Monday, February 27, 2012

Elder Jordan Keele, Feb. 27, 2012


On Saturday morning we called Pres. Hicken to ask for permission to go to the Distribution Center at the temple to buy my companion a white tie for the baptisms (which actually didn't happen yesterday, ahorita I'll explain why). Usually Pres. Hicken, without a doubt, gives permission for things like that, but this time he was a bit hesitant in letting us go. I didn't know why, but after some thought he said yes.

As we arrived at the store, right as I was about to go inside, I saw Hno. Julio Ramírez from Molango! I quickly yelled for him and he turned around and had a huge smile on his face, as did I, and we gave each other a quick handshake and hug. I thought maybe he had just come alone because I remember him telling me he was going to come in February to be baptized for an uncle that died last year. But no, the entire branch, (well, most of them) came! It was such a surprise and miracle! That's probably why Pres. Hicken was hesitant in letting me go, but either way I had no idea they were going to be there.

I got to say hi to the majority of the members. It was such a sweet little reunion, even if it was just for a few minutes. I actually had a dream of them last Wednesday night and woke up missing them a lot. It was a sweet little tender mercy that the Lord saw fit to give me.

We found out Saturday night that Hno. Jorge and Sis. Rosa María aren't legally married, so we're going to get them married on Wednesday and have the baptism the same day. They're progressing really well and the ward is proud to have them there. All 7 of them are really excited for the special day.

I miss all of you too, but time is going quickly. Before you know it I'll be married and have 3 kids! Ha ha, ok, one step at a time...

Rjay and I write even if it's just a sentence or two every week. We're still best of friends and I look forward to seeing him in about 6 months. I'm happy his family still lives in Orem, it'll be fun to visit with them as well.

I hope Marlo can just hang in there a bit longer! I'd like to see him before anything else happens.

I'm sure it's nice for everyone to have Dad home for an extra week-day. It's nice that his work is so flexible and understanding.

I know everyone would be interested to hear that I conquered the pigs feet! I don't know if you'll remember, but in my first couple weeks in Mexico I was given a tostada with gelatin-like nasty pig feet cubes. Well, yesterday I was given the offer, and I couldn't turn it down. It wasn't as bad as I had remembered it to be. I can now honestly say that I've been able to eat everything that's been given to me!

Elder Jordan Keele

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