Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Oct 3, 2011

Hola Familia!

I wasn´t able to see the first few talks on the Saturday session due to some satellite connection problems :( And when we finally got it, we only got it in Spanish :( haha I want to ask if you could copy and paste the talks (in English please haha) and send them to me in an email. I´ll put it into word and print it. Because we´re not going to get that Ensign until December or January at the earliest...So if you could do that for me today. Por favor!! I will be soooo happy!

I´m pretty sure I saw President Monson's talk, but I somehow missed that part! Awesome. I didn't know that the Provo Tabernacle was going to be a temple!!! That´s soo cool. If I wasn´t so in love with the Salt Lake Temple I might consider marrying there. I don't know, we´ll have to see :P Have they already started building it then? Is there an expected date of when it might be finished? I saw the picture and was like "What is this?" I thought it burned down. Then I noticed the Angel Moroni and was even more confused. Then I decided to read your email to make sense of it. :P Awesome!

Conference was amazing!!! We also had a wonderful miracle. Our church is the stake center so everyone gathered here for conference. And we had a wonderful miracle. A member from another ward came up to us after the 2nd session Saturday. She had met a lady (Gillermina) in the street the other day, started talking to her and invited her to conference and she came!! :) She lives in our area so she came to introduce her to us. We invited her Sunday as well and she came to both sessions. She was able to see the baptism (other elders in our zone). Afterward we asked her if she´d like to be baptized and she said yes so she´ll be getting baptized next Saturday, (the 15th). From what she´s told us so far, she´s had a very hard life. This was her first time EVER going to a church and she felt the spirit so strongly or as she put it, she said she felt "good, something very good in her heart". She is truly someone the Lord has been preparing, and she's ready to receive the gospel.

At one of the lunches that we went to last week, the member told us that one of the construction workers that was working on her house wanted to meet us. She thought it was weird but said okay and after lunch when we went back down to meet him he told us that he had a dream with us. Actually with four sister missionaries. When my companion and I walked in he said that he recognized Hna Iñigo (my companion) right away. :) The sad news is he committed to come to conference but neither he nor the member came. But we´re going to be passing by this week.

Derk, you got off way easy with the wisdom teeth!! I couldn´t even eat for 2 weeks. Oh guess what!! I know your mission president's son! :) Elder Bruce was in the MTC with me. We weren´t in the same district there but when I was in Almagro, he was in my district. Now he´s in my zone. Hna Gulbrandson (my mission president's wife) asked me Sunday how my family was, and I told her that you just got your mission call to Antofagasta. "OOOOHHHH" :D She shot up. She told me Elder Bruce´s parents are the mission presidents there. Que loco no? So then I told Elder Bruce and he said he was going to write them today and tell them. He said he´d put in a good word for you. :P It´s still a small world!

I think if I had to choose... Elder Eyring's talk was my favorite! Well, I don't know. They were all good but I LOVE being a witness of my Savior. I wished I could have heard it in his voice. It´s kind of weird watching him getting emotional but the voice in Spanish just doesn´t match it. haha But in my heart I could here him. How it would have been anyway. I WAS able to here President Monson say "Hello" though haha (Because the Spanish comes in after about 5 seconds.) :D It reminded me of the way dad says Hello, or "Rabbits" hahah I don't know why but it did.

Okay, good news. With all of the weddings I´ve missed this summer now it´s my turn to see one!!!!!! :D Wahoo!! haha Marybell (an investigator) and her "husband" (pareja) Joseph will be getting married this Thursday. Then on Saturday Marybell and her son will be getting baptized :D We are very excited for them. They are on the right track to becoming an eternal family and they are soo happy. Yahir, (the 8 year old son) reminds me so much of Josh Keele!!! haha Seriously he´s the Latin version of Josh!!

Bueno that´s all the news for now. I love you ALL!!! I hope you treasure up in your hearts the gospel and what it is. Oh and I want to share a scripture!! Jacob 4:6. I love it! What a blessing it is to live in a time with living prophets AND have words from ancient prophets! :D Everytime I hear them it´s so easy to see that they are sooo full of KNOWLEDGE: and like the scipture... that´s how I feel. It's like I return from listening to them with unbreakable, unshakable faith!!! If we ever doubt, we don´t have to look too far to be reminded of how true the gospel is. :) Anyway, till next week,


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