Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Sept. 26, 2011

Hola Familia!

Aww, you had to celebrate without Derk. Pobre hombre :D But, the temple is what´s important. Our ward here just went to Uruguay Thursday and Friday to go to the temple. If I haven´t said this enough, I MISS THE TEMPLE!!! You can plan on it being one of the first things I do when I get home! The MTC sounds very interesting now. I´ll be excited to go and try it out too! (QUESTION, Derek´s not going to the Chile MTC right? He stays in Provo the whole time or no?)

Carmen got baptized Saturday!! :) She´s so sweet and was so prepared. She had 1 friend come to see it who just so happens to have a Book of Mormon already. :) We´ve got plans to start visiting with her as well. Her name is Magda.

Holy cow, Conference is this weekend!!! :D I´m so excited! And the best part is that we get to watch it here in Capallito because it´s the stake center!. It´ll be the first time I don´t have to go in bus AND train looking for our investigators to drag them in before it starts.

It´s starting to get hot here.. ALREADY!! Just the past few days actually, so maybe it´ll go away. And Mom I think you jinxed me last week by saying I haven´t gotten sick on my mission. (But it´s okay :D) I must have gotten the stomach flu or something because the day before Carmen's baptism was not a very healthy day for me. :P Ah well, enough details.

I´m happy to hear that you're doing so well each week. I love you ALL!!!


Elder Jordan Keele- Sept. 26, 2011

Dear family,

It's been a very interesting week, as it usually is. Lots of weird things have happened including drunk people. I won't mention much about it because it could be dangerous, and it's sad. I'll just put things this way, I've been bowed to, called master, called king, and basically worshiped multiple times. All by intoxicated people. It's weird, kind of funny, but mostly just sad. I hate alcohol with all my heart. It's such a terrible addiction, as all addictions are.

Saturday night E. Pintor and I had one of those "one more house" experiences. It was almost time to go home, and we thought, "let's just knock a couple more doors". So we did. The second door we knocked was Bernardina's. She's going through lots of difficulties right now, and we were able to invite her to read, pray, and come to church. She said she felt like she has very little faith but that she wants to gain trust in Him again. She did end up coming to church yesterday so that was a huge blessing.

Then, last night (Sunday) we had another one. We had a lesson at 8:00 p.m. with a man, and we planned to go with branch Pres. Mercado. At 7:30 we thought for a second to just go chill at Pres. Mercado's house and maybe go early to the other appointment, but remembering what had just happened the previous night, we thought to just contact a little bit more. As the Lord always does to his children who are obedient and diligent, we were blessed again. This time in finding a family with 7 eligible baptismal candidates. We're going to do everything we can to make sure both Bernardina and Sta. Lucía and their families enter the waters of baptism in preparation for an eternal salvation.

Mom, Irma (an investigator that hasn't come to church yet) says hi. She was surprised to find out the sacrifice of not being with or talking to family other than e-mail that we have as missionaries, and she feels for you.

We're planning to watch conference via internet at a members house. I'll be sure to take and send pictures. I probably won't be watching it in English and won't get the privilege of listening to the messages in the voices of the prophets, but I'm excited anyways because I know it'll be just what I need to hear.

Is Nathan seriously already dating and going to dances? I'm going to have to ask for pictures or else I probably won't believe it.

Jeff and Jill both went to Salta as well? Wow, it seems like Argentina is just the place to be for our ward. Well, not for all of us, but I guess a few. Tell Taylor congratulations! I'm so happy for all these wonderful people I know that are choosing to be a part of this amazing, life-changing labor of love.

I remembered this week that Kenny Millard went to Chile as well. I don't know what mission though. Also either Bradley Fletcher or Christian Despain (two elementary school companions) went somewhere in Chile. I'm sure Derek will meet somebody I know there.
I was reading in Preach My Gospel and found a suggestion to improve my invitations to people to come to church. It suggests to ask my family members how going to church every Sunday has blessed your life. Could you maybe each write a short little response for that question? Muchas gracias.

I hope you have a productive and wonderful week too! This gospel is 100% true and there's nothing more important in all the world than sharing it with others and living it ourselves. I love you all! Dad, Mom, Jamie, Travis, Jessica, Derek, Nathan, Stephanie, Dallin, Tammie, the hamsters, Lady, all my friends, and all my extended family, and anyone else who just happens to read this and doesn't fall into one of the previous categories! (I know, I'm weird).

Elder Jordan Keele

Monday, September 19, 2011


Elder Jordan Keele- Sept. 19, 2011

Hola familia!

What a pleasure it is for me to write a few words in English to my people back home. We've been struggling to bring people to church lately, but I know that as we continue to be obedient and diligent that the Lord will bless us. I know the people have their agency too, so I guess sometimes I just have to realize that. But we're doing our best. Our dueño de la casa hopefully might get baptized this week. We're going to talk to him later tonight. His name is Chucho.

It's only a matter of a few years where you won't have any kids in the primary program.... of course, soon it'll be grandkids!

When Elder Castillo was here, we had to go to the house of prayer several times during the week to work on MLS things. Usually while he was doing that I played piano for a few minutes. Plus on Mondays a lot of times we just go to the house of prayer to play piano, because there's not a whole lot to do here in Molango. But now that Elder Castillo is gone, and I'm in his spot as 2nd counselor in the branch presidency, I really don't have a lot of time to practice. I don't know if I ever mentioned that....

I was actually thinking of Sis. Alder earlier this week. I hope she continues to hang in there! She's such a champion woman. Just send her my love and best wishes, if you would :)

Ha ha I do remember that huge bumblebee at the Smith cabin. I guess that's one huge bug that isn't very common here. But I'm super grateful to have gone there too. It makes testifying of the restoration and of Joseph Smith so much more personal and meaningful.

I still have most of my vitamins. I know I should be taking them more regularly, but I really just forget. I haven't ever been sick so you're right, I've been very blessed. I'll try and remember to be healthier and take them more consistently.

I love you all and am grateful for everything you're doing. Have a wonderful week!

Love Elder Jordan Keele
P.S. I'm trying to attach a fun little video... hopefully it works out.

1224- Molango!
1231- Updating some MLS stuff ha ha
1235- E. Pintor's 19th Birthday on Saturday the 17th
1243- We ate pancakes, bacon and eggs this morning! Wahoo for an american meal!

Hna. Jessica Keele- Sept. 19, 2011

Hola Familia!!

Los Vezenyi me dieron un abrazo fuerte por parte de los Krasnoselsky ayer :D haha Son tan buenos! Pablo es misionero del barrio y lo conocí mi primer sabado al bautismo del nieto de la flia, Senrra (capás lo conocen también.) Su hermana, Concepción, también estaba y tocaba el piano mientras esperabamos para empezar. La mamá es presidenta de la sociedad de socorro y el papá también me dijo que su fuerte apretón de manos fue como dandome un fuerte abrazo de los Krasnoselsky. jaja Me parece que son una familia buenísima!! Mi compañera las quiere mucho a los Vezenyi :) He preguntado a todos si los conocen a la flía Krasnoselsky pero ahora no me recuerdo los nombres todavía. jaja Perdón. Pero sí, muchos los conocen y dicen que son una familia muy humilde!! Así es. :)

Awesome! Copiapó, is where Hna Campos is from. She just went home last transfer!! Maybe he´ll meet her :) Oh, how I miss the temple!! I can´t believe Derek is going already, Que loco!! :D

Yup, my companion and I woke up to the sirens of the ambulances in the morning. [There was a terrible bus/train accident not far from Jessica last week that killed 11 people.] (Can you believe I can wake up to noises now? haha) Then we later found out what happened through the members and investigators. Apparently there was another one like it a day or two later. I don't know if it was in our area too or further away, but we didn´t hear anymore ambulances so maybe not. And yes, the driving is crazy!! I guess I had forgotten just how crazy it is because I got use to it until Hna Huish came fresh from Arizona and kept holding her breath every time we got on a bus. "Hna. what's wrong?" "Look!! Look how close he is to that other bus!!" "Oh verdad"

The lady who came to church last week is Carmen. She will be getting baptized this Saturday!! We could surely use your prayers to secure her baptism. If we have to postpone it, it will be 2 weeks before she will receive the Holy Ghost because the next week is General Conference. (Which, by the way, I´m super stoked about!). Also, the Porley family is trying to overcome a few strong addictions. Yamil (Esteban's sister) could use your prayers, She is praying to know if God wants her to come back to church, so you could pray that she gets an answer and is willing to follow it :) She´s super sweet!!!

I have been thinking a lot about our trip to Palmyra this week for some reason!! And today I started reading Our Heritage which reminds me all the more about it! I´m so grateful for Joseph Smith and all the pioneers who had such strong faith to do what needed to be done so that the church could be as big as it is today!

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!! :D


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele- Sept. 12, 2011

ANTOFA- (whatever it is...), CHILE! WAHOO!!! Derek, I'm super excited for you! I knew you'd be going to South America. I was thinking Brazil. But I'm glad you're going Spanish speaking, even if they do have weird accents and words there :P

Yesterday, President Hicken came to visit the Molango branch. He and his wife spoke in Sacrament meeting and after the services the branch had prepared a little luncheon. It went well, and it was a blessing to have my mission President so closely involved in our work. We had prepared a choir, and I was privileged to test out a little arrangement I put together for "I stand all amazed". It's got some room for improvement, but I think it went pretty well. I was really hoping that Hna. Miriam (the branch President's wife) would be ready to play at least one song for the Sacrament Meeting. Unfortunately she's been too busy for the past couple weeks with too many other things and hasn't found time to practice. Pres. Hicken, in front of me, asked her how it was going and motivated her to continue with it. She's so close, just a couple weeks and she'll be there.

Mom, I finally got Jamie's wedding invitation yesterday. I was sad to see that it had already passed! I'm so sorry I missed it. Maybe if the invitation would've gotten here in time I would have been able to attend. Please forgive me. :P ha ha jk

Wow, what a small little world Jessica's living in. That must be special for her. Do you think it'll be her last area? Can you believe that's even a possibility?! Time flies...

Wow Derek, what a special experience. I can't wait for you to get out there and tell us all about it! Ha ha I'll appreciate the wave from Derek. Just tell him to look for a sea of cement as he flies over to Chile, and that's where I am ha ha. He's going to do so great. I know he's so prepared, and he'll be a blessing to so many right from the start.

Thanks for keeping me updated on everything. I love you all so much and am so proud of every single one of you!

Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- Sept. 12, 2011

A side note from me, Lynette. I received this email from my friend, Florencia K., last week who lived in Buenos Aires before leaving for their mission to Venezuela. For those who don't speak Spanish, she said that the Caballito Ward was their Stake Center. They were friends with a family from Venezuela who lived in Caballito. That family helped prepare the Krasnoselskys for Venezuela. She wanted Jessica to be sure and give them hugs and hellos from her and her family. I am sure she will meet many people who know the Krasnos. in that stake.

"Y Jessica está en Caballito!! Acabo de leerlo en su blog. Caballito era nuestro Centro de Estaca y allí asisten los Vezenyi, nuestra amada familia Vezenyi!! Por favor, dile a Jessica que los abrace o salude a todos de parte nuestra. Laura y Alejandro (los padres: divertidos, generosos, fieles, celestiales) y Pablo (futuro misionero, el más puro y noble que conozco), Conce (brillante pianista), Manuel (se bautizó hace unas semanas) y Valeria (la nena más dulce de Buenos Aires). Son 6 ángeles!! "

I´m so happy for you Derk, but man I want to see you before you leave!!!! You've got to write me and fill me in on the details of your life right now eh?
Still Crazy!!!! Chile, I´ve got to tell my Chilean companions.They´ll all be excited!! Although I don´t think it´s in any of their homes. The closest one would be Copiapo...let me know if that is in your mission. Actually I think it´s in Viña del Mar. I'm not sure. How´s your Spanish??? :D We already know Nathan´s coming here so we´ve only got 3 more to go (Steph, Dallin and Tam) to hear about which Spanish mission they´ll be going to!! haha Que loco!!

Okay, it´s been a busy week here in Caballito. Esteban got baptized Sunday. He was suppose to be baptized Saturday but there was no water in the church building... Our apartment is about a block away from the church and we´ve also been having the water cut off every now and then. I don´t know what's up with that, BUT we had a neat experience because of it. Since we used all the water for the baptism Sunday morning, by the time the sacrament came there was no water left for the sacrament. And I was reminded of the importance of having our only thoughts toward the Savior.

First it reminded me of a poem I found right before my mission about the Sacrament, I don´t remember it at all but it talks about how during the sacrament the girl on the back bench was thinking about the new skirt she had seen her neighbor walk in with, and the girl with the new skirt was thinking about her neighbors hairdo on the bench in front of her, and the deacon boys were looking at the girl they liked on the bench behind them.... I don´t remember how it went but it later went on to talk about how ashamed everyone would feel as they got up to leave at the end to see the Savior sitting in the very back unnoticed. They would be sad because they did not have their thoughts turned toward him. Sometimes it gets hard to remember that it´s not just a Sunday routine of drinking a tablespoon of water and a piece of bread every Sunday. Sometimes we make it that way. But the whole point of it is that we put our full focus and attention toward the Savior not thinking about anything or anyone but Him and what he did for us.

But anyway, I failed in my attempt to have my only thought toward the Savior as I was distracted by the giggles of the cute Alarcón kids next to me. Then as I went to take the water, I almost spat it out being completely surprised by the Sprite inside my cup. I looked up to see if the Bishop knew or if it was a prank from the priests or deacons or something, but they were completely content, and the deacon who passed me the sacrament just smiled and passed it on. The Bishop afterward got up and explained how there was no more water in the church but how grateful he was to have found soda in the fridge left from a recent ward activity.

In D&C 27:2 Therefore it does not matter what you eat or drink to take the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory, remembering before the Father my body which was sacrificed for you , and my blood which was shed for you for the remission of your sins. (That wasn´t quoted directly but translated haha)
So the fact that it was soda was not important because the reason we take the sacrament is not just the routine water break.

It was a neat experience for me and a reality check to remember to keep my focus on the Savior ESPECIALLY during the sacrament, and I invite you all to do the same. Prepare for the sacrament extra hard before Sunday! Be repenting of your mistakes before so that you can have your full attention toward our Savior this Sunday during the sacrament.

We had another neat experience in church right before the second hour of church. (Our sacrament is the last hour here) As we walked our of Relief Society to get our lunch calendar, we saw a lady standing in front of the front doors. I assumed she was a member since I don´t know half of them yet. But as we went to greet her I realized she doesn´t normally come here because she asked us, "Am I late again? What time do I need to get here to be on time?" So we told her and then asked where she´s from and how she knew about the church. She said a friend had brought her once before a couple weeks ago, and then she asked, "What do I need to do for my 12 year-old daughter and I to be baptized?" :D haha So we set an appointment for later that day and passed by, shared the introduction to the Book of Mormon, and she accepted a baptismal date for the 25th :)

I feel like the Lord is blessing me hugely here in Caballito. Last transfer was really hard for me for a lot of reasons, but I feel so happy. I feel like I will be able to progress here in Caballito. I´m going to keep working my best to be able to try and be worthy of all the blessings the Lord is blessing me with.

DERK, I AM SO COMPLETELY AND 100 PERCENT PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going to love your mission!!! I´m determined to see you before you get to Chile!!! So just plan on that. haha And thank you mom for looking into that for me!! I fully appreciate it :D I love you all!! Steph I haven´t read your talk yet but I´m printing it and I´m excited to read it :) Again I love you all, Chau!!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pachuca Zone playing football

Most of the Rama Molango

Jordan at the Mexico City Temple

Jordan at the Mexico City Temple

Another big rainstorm!

Elder Jordan Keele-Sept. 6, 2011

Aahhh, the weekly report.

We've had a super busy week with lots of traveling in the past couple days. Last Saturday we took the branch to the temple and were blessed to do an endowment session. We left at 5:00 AM, got there at 10:30, then after all was said and done we headed home at 3:30 and arrived here at 8:00. We got pulled over again by the cops for no reason, but that's just how it goes. Then yesterday, my companion and I headed to Pachuca right after church for a meeting, slept at the Zone Leaders house, played futbol for the first time in months with some other missionaries, then headed back to Molango. Home sweet home!

This week is gonna be busy as well. We have Zone Conference in Pachuca on Thursday, then on Sunday Pres. Hicken and his wife will be joining us for branch conference. By the way Jamie, President and his wife say congratulations!

Piano rocks guys! You have no idea how much you'll use it until you get out in the field. Just trust in what mom's saying, and stick with it! I'm glad to hear that Nathan will be playing hymns. Way to go, bud!

WAHOO! I can't wait to hear where Deriko is going. I don't think anyone is more excited than me! ha ha

This past week I was reading in the Liahona of August, and there's two things I want you to check out. First in the "LDS Voices" Section a story called "I missed feeling the Spirit". It reminded me of you and our experiences with the Japanese students. Next is a talk called "The only true and living church" by E. Dallin H. Oaks. That was the talk he gave when Jessica and I were in the MTC. It was a good talk.

No I didn't know where they went on their honeymoon... ha ha I was wondering about that. That's fun though. I'm sure they're excited to get their lives back in order.

Have a great week. Maybe try and make it not so busy this time. Have some good bbq's, and just keep being good!

Con muchìsimo amor, Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- Sept. 6, 2011

Hola Familia!!

I am in Caballito!! Es tan lindo!!! Our apartment is the best I have had!!! The walls are even painted. :D My new companion is Hna Iñigo (In ye go). And she´s not Chilean. She´s from Salta, Argentina. She´s more than a foot shorter than me. Today was transfer day.

Last week in Vicente Lopez, Hna Alfaro and I were finally able to visit a young couple that we´ve been trying to contact for months. I had never met them so they haven´t gone to church in about 6 months or more. Sabrina and Mario se llaman. Anyway, they were super sweet. We started asking about how they came to know the church. She´d been a member since she was little and he met the church through her. Mario told us how he didn´t even notice at first as he started to become inactive because it started just little by little until he realized he was completely astray. He said he felt like he was in debt to God and that makes him feel bad and makes it even harder to progress and make it a goal to change.

So we shared the good news about the gospel and atonement of Jesus Christ!! All it takes is a decision. When we feel like were stuck and not progressing, we´ve just got to remember that He is ALWAYS there anxious to lift us up again. Once we´ve made the decision to repent and make a change we can have that new clean slate!! It´s not only at baptism :) I love the gospel!!

Then yesterday, Mario even showed up a little early to church so he was able to pass the sacrament. His wife didn´t come yet but he said she´d be there next week. Then the Bishop called on him to share his testimony. He explained how he felt in debt to God. Then he broke out into tears and just thanked the Lord and said how he felt that when the missionaries went to visit him he felt like God was reaching out to him again. Fue super lindo! I think a lot of the time the reason why we don´t repent is not because we don´t want to, but because we forget how merciful our Heavenly Father and Savior truly are. It doesn´t matter how many times they´ve already forgiven us. When we´re sincere they´re happy to do so again. They are so FULL of love, and I know that they wish for all of us to come back to them. That´s why they do everything possible to help us return. Even when it means forgiving us over and over and over again! :) Increible

Derk, I´m stoked to hear where you are going on your mission!!! :D Keep staying excited. The time will come!!

I love you all


Elder Jordan Keele-Aug. 29, 2011

Hola familia, (that just got one bigger),

Tuesday we had changes, and I met my new companion Elder Pintor from Hermosillo Sonora. We've worked so hard since we've been back to Molango, and I couldn't feel any better. We must have knocked on about a fourth of the doors in all of Molango. It's tough and tiring, but I know it's what the Lord wants us to do. We've received lots of blessings, and I know that many more are headed our way.

Elder Castillo went to a place called Zumpango and is now a district leader. He's in the Estado de Mexico, in my favorite zone: Tecamac.

Wow, the wedding sounds like it was one of the greatest experiences of your lives. Thank you for being so detailed in telling me all that went on. I, too, feel so blessed and guilty of all that the Lord is blessing me and my family with. I'm so proud of all of you and can't wait to freely talk to all of you about everything ha ha. I'm so happy that Jamie and Travis have chosen to make the gospel the center of their lives and to have that always be the focus. I feel such a joy right now and can't wait to get out and tell these Molangans all about the wonderful truths of the gospel. I don't think my companion will have a very relaxing first P-day in the field :)

I love you all more than you know. You each mean so much to me and are such a motivation for me to be a better person. Take care and continue to be better and better everyday, never satisfied with whatever you've achieved in the past. ¡Todo por el Señor!

Love, the overly blessed Elder Jordan Keele

Hna. Jessica Keele- Aug 29, 2011

Mi Querido familia!!!

I love you all so much!!! Oh, how I so wish I could´ve been there at Jamie's wedding, but I am still absolutely happy that everything turned out so well!!! Sounds amazing! :D Ahhhh!! hahaha And what's up with the plans now? Are you in Hawaii, if not when do you go? For how long are you there and who all is going? haha

Andrés showed up to church yesterday!!!! Finally!!! haha And Bishop said that he is planning on giving him the Priesthood next week! :_D Awesome!! Hna Campos (Who was my companion when he got baptized) will be happy to hear that. She actually leaves next week! But hopefully they will have the farewell again so we can all meet together before. Transfers are here again, and I´ve got a feeling it´s time for me to be moving on but who knows :) Not me... yet haha

My eye is getting better. It´s still red but mejor. I´ll try and send pictures now.... I don´t know if the 2 ones that I wanted to work, work. haha But they are the better ones!!

But I can´t check it either I just have to send it and see. Anyways I love you all so much!!!! Glad to hear everything is good at home :D De verdad!! Don´t forget me, ah haha :P
