Friday, February 10, 2012

Elder Jordan Keele, Feb. 6, 2012

Buenas Tardes,

Oh boy, what an interesting week. I think the last couple weeks I've only shared spiritual experiences, so I'm feeling like today I should share an exciting story. You may not believe any of it, but it is all true... trust me. I even have pictures to prove it.

Wednesday morning, about 4:00 AM I woke up to a thud on the left side of my body, on my bed. I thought in my mid-awakeness what it could've been, and was satisfied in thinking it was just my blanket, although I clearly knew it must have been something else. Either way, I ignored it and quickly fell back asleep. 4:32 AM I woke up again. This time because I got whacked in the head by something the size of a pen. Immediately I woke up, and to my absolute horror I see the back end of a giant, dirty, fat, Mexican rat right beside my pillow in front of my face. I jumped up at once, somehow managed to get my slippers on and took a giant leap to the light switch, the entire time totally freaked out. My companion wakes up thinking I had a nightmare or something and tries to calm me down. I told him it was a rat, but he wouldn't believe me. Long story short, I found him hiding under my bed. So I went and got my camera so I could prove it.

We scared him back into the tube hole where he had come out, then put a broom stick over it and all was good. Went back to sleep a little bit nervous. 5:30 AM we wake up again hearing something in the window above my companions bed. Again, it was the dang rat! Nasty little thing. He had chewed off the broom handle! I'll show you a picture of that too. So we were too scared to go back to bed.

I told you I was going to make this short... We talked to the landlord and he sealed up the hole. We get home at night, and because of a meeting some missionaries had on Thursday morning, a couple others came to sleep at our house. At 10:20, right before we were about to cover up on the floor, we hear some noises coming from the kitchen. We looked and looked and couldn't see any sign of the rat (other than some nice little droppings he gave to us... what a thoughtful critter). Finally, I turn around a little oven thing the size of a microwave and I see the dang thing hiding in there! We planned to just scare it and we made a nice pathway for him to run straight out the door. Well, the stubborn pest didn't like that idea, and we couldn't scare him out of the little place. We had no other choice but to terminate him. Elder Solheim grabbed a broom stick, and using the handle finally managed to choke him in the neck against the metal wall of the oven. Meanwhile I sought my revenge! Muah ha ha. (Tell me if this is cruel or not...). I grabbed the other broom stick that the very rat had chewed off. He made a nice little point on the end there. While Elder Solheim had him trapped back there, I stabbed him right in the head! (I told you you wouldn't believe this).

Anyways, the rat died after squealing a bit, (which was surprisingly loud), and we now have a rat-free home! El fin.

Other than that it's been a pretty progressive week :)

My new companion, E. Terry is from Peru, I asked him about his last name but I forgot what he said :) ha ha but he really is from Peru, right by Lima. My old companion (E. Rubalcava) got changed to be companions with another elder whose previous companion went home due to surgery.

Oh, I don't know of anything specific that I would like in a package except for a Hot Fudge Brownie Sundae from Coney's, but I don't know if ithat's worth shipping :) I'll let you know next week if I think of anything.

You're meeting with Sis. Dalton sounds like a great experience. What a blessing it is to be so close to so many great and virtuous women.

Thanks for all you do and for all your support. I got the big Christmas letter from the Keele family the other day, so please send my best to all of them! I love you all. Have another great week!

Elder Jordan Keele

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