Monday, November 1, 2010

Hna. Jessica Keele- Nov. 1, 2010


Wow, time goes by fast! I can´t believe this transfer is almost over!
ha Halloween was a joke!! haha There were a couple stores that put out
Halloween stuff a few weeks ago, but yesterday I saw only one group of
kids with masks or capes. But no candy bucket! haha Which is weird to
me because they really find any excuse to have a holiday, but not
yesterday! Then on "Dia de los niños" all the stores are closed haha
Diferente! Christmas is going to be different too! No snow or Christmas
lights, I´m excited for the asado [Argentine barbeque] though!! :) How was your Halloween?

Things are going well here! We had a really good district meeting last
Tuesday that helped me throughout the week. My zone leader and
district leader are companions, interesante! But they’re really
powerful missionaries and I’m learning a lot from them!

Our mission president has been encouraging us to visit with menos
activos [less actives] to get referrals. I’ve been noticing that with some it
only takes ONE visit to help them come back to church. But what´s
impresionante is that the ones who have a harder time coming back were once the most active before. One family we visited, haven’t been to church
in about 6 years. The dad was a counselor in the bishopric and the mom
a SECRETARY to the primary presidency. I can’t even imagine this ward
having a secretary for anything let alone the primary!! haha But she
brought out pictures and talked about the activities they use to have
and, it was interesting to find out that this was once a fully
functioning ward! Right now there are about 30 active people (about 15
of them being under 20). Es impresionante!! I just assumed it was
always like this but no. It´s a lot like the Nephites. There can be so
many good and righteous people at one time and then fast forward a
few years and the Lamanites are more righteous then they. Sometimes it
doesn´t even take years. No entiendo. The importance of always
REMEMBERING our Savior right? I want to count how many times the word remember is in the book of Mormon. It´s not that they didn´t
"know" It’s just that they forgot or didn´t always "remember" him.
Sometimes I want to be more like Elder Holland, Re-bold [Really bold] haha "Che! Usted sabe lo que necesita hacer. Hagalo!"[You know what you need to do, Do It!] o "Vos Hacélo!¨" haha I love Elder Holland´s talks. My companion gave me a quote from him this morning (except in Spanish and now back to English, espero que es lo mismo [I hope it is the same]) referring to missionaries, "The rules are given to help us have the Spirit. If you want to make up your own rules make up your own Church! But don’t you use the missionary plaque!" I love his talks because he´s bold when we need it! Anyway, my companion and I are trying to think of ways to help strengthen the ward. The investigators need their support! I’m not saying there isn’t anyone to help, because there are and I really love this ward!! But the list of members is about 6 times longer than what we see at church. and that needs to change.

Well time to go, I love you all! Hope you had a wonderful week! Keep
staying strong, pray and read everyday! :) Love ya,
Hna Keele

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