Monday, June 6, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele-June 6, 2011

Hello, hello from my little pueblo!

I can't tell you how well things are going here in Molango. Elder Castillo and I are just the best of friends, and the Devil's got nothing on us :) We're in the middle of a little valley with mountains surrounding us, and it's just beautiful. Tomorrow we're going to visit a sister that lives by the viewpoint of the city, so I'll be sure to take my camera. My companion is the second counselor in the branch, and we've been doing a lot of clerk work and stuff. It's a lot of fun.

We just got news about the new mission. I'll be staying here with Pres. Hicken in the Mexico City East mission, and it's such a blessing. I love President Hicken, and it's an honor to be serving in his little "project". I do have some missionary friends that are going to the other mission, but it's all right. It's all the Lord's will.

Congratulations, Tyler, on your wedding! It's still weird for me, and I don't think I'll get used to either Tyler, Nicole, or Jamie being married until I get home.

I heard all about Elders Oaks and Cook that came here. Our mission wasn't invited this time, but the youth of my last ward went, and we had a couple investigators go and love it. I'm sure I'll get a chance to hear from a general authority here in Mexico, but not this time.

We have a couple people that are supposed to be baptized this weekend. Rosa Delia and Maria. They could use your prayers. We're striving to get on a roll so that would help us get a good start. Almost everyone in town knows everyone, so references come pretty easily. We had the opportunity to talk to a lady that her 3 year-old daughter fell off her two story house and was killed just last week. We talked about the plan of Salvation and sang a hymn for her. She was busy with funeral things so she couldn't come to church yesterday, but we'll keep working with her so she can be with her daughter again someday.

Thanks and love to all!

Elder Jordan Keele

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