Monday, September 27, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- Sept 20, 2010

Hi there, it's me again :)

I got your letter on Tuesday last week. I loved it! I forgot to bring it with me because you asked some questions and stuff and I wanted to comment on some things, but I don't remember. So I'll write a letter and send it today. I think the Seton Place address is actually the mission home. The mission office is 3 blocks from where I live, that's the Center Park Drive address. That's the better one to write to. By the way, thanks for dealing with my letters for others that I send home. I forgot to get the addresses when they sent me mail or packages. I'll try and keep their addresses written down. So thanks.

Wow, Joe is going already? I guess Josh is a little late, and they're only a year apart, but that's awesome! If you ever see them tell him congrats, and he's going to love going stateside! Lots of little perks and benefits :)

I wish I could listen to stuff like that from the mormon channel. They do bring the Spirit, and it helps solidify your foundation. I'm looking forward to when I can do that someday again.

Just this morning I read a talk from I think Ezra Taft Benson titled 'Beware of Pride'. That's an incredible talk. It really opens your mind to how big of a problem it is, and in what ways it disguises itself. I chose one specific thing to work on, and I've made it a goal for this week. Mom, thank you for that reminder, that's exactly what I needed. The thing I chose to focus on is instead of thinking "What will (men) think of me?" think "What will God think of me?". Basically the same idea. It's so important to always "re-light your fire" because its amazing at how quickly we can forget and lose sight of what we thought we'd always remember so clearly. I will work harder at that, and I know your prayers help. Thank you all!

I'm so glad Shannon got the letter. I wasn't sure if her house was sold yet or whatever the deal is there. She is an amazing woman who is going through a lot, and yes, with the help of the Lord she will get through anything.

I'm excited to get those talks. I've really come to love reading the words of our modern-day leaders.

What about Stephanie? Did she not go to Boise?

2:00 AM?!? That's crazy talk! :) I miss those long nights of playing games ha ha It's good to see that some things haven't changed. I bet William did well. I can't wait to see what changes the mission will have on him, because if he allows it to, it will change and bless his life forever.

We haven't had a big fire in a while, at least I don't remember one. I hope everyone is all right, especially our family. Wasn't it Todd that just got called as bishop? And didn't they just two weeks ago do the emergency preparedness thing too? I bet all that took that seriously can see the blessing from that already. And all that didn't, I'm sure took a real slap to the face, (spiritually speaking), and had a nice wake-up call.

Yesterday we had a regional stake conference as well, I think that's what it's called. But it was broadcast from Salt Lake, and all (I think all) of Colorado, Montana and Wyoming tuned in. Probably the equivalent of Utah county, Midway and Heber in attendance ;) It was really good. Elders Donald L. Hallstrom, and L. Tom Perry, and Sister Mary N. Cook and Pres. Uchtdorf spoke. It was really good. They talked about how our covenants are the iron rod, to do the basic praying and reading everyday, to follow the spirit even if you think you know better, and to always have a temple recommend and go as often as possible.

Well, I hope you're all doing very well back at home. You're always in my prayers. Always look for missionary opportunities. There are so many blessings that come from doing that. Try it, and you'll see :)

I love you!

Elder Jordan Keele

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