Monday, August 8, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele-Aug. 2, 2011

Good afternoon,

Elder Castillo and I had the opportunity to go to Pachuca Thursday night and work for a day and a half alongside our zone leaders. I've always loved doing exchanges, and this was the first time we went since I've been here in Molango. I learned a lot, and as always came out very motivated to work harder and harder. We're starting to hand out pamphlets like crazy to invite everyone to come to church on Sunday. We hope to see many people benefit from that effort.

Maria, the wonderful, faithful, diligent lady that we baptized a couple months ago brought her sister to church. It's so funny, because they're exactly the same ha ha. We had actually knocked on her door a few days before and I said to myself, wow, she looks a lot like Maria... sure enough, she was her sister. They are just two really shy and quiet old ladies, but they're among the elect, and it's a blessing to work with them. We hope to help Eugenia progress to the waters of baptism just like her sister did.

Elder Castillo and I finished reading Jesus the Christ on Thursday morning. What an accomplishment! It's by far the biggest book I've ever read, and it feels great. I learned so much from that book and am excited to start reading it again sometime.

I forgot Marie and Rachelle are both getting married too. Wow, everyone's going to get married before I get home! But that's a good thing. Congratulations Nicole and ..... what's the guys name again?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this world that we live in. Here in Molango, when it's not cloudy, we see tons and tons of stars. I love star gazing! It truly does make you think about the privileges we receive. We probably need to be better at appreciating things. Well, I do anyway.

I'm happy to hear about Stephanie's progress. Tell her I love her so much! It's raining hardcore right now, just thought I'd let you know.

Later today I'll send some pics, but this computer always messes up my camera and memory card, so I'm not even going to try it here. But they have cheap and fast printing, so it has its pros and cons. I love all of you! And thank you so much!

Elder Jordan Keele

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