Monday, August 23, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- August 23, 2010


I'm doing real life missionary work! It's so much fun! I absolutely love it. My favorite parts of the day are when we're either tracting, teaching, or proselyting. As much as I love food, and the members, I just don't like spending much time doing anything else. That's when I'm the happiest here. But the whole thing is a happy thing. It's fun to try and live on my own. I have to make my own breakfast, (yeah I know, cereal and oatmeal are real hard to cook), and even my own lunch, (sandwiches aren't too tough to make either). But every night for the next month has been signed up by members of the ward to feed us. The ward area is huge. Basically my whole area that I'm in is the ward. We're on bikes. The mission home provided me with a cute purple bike, and I went to a store (essentially DI) and bought myself a nice $4 helmet. My rear end is sore, but I'm starting to get used to it.
My companion is Elder Cribbs. He's been out about 7 months. It's an English mission, but there are a lot of Spanish people out here. So Pres. Pfile has encouraged us to use it. Anytime we pass by people, we should talk to them. If they're Spanish speakers, then I can talk to them. My companion doesn't speak Spanish, but he's very patient and allows me to talk. Last night I taught 2 lessons in Spanish just from riding down the street. One was for about 20 minutes. I love it. The gift of tongues is REAL, lemme tell ya.

I agree, no matter where you go the Church is the same. The people may be different, but the Church is the same. It almost felt like home sitting in sacrament meeting yesterday. It was really cool. I haven't heard babies cry in Sacrament meeting in 2 and a half months! That's so great that the members in the California ward were so nice :)
Oh man, Jessica is gonna love it! It's only been a few days for me, but I feel like I'm basically settled in. It feels comfortable. This city is really big though, and because the Air Force Base is here, almost everyone is either in the Air Force, or has something to do with it. There are people from all kinds of different backgrounds. But generally they're friendly and are always up to talk. It's fun to just be riding our bikes up and down the streets and be yelled at by the cars driving by. Most of the time it's in a good way, but there are times.... Don't worry, the Lord is watching out for us. We're doing HIS work! What is there to worry about?! Nothing.
Well, I'm sure there's something I missed, and if I remember in the next few minutes I'll send another e-mail, otherwise, until next week!
I love you all!
Elder Jordan Keele

1 comment:

  1. Elder Keele sounds like your having fun. Keep up the good work in CO and we will get to Mexico someday :)
    - Elder Dutson
