Monday, October 4, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- Oct. 4, 2010

Conference was incredible! I was so fortunate to watch all the sessions live at member's houses (except for Priesthood at the church). It was so powerful, so inspiring, and I really want to be better. There were so many fabulous talks that I want to study deeply over the next six months. As was mentioned twice, the living prophet is more vital to us than the standard works. If we're told to read the scriptures everyday, and the words of Pres. Monson and the others are more vital to us than those, doesn't that imply that we ought to study the words of the prophet everyday as well? That's what I got out of it, and that has become my goal.

I have felt the prayers of many for the past week especially. Your prayers do count, and it makes a very huge difference. This past week has by far been the best week on my mission. It wasn't perfect, we still have a lot of work to do and progression to make, but I can see lot's of potential for us. For example: in weeks past we've had as many as 40-60 ITL's (Invite to learn: meaning talking to people on the street while on our way to appointments, or any time we talk to someone new other than tracting, teaching a lesson, etc.) a week. Our goal, set by the mission president, has always been 120 a week. Well, I'm happy to announce that this past week we had 166 ITL's. I wish I could take the credit :) But combined with the efforts of my companion, your prayers, and the hand of the Lord, we were able to make that happen. We also made a new personal record of teaching 14 lessons, when our other highest was 8. So, it's not so bad here :)

We, I mean, I need to be more patient with my trials. To focus on having an 'Attitude of Gratitude' (Pres. Monson), 'to show trust in my Savior by listening, repenting, and doing' (Pres. Eyring), by 'being thankful to God for letting me struggle for a long time so that I can learn' (Elder Scott), and to be more humble by 'not thinking less of myself, but less about myself' (Pres. Uchtdorf). These are the words of modern day prophets, and they were intended for me, as they were intended for all of us. It's been a fabulous week!

During the Priesthood session, when Elder Nelson had all the missionaries stand up wherever they were, I felt especially the love from Dad, Derek, and Nathan. I'm grateful to not be alone in this work, and I know that you two (Derek and Nathan) are following close behind. My heart is full of gratitude, and it truly makes me instantly happier. Thank you.

Well, life is good. Right? I look forward to the struggles that lie ahead. I wish luck especially to William this week as he enters the MTC. Just remember, ''it's easier to be 100% obedient than it is to be 98% obedient'' (Pres. Monson), and it's so much more worth it! Happiness is truly found in being exactly obedient, no matter how happy you may think you are while you willingly disobey.

I just finished writing to the President, and shared this experience with him. I figured you'd like to hear it as well :)

Tuesday night Elder Cribbs and I had run out of plans, because our others had fallen through. It was 8:40, and we knew it was too early to go inside. The night before we had set goals during our planning session to teach 5 lessons and have 4 new investigators. At that time on Tuesday night, we had taught 4 lessons and had 3 new investigators. Obviously there was one more person we needed to find and teach that night. We pulled over on the sidewalk to say a prayer, asking Heavenly Father to lead us to the soul he had prepared for us. After saying the prayer, I felt a very subtle impression to head a certain direction, and we soon would find him/her. It was only about 1 minute away, and there we found Josh. He's a 17 year old kid who just moved here from Florida with his mom and grandma. He mentioned to us that his younger brother just recently passed away. He's had no religious background in his life. We were able to teach him a quick second lesson right there on the bridge by our apartment. We're meeting with him tonight to go further. I know the Lord blesses us as we strive to fulfill his work.

Have a wonderful week, I love you all!

Elder Jordan Keele

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