Monday, September 13, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele-Sept. 13, 2010

Hola everybody!

I actually didn't get your letter yet. But I'm sure it'll arrive either today or tomorrow. It has to go to the mission office first, then it'll come to me so it takes a couple extra days.
I love reading the Ensign, reading the talks and things from the General Authorities and others. I can't wait for General Conference! I'm more anxious for that than I am for Mexico :)
That's so cool that you had a regional conference. Those are probably some of the coolest talks. That's so true that we can never be satisfied with our performance. The better we are, the happier we can become. It's as simple as that.
Productive week? Funny you should mention that. Hmmm.... not exactly. It's been a struggle for me. I love my companion, and he's a good missionary. But it's difficult at times because we're no where near as diligent as we need to be. In fact we're far from it. I'm in a difficult position because I'm not in a position of authority, and I feel out of place when I try and suggest things. For example, yesterday we taught 0 lessons, met with 0 less actives, tracted for 0 hours, talked to 0 people in passing, and have 0 new investigators. That's basically how this week has been. We did have a baptism yesterday, and that went really well. This morning our zone leaders made a surprise visit during companionship study. They said they "felt like they needed to come by and help us make the changes that will help us be better missionaries". I know that the Lord answers prayers. I can't wait for the end of this week to see the difference it will make. It all starts with the little things, getting up on time, having a clean home, and focusing on the right things. I know the Lord blesses us as we try and do our best. This week is going to be awesome!
I hope I never sound negative or unappreciative because I'm not. I'm grateful for all the blessings I receive, I just may not be able to express things correctly.
I have heard of missionaries moving in with members. On my first day they told us that they were trying to get all of us in with members. As of right now, I think in the mission it's maybe a quarter of missionaries living with members, maybe even less. It would save a ton of money, and it's a great opportunity for the members to serve. I doubt we'll be moving out any time soon, but I'm sure that within a couple years most missionaries in the U.S. will be living with members. I think it's a great idea.
You and Jessica both took the words right out of my mouth. We had 7 people planning on coming to church yesterday, only one came. It's definitely not an easy thing for us. But Mom, you said it perfectly. We have to look at it as Heavenly Father sees it. We aren't a lot of times doing the things that He knows will bless our lives immensely. It's easy for us to find the faults in others, but by doing that we only bring ourselves down. We must focus on our lives, and only the ones we have authority over.
The Boise trip will be a lot of fun. I'm sure all of you will have a great time. Tell William that I'm proud of him, and that he's going to have the time of his life!
That's too bad about Marcos. I know some missionaries from the MTC that had problems with visas for Spain as well. But it's not our desires that matter, it's the Lords.
We live in difficult times. It's not an easy thing to share the gospel, for whatever reason. But as Lehi's vision of the tree of life clearly depicts, it is our job as members of the Church to share this beautiful fruit with all those that are willing to listen. I know that if we pray for the gift of discernment that we can find the ones that are among God's 'elect'. There is no greater joy than sharing something you love with someone you love. Seek for opportunities to help build the Kingdom of God. We are so blessed to have this knowledge. I hope I never lose the fire that is with me when I focus my day on Christ. By learning more about him, and by thinking more about him I instantly have the Spirit more in my life, and it makes a huge difference in everything I do.
I look forward to the day where I meet my Savior, and can thank Him for allowing me this opportunity to grow. This life, no matter how long it may seem, is next to nothing when it comes to eternity. May we all stay close to the Lord and never lose sight of what really matters.
I love you all, and thank you for the support I receive everyday. There are times throughout the day that I just feel the prayers and love of those back home for me. Every prayer counts, and I thank you for them.

Have a safe trip up to Boise! I love you!

Elder Jordan Keele

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