Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- Nov. 22, 2010

Sunday wasn't really busy. We had 3 investigators of a hoped for 15 that came to church with us this week. That's one of the most disappointing things as a missionary. Because they HAVE to come to church multiple times for them to qualify for baptism. So one week missed at church is another week without the Holy Ghost, and another week that the devil has to work against them. We're working really hard, but haven't seen many 'fruits' yet. I know they're coming. We just have to be patient and keep up the diligence.
I did play the piano again on Sunday, and let me tell ya, it makes a huge difference. For all you future missionaries, learn the hymns! So many people told me after sacrament meeting how much of a difference it makes. It really brings the Spirit so much more. Especially because most of the people haven't sung the hymns before, and without a piano, you have 500 different notes being sung at the same time. It's not their fault, they just don't know how it goes. For example: For Priesthood we sang without a piano, and it was an absolute train-wreck. The good thing is the people sing with all the energy they have. THAT's what brings the Spirit. But it does help with the piano.
There are no plans for Thanksgiving for us this week other than regular missionary-work. :) But that's all right, it's better that way.
So mom, you told me last week that you had tried to send a package to Elder Glass, but he had already left the MTC. That part was true. But this past week I found out that his mispelled name on his VISA was actually part of the Lord's plan for him. It would take another year for them to fix that minor issue. Why? I don't know. But I also know that it doesn't matter. The Lord really needed him in Chile where he's serving now and for the next 1.5 years, but he wanted me to meet him. It's amazing how the Lord works. If he originally was called to Chile, he never would've been in my MTC district. We're great friends, and I know we'll continue to be.
Well, as Winnie-the-Pooh would say, "I best be going now". And so I shall.
Ha ha, I hope you enjoyed it this week, because I sure did!
Have a happy Thanksgiving, eat lots of food, and maybe even some extra turkey for me. And no broken bones during turkey bowl!
I love you all, and keep living life the way the Lord wants you to
Elder Jordan Keele

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