Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Elder Jordan Keele, Feb. 20, 2012

Wow, amazing week... and the upcoming one will be even better.

A couple months ago Elder De Hoyos in a Zone Conference suggested that when we're teaching a family that we ask them to think of someone they can invite for the next lesson. Well, Jorge (50ish) [Jorge is the man we taught Amos 8 to...], his wife Rosa María (45ish) and their daughter Catia (11) did just that. For our second visit not only were they all there, but Rosa María had invited her sister María Elena and her three kids: Jacqueline, Andrés, and Angela. They're such a faithful and obedient family! They truly are a miracle. Hno. Jorge says he's been searching all his life for the true church, but that every time he had left a different church he said that emptiness was always there. He could never feel satisfied. Well in their first visit to our church he said he felt "full", just as the scripture promises (3 Ne. 18). Long story short, they all have their baptismal date for this upcoming Sunday the 26th. What a miracle all of this was.

Hna. Isabel is such a sweet older lady. I really love her, and all older women. :) She was kind enough to knit me a really nice and thick scarf! It was a gift she gave me. That was really special.

However Sergio, the Jew, frankly told us that he believes all we're teaching him is true, but because of the traditions of his fathers he would "definitely not take a baptism in our church". We're planning to visit him one last time this week, but unfortunately for him, his ancestors, and his future generations, may not be willing to progress and truly accept the restored gospel.

I pray that Marlo and all of his family can deal with the situation in the best way. Every time I hear something like that, at least on my mission, my testimony is reinforced of the Plan of Salvation. It's not easy losing a loved one, but through Christ and his atonement all of our pain can be taken off of our backs. What a merciful plan it really is!

I'm happy to hear about Jessica's jobs! That's, I'm sure, a very nice blessing. I know Jamie loved it there at UCCU Stadium Branch, and I'm sure Jessica will too.

Thanks for all you do, I hope you all continue to do well and have a great week!

Elder Jordan Keele

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