Monday, August 30, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- August 30, 2010

My first full week has been, well, the life of a missionary :) The ups and downs have all made their presence. I love it! Sure it's hard sometimes, like when you have 7 investigators commit to coming to church and only 1 shows up. But it's alright. It's the Lords work, and as long as I'm trying my hardest, nothing else really matters. I mean, we can always improve, and we've made some goals to get more to church next week, so hopefully things will change. I still have no idea how long I'll be here, but I'm working as if I'm staying here for 2 years. I think that's the best way to look at it.

That electricity exercise sounds like a lot of fun! As hard as it might be, that's a great idea. Just as the saying goes, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. And in D&C "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear". So good work! :) [For the next three days, our ward is going without food shopping, gasoline, and electricity, except for the fridge and computer for this email!!! We will see how prepared we really are!]

In my ward yesterday we talked about councils for the fifth Sunday combined priesthood/relief society. It was.... good. I guess. Just a heads up though for everyone- If you have investigators or other non-member visitors attending your ward, stick to the basic doctrines of the gospel. It was a good thing in a way that only one investigator showed up yesterday, and he fell asleep for most of third hour. I didn't want to wake him up, because I think what was being taught may have scared him off. The 1st counselor in the ward gave the lesson. He was talking about things like how God was ordained and sustained by other gods and by all of us. Sure it's way cool and really interesting, but we have to be careful with investigators. In D&C 19, I don't remember what verse, probably 25 or something, it specifically says something along the lines of 'Of tenants ye shall not teach, but teach repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost and keeping the commandments'. I don't know exactly what the word tenant means, but my MTC 1st counselor told us it was something like things that aren't doctrine, but that you just think about. Sure it's fun to discuss things like that, but is that going to save us? Do we need to know that to gain exaltation? No. At least not in this life. All of us need to be reminded DAILY of the basic principles of the gospel and live by them. I think in certain situations it may be appropriate to talk about 'tenants', but never to teach them.

I was talking to my district leader yesterday, and they said in their third hour they talked about preparedness too. Hmm... is this a sign???

I can't believe that Brett's already married! And that Todd is a bishop! Wow, that's so cool.

I agree that the Spanish experiences that I'm having here are preparing me so much to go to Mexico. The other night, we were teaching a 17 year old guy from Mexico. He prefers English. Anyway, we had met with him before, and we were teaching him the Plan of Salvation. His mom came out, about at the end, and she doesn't know English. She knew that I was at least learning Spanish, and she started talking to me. She's Catholic, but she fully supports what we're doing with her son. He's had a rough life, and has a hard time knowing good from evil. She wants him to be better, and so do we. Well, his mom and I and the 17 year old talked for about 20 minutes about things. All I can say is this- The gift of tongues is real, and the spirit is so powerful. There were promises given that I did not say, and there was no way I understood her on my own. It's amazing what can happen when you try to fully give all you have over to the Lord, and allow him to take care of things. It was a way cool experience that ended with both the son and his mom in tears.

Thank you so much for taking care of Hna. Whitehead, that was way nice of you all!

I hope I get the letter from Linda soon, because I for some reason have a feeling that I won't be here for too much longer. But, what do I know?

I love you all, and I'm so grateful for all the amazing support that I receive. This short time that I've been out here has really turned my life around. When you forget about yourself, you're happy. It's as simple as that. I miss the study time that I had in the MTC. So take advantage as much as possible to surround yourself with light. Whether it be by music, books, or just your thoughts. I'm so glad that I have this opportunity to really open my eyes. It's not my job to tell people what to do, but if I could encourage anyone to go on a mission I would. Then, not only that but to give literally everything you have to devote your life to the Savior. I can't count the blessings I've received for even just trying to give a tiny bit of what I have. Well mi familia, les amo muchisimo! Encuentren a una persona quien necesita ser feliz. Su ejemplo es la cosa mas poderosa que tiene. Viva como Jesucristo viviria si el estaba aqui.

Gracias a todos para todo!

Con Amor,

Elder Jordan Keele

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