Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele-May 23, 2011

Hola everyone,

It's been a great week and I can't wait to continue working :)

Happy 25th anniversary mom and dad! I love you both and am so proud of all that you've done and are still doing for the benefit of us, your children.

It's true, we're told to find the very elect, and, in a nice way, we're told to not waste time with those who aren't going to progress and those who aren't ready to make this big commitment. In my mission we've been told by President Daniel L. Johnson of the 70, that there are 1,000 people in each area that are ready to enter into the waters of baptism right away. We just have to find them.

WOW!! Bryson's already about done?! I can't believe it. Congratulations to him!

I haven't gotten your package yet, but I did receive one from the Knudsen family. Please thank them when you see them next. It was very sweet and very appreciated. I received it today, and they sent it on the 21st of April. So possibly by next week I'll get your package.

Way to go Derek! I'm so glad to hear about all the wonderful things you're doing. By the way, I like your ties Derek and Dallin in the picture, and I like Nathan's sweater :)

It seems that every week someone else is either preparing for or going on a mission. I can't tell you all how happy I am for you.

For all you future missionaries: I read earlier this week Elder Bednar's talk in the Priesthood session of General Conference from about 5-6 years ago on ''Becoming a missionary''. It's a wonderful talk, and he gives lots of good advice for those preparing to serve. One quote that really stuck out to me was this: ''You will not suddenly or magically be transformed into a prepared and obedient missionary on the day you walk through the front door of the MTC.'' (Italics added). I can't tell you how true that is. If you aren't reading your scriptures now, you're not going to want to on the mission. If you struggle with brushing your teeth twice a day now, you're going to struggle with it on your mission. If you don't trust in your church leaders now, you won't obey the council of your leaders on the mission. There aren't words enough to describe the truthfulness of this statement, and I'm sure every returned missionary would agree. You must become a missionary looong before you go on a mission. If you have any bad habits, stop them today. To reinforce Elder Bednar's thought, Elder Richard G. Scott has said, ''You become what you want to be by consistently being what you want to become each day.'' The best way to prepare for your mission is by being a missionary today.

Are you sure those pictures are of Tammie and not of Steph? They look like twins! I'm glad that you had a good time on the trek. Mom, I think there's a reason that boys don't know how to braid... it would be kind of creepy if that was our hobby ha ha.

Thank you all so much. I love hearing from you and I'm so grateful that the Lord continues to bless all of you. May each of us have a stronger desire to follow more closely the council of our modern day prophets.

Elder Jordan Keele

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