Thursday, August 12, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- August 12, 2010

Hola, I'm writing for just 5 minutes this morning to tell you a couple of things. I'll get on later today, between 2:30-5:30. I know, big window.
Anyways, Hna. Keele wants me to ask you this- she got a little orange suitcase thing from a freebox in her residency. She can't take it with her, so she wants to send it home. Obviously it's not worth sending as a package- it would cost too much. So we're maybe thinking of leaving it at the front office and maybe someone could come pick it up sometime. I know you're leaving for Cali on Sat., so we're not really sure what to do. But if you could let us know, we'd appreciate it.
Also, the other day I lost my scriptures. I prayed and still couldn't find them. One of my close friends in my district, Elder Castillo, told me he prayed for them as well. Well, I found them last night, and it turns out some missionaries thought it was free, because there's a section in the residencies that missionaries put stuff when they want to give it away. Well, I had accidentally set them there. I found my scriptures alone last night, then after walking and asking around I was able to find my mini PMG that an elder had taken, thinking it was free. I haven't been able to find my case yet, but I'm sure it'll pop up somewhere.
So you're wondering about the one more week subject, huh? Well, I got re-assigned! I leave Thursday, August 19th at 6:00 A.M. I'm so excited! It was a terrific day yesterday. The Lord blesses those who trust in Him.
I'm debating whether or not to tell you where I'm going... it is out of state, but I kind of like the suspense. So I think I'm gonna hold out for a little while :) Maybe I'll tell you later today.
Love you all, have an awesome everything!

1 comment:

  1. Sister Keele! Im going to the MTC to volunteer saturday morning if you would like i can pick up the suit case on my way out (:
