Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hna. Jessica Keele- Oct. 25, 2010

Hola familia!
It´s good to hear that you´re all doing well! :) Me too! :) I just want
to say that my testimony is being strengthened in the scripture that
says after much trials and tribulations come the blessings. (in D&C 50
I think, ha) But really, there are days when we walk all day and nobody
wants to listen, or talk all day and nobody wants to change or make
commitments, or call to follow up on commitments and they haven´t kept
them (Trials and tribulations). And then last week, full of blessings!
And days when people found US, invited us in and so they can listen to
the message of their Savior, to ask when they can be baptized and how,
to call US and tell us they want to make commitments. Makes me
remember I´m not the one doing anything! haha But this is true for
everyone! No matter what trial we´re going through we can look at it
with excitement in knowing that we´re going to receive blessings that
follow! Anyway, that´s my spill for the week :)
I got a haircut today! woot woot! I´ve been wanting one but for some
reason every salon here is closed on Mondays and from hours 1-5, and
random holidays which they happen to have every week or whatever day
they feel like. haha Pero bueno, Mi compañera es peluquera entonces yo
he tenido un corto de pelo. It´s the shortest I´ve had in a long time, but it will save
time fo sho! Pero me siento un poco raro, ah well haha [rough translation- My companion is a hair stylist so I had a hair cut. I feel a little strange.]
Ok pienso que yo voy a escribir un poco en español cada semana para
practicar. Por que mi vocabulario es grande pero mi gramatica...
re-mal haha When I write en español it makes me think. Y mira yo tengo
> familia que habla español, entonces.. por que no, eh?
[I think I am going to write a little in Spanish every week to practice. Because my vocabulary is big but my grammar is really bad. When I write in Spanish, it makes me think. And look, I have a family that speaks Spanish, so why not?
Muchas gracias por las recetas. Estoy animada para usarlos! Y diga
gracias a Julie porfavor :) Por que sí, no es necesario para tenerlos
más pero con mis zapatos es mejor para tener algo cuando estamos
caminando todo el tiempo con calor y humidad. eh? haha por eso no
quiero los largas pero knee highs si, lo quiero! :) y tambien los
largas va a estar bien por que en mí misión yo puedo estar con nieve
en cualquier momento. If I go to sur. Entonces por eso tambien.
[Thank you for the recipes. I am excited to use them! And tell Julie thank you, please. It is not necessary to wear nylons anymore but with my shoes it's better to have something when we are walking all the time with heat and humidity. For that reason I don't want long nylons but knee highs. And also the long ones will be good because in my mission I can be in a place with snow at any time.
I really like that quote from Elder Nelson about contemplate and
temples!! muy bueno! I can´t wait to go to the temple again. En serio
I never want to live far from a temple. haha A member was asking me
the other day how many temples are in Utah, ha I didn´t know. (There´s
like 14 right?) but he was shocked when I said I don´t know. But
really, we´re so blessed to live so close to many temples!
Muchas gracias mama por todo tu ayuda! Y gracias a todos! Les amo!!
Con amor,

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