But he agreed to accompany Angelica anyway.

Bueno... the sacrament talks were given by the young men! One of them was his friend Gustavo. He talked about his temple trip over the weekend and about families. A couple other young men spoke and young men leaders and then a member of the Seventy spoke. Everyone talked about the bishop too and after the meeting Alexis asked me "Who´s the bishop?" So I pointed him out, duh! Then I realized I could do better and we went up to introduce him to the bishop. Then after we got to introduce them to Elder Arnold as well. Angelica was very interested in finding out who he was and why everyone was so excited about him being there and shaking his hand.

Overall it´s been a pretty good week :) Just a lot harder with half of the members gone and no phone! How are all of you? Love all of you tons!!!!
Hna Keele

Jordan and Elder Hall

Jordan climbing Teotihuacan

Distrito Pradera


Monday, January 17, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele- Jan. 17, 2011

It's been an....interesting week. So much to tell, as always, but not all can be written on e-mail. Today though, as a zone, we went to Teotihuacan. Finally! It was so awesome! I loved it. We took a lot of sweet pictures, but unfortunately the computer isn't recognizing my camera. Hopefully next week. It was really the first time I saw true Mexican souvenirs here. I bought a few things.

On Friday I went on 'divisiones', or exchanges, with my zone leader, Elder Hall. He's from Salt Lake City, and he goes home in April. I learned so much from him, and he's an amazing missionary. Always excited and always ready to go to work. He taught me that I just need to take more control. We talked about specific ways I can do that, and the fruits are already beginning to ripen. We taught 7 lessons between yesterday and Saturday and found about 10 people. Unfortunately, none of them came to church for various reasons, but they're almost all solid, and I'm so excited to see them progress. We did have 5 people come to church though.

Among the 5, one of them is named Cristina. She's an elderly lady who reminds me of the grandma in 'The work and the Glory'. Her son, granddaughter and grandson, who all live with her, were baptized about a year ago. She didn't want to at the time, because she wanted to wait to do it with her husband who has a number of problems with the word of wisdom. She's met with missionaries time and time again, and all of them have tried talking her into baptism, but doing it harshly telling her she shouldn't wait for her husband, and she needs to be baptized right now! In Spanish, we call it 'planchar'. I visited her with my first companion, Elder Solis, the first week I was here. He did the same, but I kind of kept quiet. (Mostly because I didn't speak much Spanish). She told him she didn't like that. Over time, we've gone back to visit her. I've really tried to just do the 'nice guy' approach, and let her progress at her own pace. They have a piano. I took Linda's advice and offered to play them a couple songs. The granddaughter is also learning piano, and I've helped her a few times with her practicing. Well, for the first time, Cristina came to church a week ago, with out us committing her to do it. She loved it. Yesterday, she even brought her non-member daughter-in-law. She's a possibility for baptism this week, and she could use all the praying you've got :)

I did get the package this week! I received it on Tuesday, January 11th.Thank you so much for all that was in it. I got a letter from Rjay. Mom, I also got your letting about the one I sent to home from Colorado, a couple letters from Mariana and one from David. If anyone else wrote me, I'm sure it'll come soon. Also, thanks for taking precautions and putting the Virgin Mary on the outside ha ha ha.

Thanks for the missionary scriptures. I've also found it to be true that when you study by topic, you find everything relates to it. The Lord is definitely blessing us.

A man in the ward asked if I could get him a mini-quad. He said he's willing to pay for it all. I told I think they were about $50 or so. So if you are going to send a package ha ha the shipping is already covered :) He wants a mini-quad, color: green. Even if I get sent to another area, it would be easy for me to send it to him from here at no cost. But don't buy it this week. If you could just check the price and let me know next week so I can tell him and make sure he wants it.

Well, I wrote a lot of words today, and I'm tired from all the steps I climbed today. But, I hope someone enjoyed it. I love being a missionary. I love the people I meet, the things I learn, and the souls I get to help. Oh! I found out there's a Subway, and a Chinese food place in my area! Last week I ate subway twice, and they thought I was weird for wanting it cold rather than 'warm' or 'toasted', which were they're only two options. Today I had Chinese food, and it was delicious. My fortune cookie tells me ''Your long journey has come to a close. Don't expect the ordinary!". So, we'll see what happens this week.

Love you all, keep on keeping on, and do whats right at all times,

Elder Jordan Keele

Monday, January 10, 2011

La familia Feresin from Almagro with Jessica

Elder Jordan Keele- Jan. 10, 2011

It's been a good week as far as us working hard, for the most part. But as far as success goes, we haven't been so lucky.

Maria del Carmen got evicted I think it's called, for not paying gas for so long. So she's moved in with another of her daughters in another area. But she's still doing very well and we'll try and keep tabs on her to see her through to baptism.

I'm glad to hear the funeral went well. I can't imagine it was easy for anybody, but hopefully it can generate something in the parents of Kim. The Lord has a plan for everyone, and as difficult as it can be sometimes, His way is always the best way.

I also know there is power in going to the temple. To be momentarily taken out of this world, and to truly feel of the closeness with our Father in Heaven and our Savior. Mom, I know you've got a lot on your plate, you always have. And you know how to handle things, and how to best balance them. To forget about the useless 'things of the world', and to only focus on what truly matters. I thank you for you example in that aspect, as well as many, many others.

Wow, 7 missionaries! That's amazing. I didn't even realize we had that potential. And, I'm counting Rjay too, so really we'll have 8 :) And another Spanish speaker too! When we all get back we may as well turn our ward into the Spanish Branch.

This past week I've been thinking a lot about prayer. Imagine if we lived the way we prayed. How often do we say in our prayers, ''Heavenly Father, I don't want to be obedient. I don't care to change, and I don't need your help. I don't want the blessings you have in store for me, I'm not willing to try my hardest, I'd rather just keep sinning''. Never! Our most sincere prayers include sincere desires to change, to repent, to be the best we can be, to ask for His help, and do all we can to help others do the same. If we always, meaning every second of the day, had a prayer in our heart, we will live to be what He wants us to be.

Thanks so much for your support. I feel I'm getting stronger everyday, (spiritually and even physically, but mostly spiritually). I love devoting my life to my Savior, and there's nothing better. Have a great week, I wish the best for everyone.

Until next time! Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- Jan. 10, 2011

Hola Familia

Wahoo!! I sent out 4 letters today!! I´ve only sent one other since I've been here so 4 in one day is an amazing improvement, eh? Except I´m not sure if Diego´s is going to get to him. Nobody knows what or where Micronesia is, and the Chuuk Islands... menos! The post office guys looked so confused. Oh well.

All is well here, but I had kind of a tough week. We had to let some people go, or should I say I´m still struggling with letting go. Another dropped us because her cousin, who is a priest or something, forbids her to see us anymore. Missionary work is so happy but so sad. I´ve always heard that and believed that, but it´s hard in the moment. But Ć­t´s okay because something my teacher in the MTC said keeps coming to my mind lately. He said that something he learned very strongly on his mission was that, the best times and many blessings follow soon after the hard times in his mission. So he told us to always look forward to the bad/hard times, because the best times will follow. So I´m in the middle of "the bad times" and looking forward to the future with hope!!

Tomorrow we have zone conference in Cabellito. And one of my favorite families here in Almagro is going to cook for all the missionaries. The Flia. Feresin! :) That´s the family in the picture I´m sending along with some late Christmas pictures.

Well, I love you all. Take care, keep reading your scriptures everyday, (if you're not, start :P) Keep being obedient and remember your baptismal covenants! Les quiero muchisimo!
Hna Keele

Monday, January 3, 2011

Visiting a resthome on Christmas Day - Dec. 25, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- Jan. 3, 2011

I'm sorry to hear about Sara's brother. I'll be mindful of them in my prayers, and I wish the best as they figure things out. We usually learn best from our trials.

Yes, they are still celebrating. So many festivities and holidays. Los reyes will come on January 6th, then that should be it until February 14th. I've seen so many drunks it's unreal! But, it's kind of fun :)

Ha ha way to go Derek, trying to ruin the surprise with a little service! I'm glad you both had good birthdays.

What's snow? Is it that white icy stuff? Oh yeah, I'm starting to remember a little bit. I sometimes wear my jacket at nights, but usually not. I don't know what the degrees are, but it's sometimes a little chilly, but that's the worst it gets.

Where is Leslie going? and I can't believe Trevor is almost home already.

This week has been a good week. We found a new investigator, Maria del Carmen, who came to church yesterday. We first met with her on Wednesday last week. She's an older lady that lives with her daughter and two granddaughters. We felt we should first teach her the plan of salvation, and we left her with a pamphlet and an invitation to read it. When we went on Saturday she had studied the pamphlet, and knew it very well. She even had a notebook and had written a lot of things down. We were both impressed because it's not very often that someone actually opens the book after we leave. On Saturday we left her with a Book of Mormon and told her to read it at her own pace. Well, we found out Sunday that she was already in 1 Nephi chapter 13, in one day!

Later, as we were eating lunch with a sister from the ward after church, she told us of a lady that bore her testimony in Relief Society about the Plan of Salvation. She didn't know the sister, but she said her testimony put most of the women in tears. She mentioned how the lady has a son who died at age 13, 25 years ago yesterday, and how she knows she'll be able to see him all grownup someday. We found out that the lady who bore her testimony was Maria del Carmen. It was a huge blessing.

It feels so good to have people go to church, to see less-actives that we had been working with bear testimony and thank us from the pulpit. I love this work, and there's no greater happiness than when we're doing what's right, and helping others to do so as well.

Thank you for your letter, all the info, the support, and the helpful hints and quotes. The Lord is blessing me as I strive to do His will, and He strengthens my desire to work hard as I simply just pray for it.

Have a great first full week of the year! Accomplish your goals and resolutions. The end.

Love, Elder Jordan Keele

Jessica and her four companions, Hna. Moreno, Hna. Mora, Hna. Rivera

Hna. Jessica Keele- Jan. 3, 2011

How are Sara and her family doing? I just read about the accident. Aww I'm so sorry!!! I don´t know what to say, but I just know that the Lord has a plan for everyone. I love you all. You´re in my prayers, all of you!! Always remember the Plan of Salvation and how wonderful and amazing it is!! The opportunity that we all have!! Never forget it! I love you all soo much!!!

I´m still in Almagro, and I´m with Hna Moreno. Hna Rivera went to Ushuaia (Tierra del fuego). I think it´s kinda funny. I've had 5 companions in Argentina, and I´ve been here 4 months. haha crazy!!

I love all the good habits I´m developing on my mission. I LOVE to study the gospel! Study the words of the prophets and the Savior!! And I love the feelings of peace and comfort that they bring me. I know the Lord knows and loves all of us personally and that he is always watching out for us. The scriptures give me a feeling of comfort when I read them when I'm going through hard times and the situation doesn´t change. It doesn´t matter because I read the scriptures and I feel comfort and peace anyway. I can face my trials with confidence and hope.

One of my favorite words in Spanish is "Esperar". It´s beautiful. It means to wait and it also means to Hope. And I love how they are together because that´s exactly what we need during our trials. Ether 12:4 talks about a better world.. well it´s not this world. To have hope for a better world we have to wait. We have to be patient. We can be confident that if we build upon the rock (Heleman 5:12) we won´t be shaken in the wind that Satan blows at us. Having faith in the Savior means trusting in him. Trust in the trials that he gives us and be teachable so that we can overcome them in the way that He KNOWS we can!

I love helping people come to understand this and gain trust and confidence in our Savior because when we have trust in him, we go through our trials with confidence and patience. I love this! It doesn´t mean that we won't have problems or trials, but it means that we can be happy during them and they are for our good to learn from them. Even when it´s hard to see that in the moment. Listening and reading the words of the prophets and Savior can be a source of strength to us. The strength that we need to overcome all our trials. That´s something I´m recognizing so much more on my mission.

I´m so grateful for my Savior and all that He went through for me. I´m so grateful for the opportunity that I have to serve Him. And for all the things He is teaching me. He is my source of strength. There are times when I just don´t understand why I´m not crying haha Especially during Christmas I was so worried about being away from all of you and everybody asking "Oh aren't you sad to be away from your family?" Well yes, but He is carrying me because I feel tired everyday and I miss you all so much. But I´m sooo happy!!!

Well, just remember how much I love you!! Keep reading the scriptures! Say your prayers! Trust in the Savior! And have ESPERANZA during your trials. Hasta la proxima