Monday, November 28, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele- Nov. 28, 2011

Hola mi querido familia,
Is it just me, or do I mention how fast time flies every single week?

It's been a busy, busy week, with many unexpected things happen. Mom, I wanted to be obedient to you and go for tacos for Thanksgiving but, due to the circumstances, was unable to make the time for it. Maybe this week I'll go in memory of your suggestion. Thursday morning Marìa (mother of a member Manuel, the mom's not a member) passed away. She was born and died Catholic, and we never had the chance to even see her although she lived next door to Manuel, whom we visit and eat lunch with every Wednesday. Well, here in Molango there's not really a funeral service place, just one lady named Rocìo, who happens to be a member, and who teaches Sunday School. She sells some caskets and she kind of prepares the bodies. I think there's a law, or if it's not a law, it's just customary to bury the dead within 24 hours. (I feel like I'm writing very confusingly, but I hope you're following). Long story short, the members and my companion and I gave them support and went over to Manuel's house to watch the casket. In Mexico its customary to watch it all night long, but of course, most of us couldn't stay for too long. We did bring over the little keyboard and sang hymns for about an hour. Then Friday morning at about 11:00 we went over and had the funeral service. We loaded the casket in Manuel's little old pick-up truck and slowly drove over to the cemetery. Manuel is the only child of his mom. Anyway, last minute I was asked to dedicate the grave, and it's a good thing I went prepared with the order of the words in mind. It was a good experience, but I left with just a strong feeling of gratitude for the knowledge that we have of the resurrection and the kingdoms of glory.

Other than that, we went to Pachuca yesterday and just got back this morning. Yesterday at church the lights went out and the fuse box blew up because we tried to use 4 heaters that are huge electricity hogs. We went to the temple on Saturday as a branch... oh, I almost forgot. We had helped Ana, (the 19 year-old that was baptized recently) prepare the names of her 3 cousins that she was so close to that died in the lake 3 years ago. She was able to be baptized for her girl cousin, and for the two boy cousins was baptized Cesar, a deacon in the branch. Ana, Mari, Doricela and Lucio also received their patriarchal blessings that morning. Mari also did baptisms for the first time. President Hicken had a birthday on Saturday. Elder Pintor and I bought him a 6 pack of snickers because we knew we were going see him at the chapel by the temple because some members had some interviews with him. If you weren't confused in the first paragraph, I'm sure you were in the second ha ha sorry.

If you somehow made it through, and wish to continue... this week we're going to Pachuca for a multi-zone conference on Wednesday with elder De Hoyos, I was going to go on Thursday with a different zone because they didn't have a piano player, but somehow it was figured out and I'm going Wednesday unless they call and switch things up on me again. We have to stay until Thursday to rehearse for the mission talent show and somehow they want to do a musical/skit thing with me playing the piano in the background. I have no clue how that'll turn out, but we'll see how things go. Elder Falslev, my best friend from the MTC distric,t was recently made companions with his cousin Elder Chambers, who came to the MTC 6 weeks later. They're zone leaders in Tulancingo. That's about all the information I've got right now. Hope you enjoyed it.

We've been struggling lately in bringing investigators to church. It's been a while since they've come. We hope to be able to find some people who are interested in living a perfectly happy life for all of eternity this week.

As usual, it seems that you've had quite a busy week as well, but a very satisfying one to say the least. I just saw a picture of Derek at Jamie's wedding that he's hugging her and looking straight at the camera... aside from the fact that he looks like a model in that picture, he looks so pure, so innocent, and so ready for the work the Lord has in store for him. He's going to love it so much!

Nathan, I hope you feel better! Dad, good luck with your YW talk! I wish the rest of you success as you go about your day at work, school, or at play. Until next time on the weekly report.

Con mucho cariño,

Elder Jordan Keele

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