Monday, March 14, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Mar. 14, 2011

Hola Familia! :)

Okay, so I have a miracle to tell and also, we could use your prayers this week. :) We have a baptism for Saturday with a man named Jesus that we met last week. His daughter, Noelia, is a member in our ward, and we´ve been working with her husband, (an investigator) Cheryl, that I told you about a while back.

Bueno, Noelia´s parents are visiting from Peru for a month and are hoping to move here as well. We met them the first day last week. They made us a huge dinner, and we talked about faith. Then the next day we went with the intentions of talking with Cheryl but he had to leave so we decided to talk about the restoration with Jesus anyway. The spirit was very strong! :) He´s an active Catholic and has a strong faith in Jesus Christ, and for some reason we felt strongly to put a baptismal date for him. And he accepted!! He said he finally understands the apostasy. At the end we knelt down and he said the prayer and the first thing he said was, Dios, Te acepto! (God, I accept you) At the end of his prayers Noelia was in tears, She said "For thirteen years I´ve been waiting for my Dad to accept the gospel! Thirteen years we´ve been trying to help him see!" AH que lindo! I love the gospel!!

Okay, so why could we use your prayers! The next day we went back and talked about the plan of salvation and the atonement. It all went very well, but we smelled smoke. So we also talked about the word of wisdom. He accepted it and is trying to quit. Please pray that he has the strength that he needs to quit and follow through with his baptismal date! :) Also, they want to postpone it for his other daughter to come, but she was already supposed to be here by now. If you could also pray that she comes earlier and make the sacrifice for her dad! :) Thank you very much. I know that prayer is a powerful tool to see miracles!!

I also got more translating opportunities. haha Yesterday 2 of the people from India came to church and we had asked someone to translate for us, so I wasn´t worried about it all week. A girl named Michelle was going to do it, BUT she got sick! But it´s okay. The Lord helped me all the way. We´re going to go eat lunch with them today too! They will be cooking it. I´ll take some pictures!!

Well,l I hope everyone is doing well! I love you all! Keep strengthening your testimonies, and my dear younger brothers and sisters, prepare for a mission! :) Love ya,
Hna Keele

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