Monday, June 13, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- June 13, 2011


Mom, thank you so much for your faithful emails! Inserio, it didn´t even worry me last week. For one thing, I got to see the picture and figured you´d be writing anyway. I´ve had companions that go weeks without hearing from family, but I´ve never had to even doubt that you will write me! Just want you know how much I truly appreciate your letters and all that you and Dad have done for me to be able to have this opportunity! I LOVE my mission!! And I don´t want to know where I would have been if I didn´t have the opportunity to serve a mission. Aww, but I can´t believe how old I am on the mission!!

Congrats, Jamie, on your wedding dress!! Send me a picture for next week! :)

Awww,. I´m sorry to hear about Steph's hamster! :( What an amazing loving Heavenly Father we have though that has prepared a plan for each one of his creatures!

Yesterday we had a stake/Argentina conference. President Packer, Elder Anderson, Elder Zivic and Sister Rosemary Wixom spoke to us! Elder Anderson spoke Spanish himself and there was a part in President Packer's and Sister Wixom's talk that they spoke a little too! Y bueno, Elder Zivic is from Buenos Aires, asi que tambien habló español!

Well I´m nervous, surprised and excited! There´s so much to tell that´s happened this week, but first of all...

My streak with kicking out my companions continued. Hna Cariola is the 4th companion that I´ve left or that´s left me during a transfer. I´m starting to expect it. But, she left me last Monday to go back to Almagro for an emergency transfer. (Hna Moreno had appendicitis.)

Then Katy (Facundo´s mom) called me saying that her other son, Johny, decided that he also wants to be baptized!! ;D Que ejemplo Facundo! We´ve never even been able to teach Johny before.

I saw Maria y Luis at family night last night AND David Salbeti!!! I don´t know if you remember me telling you about him way back in Campana, but he was the guy that said "Hey chicas! What are you selling?" to Hna Peña and me. Well, he was very happy to tell me that he has the priesthood now! :) Wahoo!!

Our apartment keeps blacking out! The first 3 times was our fault but the past two have not been! We had to hold flashlights for Hna Salas as she packed up everything last night. Que loco!!

Y bueno, transfers were today, and I´m going to be training. I still don´t know anything about my companion and won´t until tomorrow, if she´s a ("Gringa") or Latina. We had a meeting with President today, and they´ve changed the whole way they´re training now. We´re going to have 2 hours of companion study instead of 1 so we´ll be leaving at 12 everyday. That´ll be interesting. AND, they say the transfer is suppose to be 12 weeks... but we´ll see if I make it 2 transfers with the same companion haha Nah, but I´m very honored to be training, A lot of things have been coming to mind that I need to change and be a better example in. I hope I can be like Hna Peña! She was definitely the best "mami" :) She was so patient with me. She leaves next transfer, SOO CRAZY!!!!

Y bueno, that was a little bit about my week! OOOH and I met two elders that I´m suppose to pass a message along for! First of all to Jamie. Elder Unrau! He said, "Hey Sister Keele, do you have a sister that works at a bank?" -uhh yes!- "Ah because I met her about a year ago and she told me she had a sister that was going to the same mission. Finally I met you. Tell her hi!" Jamie, I even remember when you told me about him! You couldn´t remember his last name and just said it was something weird and that I should remember. Do you remember?

And an Elder Bennett. I think he was in Jordan's graduating class. I´m actually not sure about the last name, so if I see him again, I´ll have to double check. But someone who knows Jordan says, Hi.

Now I'm done! I love you all! Keep being good and doing what´s right!


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