Thursday, August 12, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- August 12, 2010

Alright alright, I give up. I'll tell you...

I think this would be a great idea for the trip. I absolutely love the hymns. If you look at the preface of the hymns, there's a message. If I remember right, it's from the First Presidency. One of the paragraphs talks about teaching your kids to love the hymns. I thought of both Mom and Dad. Mom, you always showed love for the hymns, and one of my fondest Sunday memories is always listening to the Sunday music on the radio. The songs were the same every week, but they never got old! And Dad, recently before I left, I remember at a family council one time you mentioned "we need to sing more in this home". I thought it was a great idea. So, the challenge is to read the hymn preface, then go from there. I've made it a goal to memorize a hymn every week. More realistically it'll be one every two or three weeks, but the goal is to always have a hymn in my mind. The Spirit can be in my life so much easier and it's almost impossible to be sad when you're singing a hymn.
I'm so excited to talk to real people! To be on the plane as a missionary talking to everyone will be great! Don't be afraid to talk to people about the gospel, wherever you are! Why be afraid? This is the most important message in the entire world! Go tell 'em! That's what I'm excited for.
I know the Lord knew I was going to Colorado. My guess is between a month or two there, come to the MTC for a week or two, then back to Mexico. Who knows?... (the Lord) :).
WOW! thank you so much for the package last week. JENNY OAKS BAKER SIGNED MY CD! That's so awesome. I can't wait to listen to it. It's going to be awesome. The peanut butter bars were delicious. Please tell Linda thank you soooo much for the other mini PMG! That made my day... for like 4 days!
Oh man, I just lose track of time here. If I wasn't checking my planner 20 times a day, I wouldn't even know what day it was. Missionary work goes sooo fast, but I love it.
K, 5 min. left. I'll write later tonight..
Love you All!
Elder Jordan Keele

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