Monday, January 16, 2012

Elder Jordan Keele-Jan. 16, 2011

Mis Seres Queridos,

It's been a pretty productive week. I'm learning so much in this area, and I love learning every day. I'm almost halfway through Jesus the Christ, but this time I'm reading all the scripture references, and I'm learning so much more! I've been gaining such a greater love for my Savior, and I continually try to put into practice His attributes more in my life. It truly makes a difference in how I feel every day.

We took Alberto and Sugey to be married legally on Tuesday morning, followed by some delicious Pozole at their house, and then later in the evening was the nice little baptismal service. It was a blessing to effect the ordinance.

I'm so happy to hear about Jessica. I can't wait to see her. She's always been such a huge influence and part of my life. I've loved that we had spent so much time together doing so many of the same things before our missions. Then, what a humongous tender mercy that we were able to be in the MTC together and serve our missions together. Ha ha, I better not write any more about that or else I'll start to cry here in the internet shop ha ha. Jessica, you've already made me look like a fool too many times in the internet shop ha ha! You can ask her about that :)

Jessica, I hope that the Lord guides you by the hand, day by day, so that this transition can be a smooth one for you. Plus, I'm going to need your help too in a few months so it won't be so hard on me!

I've seen the little Mexican Mormon history museum many times, but have never taken the time to go there. I had no idea it was done by a member. Now that I know, I'll be sure to go there that we're so close by. Just this morning we went to play basketball right next to the temple with some other missionaries, including the assistants. It was awesome.

I hope you enjoy the Family Home Evening tonight. How special that Jessica will be there and be able to share experiences that she'd just had a week ago! I hope the spirit guides all who are in attendance to make the necessary adjustments to find more peace and joy in their lives.

I love you all, (as I always say because its true!), and I hope you have a great week!

Elder Jordan Keele

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