I'm glad to hear that you've all, well, almost all, have made it safe and sound, and are enjoying a bite of paradise!
We've rearranged the hometeaching assignments in the branch, and hope that that'll help them fulfill their assignment. Last week in priesthood we read Pres. Uchtdorfs conference talk from April about living up to our privileges. If we aren't feeling joy in our priesthood, (or any other) assignments, somethings not right. Hopefully that'll help them a little bit step up a little higher so we can progress as a branch, and as children of God more effectively.
Ana still hasn't gotten baptized yet, due to difficulties with her mom. But I have a good feeling about this week :) She has a super solid testimony of the Book of Mormon, and once she's in, she'll be in for the eternities for sure. I can't wait to see her progress and make an influence in the branch.
Sounds like you had a great experience at Sacrament Meeting. I'm sure the families of those two elders were super happy to hear that! Thank you for including their comments in your e-mail.
Mom, I think to a little extent I know what you mean about the little moments of inspiration. The other day Elder Pintor were trying to think of what member we could ask to accompany us to a lesson with an investigator that day, and we decided on Hna. Sara Mari. Right after we said her name, and turned the corner, we saw her across the street and thought, "Yup, she's the one!". The Lord wants so bad to be a part of our lives and guide us by the hand, day by day, hour by hour. We just have to be sure to be always listening to what He's trying to tell us, and be worthy of hearing it as well.
Whoa Mom, hold your horses! You're talking about Novemeber of 2012 already? I haven't even thought of Novemeber of 2011 yet! Ha ha jk, but I would love to stay home with the little kiddies next year ;)
Thanks for all you do, and just keep being righteous!
Love, Elder Jordan Keele
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