Monday, May 21, 2012

Elder Jordan Keele, May 21, 2012

Amada Familia Keele,
Yahoo!! Justine was finally baptized yesterday! Although we ran through some bumps along the way, she ended up getting baptized anyways. Meaning that during the second hour we realized that the baptismal font wasn´t filling up because the church ran out of water... so we tried to hurry and find a place where she could quickly be baptized. We checked with the local pool place at what would be the recreation center here, and they were willing to have us do it there! (I kind of had to guilt trip them though saying that if this person wasn´t baptized she wouldn´t be able to come unto Christ ha ha). But as it turns out that wasn´t necessary because the font at the stake center was already full cause the elders there had a baptism too that morning. So we just all went over there (like a 10 minute drive... not too bad). It was a great service.
We´re praying and working hard for another miracle baptism to happen this week. Joel and his grandma Magdalena are on the verge of deciding to do it on Wednesday. They just need a little push and it´ll happen. It truly is a great joy to work with them!
Ha ha I´m sure Louene and Angela both are happy it was a girl! Ha ha funny funny
I love that phrase "Converted to the Lord". When I first read that about 6 months ago it really stood out to me. Like you said, it´s not enough to be converted to the church, but to the Lord. After that it repeats that phrase many times in the Book of Mormon, but not once does it say converted to the church. That would make a great talk topic.
Today I had the opportunity to meet up with Elders Castillo and Falslev (my best friends from the MTC, Elder Castillo was my companion for a time up in Molango), and we went to visit the pyramids in Teotihuacán for the last time. We were fortunate enough to buy a few little gifts and souveniers, so all my worrying about that is done.
Elder Castillo and I were told that the Beltran family should be entering the temple this Saturday. Also I got in contact with JosĂ© Contreras, (the one who called you about a year ago :) ), and he´s apparently preparing for the temple as well. I hope he can before I leave, but either way I´m super happy for him.
Thanks to everyone for everything. Every prayer in my behalf is truly appreciated and is a strong motivation for me knowing that so many are caring for me from so far away. Have a great week!
Elder Jordan Keele

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