Monday, August 15, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Aug 15, 2011

Hola Familia!!!

Today´s going to be real short, but how are you all doing!? I love and miss you all so much!!! :D

This week was good. I had a very neat experience with one of the members here, Hna Perrington. She´s from the states :D). We asked her to accompany us to an appointment with an investigator named Gabriela. Gabriela has been super sad. Her mom passed away just a few months ago, and she´s got a whole bunch of other problems. When we went to go see her, she opened the door crying. We sang a hymn, said a prayer, and started talking about the Savior and his love for us. She still cried and we weren´t really reaching her either. She doesn´t open up to people, and she wouldn´t tell us what was wrong or what we could do to help. Then Hna Perrington, la miembro justo, just straight out told her "I love you and the sister missionaries love you. I know I just met you, but seeing you like this makes me just feel sad because you're my sister!!!" She gave her a hug and let her cry in her arms. After that she opened up more! Awww, it was so sweet! I know that the Savior has so much love for us. He wants to just hug us and love us when we are having a hard time!! Sometimes he does that through other people. Hna Perrington was definitely the Lord's arms in that moment for Gabriela. We talked about how he loves her, and we know it, but she didn´t believe us. But when Hna Perrington took the step up and just SHOWED her the love that he has, she opened up! Aww!! I love my Savior, I love my Father in Heaven, and I know that they want ALL of their children to return back to them! Well, I have to go now, but I hope you are all doing well! Keep working hard and keep being the Lord's hands here on earth!!


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