Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- Nov. 22, 2010

Sunday wasn't really busy. We had 3 investigators of a hoped for 15 that came to church with us this week. That's one of the most disappointing things as a missionary. Because they HAVE to come to church multiple times for them to qualify for baptism. So one week missed at church is another week without the Holy Ghost, and another week that the devil has to work against them. We're working really hard, but haven't seen many 'fruits' yet. I know they're coming. We just have to be patient and keep up the diligence.
I did play the piano again on Sunday, and let me tell ya, it makes a huge difference. For all you future missionaries, learn the hymns! So many people told me after sacrament meeting how much of a difference it makes. It really brings the Spirit so much more. Especially because most of the people haven't sung the hymns before, and without a piano, you have 500 different notes being sung at the same time. It's not their fault, they just don't know how it goes. For example: For Priesthood we sang without a piano, and it was an absolute train-wreck. The good thing is the people sing with all the energy they have. THAT's what brings the Spirit. But it does help with the piano.
There are no plans for Thanksgiving for us this week other than regular missionary-work. :) But that's all right, it's better that way.
So mom, you told me last week that you had tried to send a package to Elder Glass, but he had already left the MTC. That part was true. But this past week I found out that his mispelled name on his VISA was actually part of the Lord's plan for him. It would take another year for them to fix that minor issue. Why? I don't know. But I also know that it doesn't matter. The Lord really needed him in Chile where he's serving now and for the next 1.5 years, but he wanted me to meet him. It's amazing how the Lord works. If he originally was called to Chile, he never would've been in my MTC district. We're great friends, and I know we'll continue to be.
Well, as Winnie-the-Pooh would say, "I best be going now". And so I shall.
Ha ha, I hope you enjoyed it this week, because I sure did!
Have a happy Thanksgiving, eat lots of food, and maybe even some extra turkey for me. And no broken bones during turkey bowl!
I love you all, and keep living life the way the Lord wants you to
Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- Nov. 22, 2010

Hola familia! :)
My week has been good and tough. The trio´s different but fun! The Lord is testing my patience, haha but that´s good so I can make it a strength. Also I had a good experience the other day on the bus. We had a meeting an hour or two away and on the way back, we went by bus. Well, it was way crowded at first so we (about 8 of us missionaries) had to stand for the first while, and then the people I was standing next to got off and I sat down next to this lady. I had the opportunity to have my first lesson alone! haha Scary! My companions were back further and so I talked to her. It turns out her husband had taken the lessons before and she´d gone to church a couple times about a year ago. She had a lot of questions! I told her about the plan of salvation. Then she asked about what it means to be sealed as a family because she has friends that are members who just recently got sealed and she didn´t understand but respected the fact that she couldn´t go in the temple. She asked me about what family home evening is and if she should go because her friends invited her. ha I said yes! She asked why I go to church and why we take the sacrament every Sunday. I told her about the importance of prayer and how we can use it to help us. haha I´m so grateful to the Lord for giving me that opportunity, and I´m so grateful for you guys for teaching by example so that I can have a testimony in all those things. Because our family is strong and sealed in the temple, we have family home evening, go to church and say family prayers. Thank you for teaching me the importance of it all! I love you all!
OH I realized I´m not sure if Thanksgiving was even last week. haha For some reason I thought it was but now I´m thinking it's this week, right? So again, Happy Thanksgiving in case it is this week!! :)
Also just something to think about. I was reading in the scriptures the other day. haha I love Alma chapter 5 because it has a lot of questions that we should always remember to think about. Alma 5 :14 & 15 He is asking the members of the church if WE have been born spiritually of God? If we have received his image in our countenances? If we have experienced a change of heart? If we exercise our faith in the redemption that we believe in? And if we look forward with faith to God to be judged of our works. Then in verse 16 I love the question. Can you just imagine hearing the voice of the Lord saying to you, Come here, Blessed. Because your works have been good works on earth...? :) Me encanta! I wrote next to that scripture, That's the goal! :) Then if you continue to read, he asks questions to those who should be scared for that day. But how much better will it be to be able to stand in the Lord´s presence in confidence? A bit of on obvious question, but sometimes we forget. That´s why there is repentance. We have to remember! We have to live in a way so that we will be able to look forward to that day! Anyway, I love this chapter! :)

Mi nueva compañera me dijo que hay mucho nieve. Pero solo es noviembre! haha [My new companion told me that you have a lot of snow. But, it is only November!]
I´m doing good! I love my mission, and I´m surviving the heat so far. But it´s not summer yet so I´m getting a little scared. haha I love you all and hope you're all doing well!
Love Jess Hna Keele

Friday, November 19, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- November 15, 2010

Well, first comes sacrifice, then come the blessings. This past week, a member had signed up to feed us from Tuesday to Friday. Well, as you know, we walk everywhere. And I wasn't used to that ha ha. Last week I told you it takes about 25 minutes to walk from the furthest place of the area to home. Well, that wasn't quite true. On Tuesday, we were hungry, thirsty, and had no idea where this family lived. To make a long story short, it took a long, long time to find it. My feet were sore, I was sweating, and I was just tired all around. But, we didn't know that they owned a restaurant. This past week I've eaten the best Mexican food I've ever had in my life! It was delicious, and they treated us really well and sent us home with some extra drinks and food. They were very nice. My favorite thing I've eaten since I've been here is the Huarache. That's the first picture. It was huge and delicious. So, again, after much sacrifice comes many blessings :)

Yesterday was stake conference, and we were privileged to hear from Pres. Eyring and Elder Bednar via broadcast from Salt Lake. It was really cool. Fortunately for me, each of them had a translator standing next to them, translating sentence by sentence. ha ha They both gave wonderful talks. It was funny because Elder Bednar and his translator worked perfectly with each other. It was very well done. Next, when Pres. Eyring spoke, he and his translator weren't quite always on the same page. It was funny ha ha. They kept cutting each other off and messing each other up. I guess that just shows that he's human :) But it was a great talk nonetheless. And I was blessed to hear it in my native language.

Things are going well here. I was a little sick for one day, I think just so my body could get used to the transition. But other than that I've been just fine. We eat a small breakfast at home, usually lunch between 2 and 4, and that's it. Interestingly enough I don't eat very much, but I never go hungry. I've only eaten one thing that I didn't like. In fact it was disgusting. It was 'pata', or pigs feet. It was nasty! The taste, texture... everything. Fortunately it was at the restaurant and it wasn't very much. Other than that, I love Mexican food!

This morning the Bishops family, and some other members of the ward, invited us to play basketball and 'futbol rapido', (essentially indoor soccer outside...) with them. It was a lot of fun! I'm amazed at the teeny kids that dominate me.

The Lord has blessed me so much. I know that as I try and improve, He willingly and happily helps me out. I've learned so much since I've been here. My companion is very patient with me, and that's very helpful. We get along fine and work hard. This past week we received a referral from the temple visitors' center. Her name is Maria de Jesus, and she's a bit elderly. Her husband passed away about 4 months ago. She lives with her son, and her daughter lives in our area too. All of them are interested in the gospel, especially the plan of salvation. They came with us to stake conference yesterday, and they liked it a lot. They know this is what they want, and we hope to baptize them all together on the 28th of this month. Sometimes the Lord blesses us with trials, such as the passing of their father, so that we have a new perspective on things. So we can learn in a different way. So we might be more receptive to things. So essentially we can be happy. Here on my mission I've learned to love my trials. That's how we grow the fastest, and again, that's how we're happy.

That's what this gospel is all about, learning. Why else did we come here if not to progress?

Well, I'm grateful to be serving a mission. I know this is the best thing I could be doing at this time in my life.

I hope you're all doing well, and I wish you good luck for whatever you do this week!

Until next time, Love,

Elder Jordan Keele

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hna. Jessica Keele Nov. 16, 2010

Hola! :)
I´m so happy for Jordan! His area sounds awesome. He´s going to love the Spanish. haha Well transfers were yesterday. I´m still in my same area and still with Hna. Allen, BUT we are a trio now! woot woot! Our new compañera is from Utah (imaginen, 3 misioneras walking around together from the same place. People didn´t want to let that go when it was just the two of us. haha Oh well. But she just got here today, and it´s her first time out of the country so everything is extra... exciting to her!! haha I´m excited to see her find her first cockroach ;P Se llama Hna. Gillum and she also knows the Garcia family. D´s brother Guss. What a small world!
I got a letter from Grandma today :) Thank you so much! Also, I got Julie's package today! Wohoo! I love the penguin, haha and thank you so much for the kneehighs :) and all your sweet letters!! I love you all!
I´m having a hard time remembering what´s happened and when. Honest, I can´t even remember what was last week. ha But I´m doing good. I love my mission, and I´m so excited for Jen and William to be out serving in their areas!! Also, that´s so awesome that Danielle Smith is going! And did Leslie get her call yet? haha Where is she going?
I´m sending pictures of our "halloween". haha Hna. Allen and me! Also Hna. Peña is training again so I got to see her today in the mission home! (and meet my "stepsister" ha)
I want to remind you all that I´m so grateful for your support, love and examples! I love you all!! Take care and have a wonderful Thanksgiving next week!!
Con amor,

Monday, November 8, 2010

First apartment in Tecamac, Mexico

Tacos al pastor with new missionaries and companions

Elder Jordan Keele and Elder William Keele at the MTC, November 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- November 8, 2010

¿Que honda?
I'm in Mexico! The keyboard is weird, so I might type lots of weird things.
I absolutely love it here! It's beautiful. My area is called Tecamac. I have no clue where that is. We're going to the store in a bit, and I'll buy a map there. There's a Wal-mart less than a block away from my house. The ward I'm serving in is Bosques de los Heroes. It takes about 25 minutes to walk from one end of my area to the other. There are only like 2 types of houses. They're very small, more like apartments, but there are tons and tons of people here. Their driving is nuts. People go where they want and there are no rules. Most people sell something on their front porch/driveway. From food to clothes, pirated movies to paper supplies. People do anything to make money, and I don't blame them. There's a lady in the ward that makes and sells cakes and pies. She's very nice, and every time we pass she stops us and offers us a piece. It's delicious! And so is all the rest of the food. I haven't eaten anything yet that I don't like. My companion, and now all the ward, knows that I'm not a big fan of spicy food. They're very respectful and understanding. It makes everything a whole lot easier. I feel very safe in my area. I honestly could live here. It's not really that ghetto, at least compared to other places nearby like where our chapel is.
We've been told by our area president that there are thousands of ''elect'' (people that are ready to accept the gospel) in every area of Mexico City missions. I believe that for sure. We got in this area with my new companion, Elder Solis (from Tijuana, Mexico), on Thursday night. On Saturday we had the entire day full of teaching appointments. Although only 4 investigators came to church, it was a great weekend. Nobody knows how to play the piano in the ward, so I had and will have lots of opportunity to play.
Our first day we went to the mission home. It's way, way nice. And so is my mission president, Pres. Hicken and his wife. The temple, a stake center, and the MTC are all right next to each other. They call it temple square. We only get to go once a year to the temple, around Christmas time, but time flies anyways.
The mission office address where all mail and any packages should be sent is address is:
Elder Jordan Keele
Mision Mexico Ciudad de Mexico Este
Calle Fuente de Piramides #1 Piso 1
Col. Lomas de Tecamachalco
Naucalpan de Juarez, Edo. de Mexico
There it is. I get mail every two weeks, so it'll probably take some time for me to send stuff. I do need stamps, but I'm sure I can find some here. If not, I'll let you know next week.
Ha ha tell Sis. Brown hello as well, and I'm doing great! Here's something for the ''Good News Minute''--This morning we played soccer for a few hours. The first game we went to 2. Our team lost, but guess what... I scored the first and only goal! They separated the gringos and Mexicans. So we got wasted every time, but it was a lot of fun. I love soccer already :)

Before I forget, could you find out the exchange rate? I've heard 8-1 and 13-1.

I had no idea that Mexico would be this cold. All the buildings are built with concrete, and immediately when the sun goes down the temperature goes down right with it. It's not quite freezing, but I'm guessing it's no more than 40 degrees at night. During the day it's nice, probably the hottest it's been is 85. From noon-6 it's hot. From 6pm to noon the next day it's freezing. But I have what I need, so no worries.
We usually eat lunch around 2 with members. Other than that we're on our own. I love Mexican food. Our second day, the mission pres. took us to a local restaurant for tacos al pastor. One of the most famous and delicious meals here. It was really good. I don't know what kind of meat it is, other than 'pastor', but it was muy delicioso. I bought some Marias, the little cookie crackers that you got me before I left, and I'm sorry to say, but I think they're better here :)
Our apartment is nice. The previous elders left it pretty dirty, but we're cleaning it today. Our water heater doesn't work, but Elder Solis has a little heater thing. You plug it into the wall, get a bucket of water and put the little thing it, and it heats it. So we shower using a cup and the bucket. Little things like that are a bit uncomfortable, especially from what I'm used to, but it's no big deal. I've gotten used to it. We have an electric washer/dryer thing. I don't know how to use it, but we'll figure it out.
My companion doesn't really speak English. He knows some words, but he struggles putting sentences together. The Lord has blessed me so much. I wouldn't say that I'm fluent, but I do understand most things people say. I usually can say what I'm trying to, although it may not be exactly right, and it may take a little while to get it out, but the people are very nice and appreciate it when I try.
Yesterday Bishop Juarez said in his testimony a quote that I really like. It's basically this: ''Don't tell your God that you have a great problem, but tell your problem that you have a great God''. How true that is. God loves us and wants to help us learn how to get through our problems. Ask for his help and he'll give it to you. That's the message for the week.
I think that's about it. I love you, I hope you're all doing well. Serving a mission is one of the greatest experiences you can ever have. So go serve one!
Adios, les amo muchisisimo,
Elder Jordan Keele
P.S. As for all the e-mails I've received, I printed them off and I'll read them and reply as soon as I can. But it may not arrive for about a month. Idk... gracias!

In Argentina this would be pronounced, Jessie!

Hna. Jessica Keele- Nov. 8, 2010

Hola, Hola!

It´s been a really good week! :)

First of all, we have many dogs! haha We lose them, and then they find
us again days later. The first we named Che. Later came Pastañas, Then
Viejo, Pastañas dos, Nacho, and now Buster. The lady that works here
at the internet place is trying to kick him out right now. "Afuera,
afuera!" haha but he won't leave. :) haha He found us yesterday,
followed us from about 4 o´clock in the afternoon until 9 pm. He
waited outside all of the houses we visited. Then to the church but
sneaked in the fence. haha When we visited Maria y Luis last, they
drove us home :( So he got lost. Then today we were walking in el Centro
and he found us again! He was so excited, and now he won't leave us!!
We´re not allowed to have pets, but it's hard when they won't leave you
eh? haha Ah well, que se puede hacer? :)

Bueno, now I want to share my testimony on fasting with faith. Last
week we decided to fast for our investigators who committed to come to

church yesterday. And even more, it was a stake conference so they have
to travel farther than usual. It´s about Orem to American Fork, but no
one has a car so that makes it even more difficult.

Well, we´ve been visiting a very poor family, Rocio, the mom, Maria, the
g-ma, and then 2 kids, Antonio and Mariela, 6 (Mi favorita!!). We saw
them Saturday night. Maria said she didn´t want to go anymore because
her shoes are really worn out but we told her not to worry because we had
some extras in the apartment and we would bring them for her! Antonio and

Mariela really wanted to go!! Rocio, the mom, has been promising them
that they will go but it hasn´t happened yet and Antonio about started crying
because she wasn´t sure. She eventually said yes but we could tell she was

just saying it to make him happy for the moment. We figured it had
something to do with the money because remises (Taxis) are expensive even
for us and the collectivo [bus] with 4 people adds up too! Plus the stop is

a bit far away for the grandma to walk to.

We told them we would meet them at their house at 8:45 if we were
going by bus. Otherwise, 9:30 if we could find a car. So we went home, and
called members who have a car but no one could help us. So we went to

bed, and then we got a text from Rocio. -Sorry misioneras, but I got in
a fight with my boyfriend and we´re not going to be able to go

tomorrow...- My companion and I decided we weren´t going to worry
about it because whether Rocio goes or not, Maria and her grandchildren are
going to go! Haha So we went to sleep.

We woke up in the morning and still weren´t sure how we were going to
get them all there. But we decided the bus was the only way to go. About
5 minutes before we were about to leave, our Mssion President calls.
“Hey Hermanas! Hermana Gulbrandson and I are headed for your stake
conference, but it looks like we´re going to get their about an hour early.
Do you have investigators coming? Do you want a ride?” -Bueno, Sure!-


So we pulled up to their house. Antonio answered the door all ready in
his buttton up shirt but had been crying because his mom said they weren´t
going to go. “No, but we have a car!! Go get your grandma!” He had a huge smile

and ran to go get Maria.  Rocio was still sleeping. We gave
Maria the shoes and she found a skirt to put on. Rocio still didn´t
come. She had a really rough night, but mira [look]! we had a priesthood
holder there! President gave her a blessing, and we´re expecting her to come
next week.

I was worried that the kids were going to get bored because there was no

Primary, just 2 hours of adult talk. Antonio loved it and Mariela
loved it. They were the most well behaved kids there! (In fact my
companion got bit by another little boy. haha) But a 6 year old and a 9 year old
loved it and cried because their mom doesn´t want to come! Imagine
that!! A bit reverse, eh? Haha But really, they are an amazing family!!

And Antonio is the most excited for his baptism then I´ve seen anyone

I love this gospel, and I love being a missionary! :) I love you all
and I´m so grateful for your support! :)

Con amor,
Hna Keele

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hna. Jessica Keele- Nov. 1, 2010


Wow, time goes by fast! I can´t believe this transfer is almost over!
ha Halloween was a joke!! haha There were a couple stores that put out
Halloween stuff a few weeks ago, but yesterday I saw only one group of
kids with masks or capes. But no candy bucket! haha Which is weird to
me because they really find any excuse to have a holiday, but not
yesterday! Then on "Dia de los niños" all the stores are closed haha
Diferente! Christmas is going to be different too! No snow or Christmas
lights, I´m excited for the asado [Argentine barbeque] though!! :) How was your Halloween?

Things are going well here! We had a really good district meeting last
Tuesday that helped me throughout the week. My zone leader and
district leader are companions, interesante! But they’re really
powerful missionaries and I’m learning a lot from them!

Our mission president has been encouraging us to visit with menos
activos [less actives] to get referrals. I’ve been noticing that with some it
only takes ONE visit to help them come back to church. But what´s
impresionante is that the ones who have a harder time coming back were once the most active before. One family we visited, haven’t been to church
in about 6 years. The dad was a counselor in the bishopric and the mom
a SECRETARY to the primary presidency. I can’t even imagine this ward
having a secretary for anything let alone the primary!! haha But she
brought out pictures and talked about the activities they use to have
and, it was interesting to find out that this was once a fully
functioning ward! Right now there are about 30 active people (about 15
of them being under 20). Es impresionante!! I just assumed it was
always like this but no. It´s a lot like the Nephites. There can be so
many good and righteous people at one time and then fast forward a
few years and the Lamanites are more righteous then they. Sometimes it
doesn´t even take years. No entiendo. The importance of always
REMEMBERING our Savior right? I want to count how many times the word remember is in the book of Mormon. It´s not that they didn´t
"know" It’s just that they forgot or didn´t always "remember" him.
Sometimes I want to be more like Elder Holland, Re-bold [Really bold] haha "Che! Usted sabe lo que necesita hacer. Hagalo!"[You know what you need to do, Do It!] o "Vos Hacélo!¨" haha I love Elder Holland´s talks. My companion gave me a quote from him this morning (except in Spanish and now back to English, espero que es lo mismo [I hope it is the same]) referring to missionaries, "The rules are given to help us have the Spirit. If you want to make up your own rules make up your own Church! But don’t you use the missionary plaque!" I love his talks because he´s bold when we need it! Anyway, my companion and I are trying to think of ways to help strengthen the ward. The investigators need their support! I’m not saying there isn’t anyone to help, because there are and I really love this ward!! But the list of members is about 6 times longer than what we see at church. and that needs to change.

Well time to go, I love you all! Hope you had a wonderful week! Keep
staying strong, pray and read everyday! :) Love ya,
Hna Keele