Monday, November 28, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Nov. 28, 2011

Hola Familia!!

Guess what! I talked in church with Derk yesterday! haha Pretty funny. It was the first time in my whole mission to give a talk in sacrament meeting!! I know Jordan does it a lot! I was really excited though and then I remembered it was Derk's farewell talk too! Crazy, same day, different countries, one about to start, one about to finish! Crazy!

I can´t believe how fast time is going!! :( Today was transfers again, and I´m going to be ending here in Caballito!! :D Wahoo! I didn´t want to leave, but sometimes president gets revelation to make some pretty interesting changes, but I´m staying and so is Hna Smith as well! haha I´m very happy about this transfer!

Well this Sunday the little Gambarte girls will be getting baptized! Our church is out of water again so we´re going to have to go to another church, but at least now we can plan on that! haha

Ariel still has not given up smoking yet, but we were able to go see a baptism with him on Saturday. Hopefully that helps him with his own desire to be baptized. But okay, I've just got to tell you some of the stories my companion and I are having with him or even more, when his girlfriend is there. I think I told you that his girlfriend is a member but just from another ward. Well, we think she is awesome! She can be super dramatic, but we just think it´s so funny!

They´ve only been dating two months but I guess you could say she´s starting to get a "little" impatient with Ariel and how he hasn´t given up smoking yet. So we had just sat down to start the lesson, and we asked them how they had been. Ariel starts saying how Maria del Carmen (his girlfriend) had had a really rough week. So we asked, why? Maria de Carmen loves animals and she has a ton. So he starts to tell us about her pet "rat" that escaped and ran away from her, and as he´s telling us she looks up and stops him and says (in a VERY angry dramatic tone)....
-My... rat? My rat, Ariel? My HAMSTER is white and pure! He has had a hard life because all his family left him but at least my HAMSTER doesn´t destroy his future family by smoking!

.... haha um... Anyway so we calmed them down a bit, started reading in the scriptures, the Spirit came back and then we asked Ariel what he wants most in life?

So he starts to explain with a huge smile on his face,
-"The only thing that I want is to make Maria del Carmen happy for what´s left of her life."
- "What´s left of my life?! What´s that suppose to mean? When am I going to die Ariel? At least I´M not the one smoking purposefully trying to destroy my own life!!"

I know this is not one of my spiritually uplifting experiences on my mission, but it was ridiculously funny so I wanted to share it with you all anyway!! haha She kept finding any excuse to make some sort of "example" about the need for him to quit smoking. But it was impossible to teach because there was so much tension between them. Then we remembered that there was a baptism that night so we invited them. Ariel first said no, which of course, Maria de Carmen didn´t like that answer, y bueno. We all ended up going. My companion and I felt the spirit there and Maria del Carmen felt the spirit and later apologized to Ariel for her impatience. Ariel said he didn´t feel anything strong but he said he liked the baptism anyway. At the end when they dropped us off they told us that they just love us so much and consider us like children. :) We feel the same way -- we consider them like children too haha nah jk. They´re just funny!!

Well I hope you all keep having another wonderful week!! Love you Mucho!!!

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