Monday, August 8, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele-Aug. 8, 2011

Hola familia,
Things are starting to pick back up again here in Molango. On Sunday, our family of 5 FINALLY came to church like they said they would. Lucio, the dad, who we found two months ago is already a member but had never been to church here in Mexico because he was baptized in Tennessee.... long story. Needless to say, they finally took their first step together towards eternal life, and we're looking forward to going down to the lake again probably in two weeks. It's been too long since I've been there!

Jamie and 'Trav', your wedding invitation looks wonderful! My weird feelings about it all are finally starting to wear off. I'm so excited for you both!

It seems like school just finished, and it's already starting soon... what's up with that? ha ha. I think one area that I've grown the most from my mission is my desire to learn. Of course about gospel stuff, but also about Math, English, History... It all seems fascinating to me now. I look forward to going back to school in the future.

Elder Castillo and I got word, (still not super official yet, but almost pretty sure) that we'll be together for at least another cycle after this one is up. Which means Molango will be my home until about the end of October-ish. I can't believe we're already talking about the end of the year. We should have some years with like 30 months sometimes, because 12 just isn't enough.

Mom and Dad, thank you so much for your testimonies. It brings so much comfort to know that all that I'm going through and learning are things that you've already gone through and learned but that are important for me to gain that same conviction. The mission has truly changed my life, and I'm forever grateful for it. It's changed me so much. Your words are becoming so much more meaningful to me and precious as I grow in my knowledge of my Divine Redeemer. He blessed me so much for having put me here on earth as your son.

Thanks for all being so supportive, loving, kind, generous, productive, motivational, strong, consistent, good, helpful, and other stuff. It's a blessing to be a part of this family.

Have a great week! I love you all, and take care!
Elder Keele

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