Monday, September 27, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- September 27, 2010


I write my e-mails 2 blocks from home at the local library.

Wow, I'm sure many prayers were answered in behalf of those homes that weren't burned. That's crazy that only 3 out of a projected 100 burned. The Lord watches out for His people :)

It is exciting to study everyday. It's one of the times everyday that I look forward to most. I know it's kind of expected of missionaries to study so much, but I hope when I get back I'll be able to keep it up. There really is so much to learn about the gospel, and we can never know enough. The more I read, the more I want to read more :)

I remember that ward camp out. Has it really been that long ago? Amazing how fast time flies.

Wow, Jared and Meghan are already having a baby? Congrats to them! I never have been to the new La Carreta, but I remember going there in elementary school. I think we went there again in 7th grade. I don't remember specifically how the food was, but I'm sure it was good.

I heard a little bit about the Relief Society Meeting yesterday in fast and testimony meeting. Sounds like it was really good, and I'm sure it just made you even more excited about next weekend. I don't know where I'll be, I could be here, I could be at the MTC, or I could even be in Mexico for conference. But wherever I'll be, I know it'll be the Lord speaking. One of the missionaries in his testimony said that conference is like Christmas for a missionary. That's so true! :) By the way, I think that whenever my VISA comes, I'll leave like the next day. So I'll ask the Mission Office if they could give you a call to let you know what time our flight is so I can call you before I leave.

I agree. Jesus Christ leads and guides this church the way He wants it done. It's a great thing to be a part of. I've been thinking a lot of how true the Hymn "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" is. He does live, and He is here to direct us. A member shared a story with us the other day about when she served a mission. I won't go into too much detail, but they were in a lot of trouble. They then were saved by 'somebody', that scared the bad men away that were trying to hurt them. She said she didn't look up to see who it was, but her companion later told her that there was no doubt in her mind that it was Jesus himself, because she saw his face. How cool of an experience that would be! I know that He lives, and He does watch out for those that are trying to do His will.

The more I learn and read about Jesus Christ, the happier I am, the better missionary and person I am, the more I want to share it with others. It's just the best feeling in the world. I hope we all can take the time to learn more about the Savior each day.

Well, I love being a missionary. The Lord is always with me, and there's nothing to be scared of. I love you all, and I hope all is well.

Love, Elder Jordan Keele

P.S. I attached some pictures.

2272- Me, E. Cribbs, and Jonathan Shaffer -->He was just baptized on Saturday the 25th, and I had the privilege of baptizing him.
2231- Left: E. Howell (Blackfoot, ID) and his companion E. Hopkins (Logan, UT), then me and E. Cribbs (Houston, TX) --> P-day, driving to the church to go play some basketball :)
2218- That pretty much sums up Colorado Springs :) jk
2205- Left: Me, Patrick Taylor, E. Slade, E. Cribbs --> Patrick was baptized two weeks ago. He had met with missionaries before, but was dropped. We picked him up and he was ready to be baptized this time. E. Slade taught him like a year ago.

I think that's good for now. I hope it all works!

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