Monday, August 30, 2010

Hna. Jessica Keele- Aug. 30, 2010

Hola Familia! :) Man, it's been a crazy, busy and packed week and yet it went by so fast! The preparedness plan sounds awesome and fun!! Oh guess what, I can sleep at night!! In the begining of the MTC, it was the same. Then eventually it got later and later because my mind wouldn´t turn off untill 12 or 1 every night. But here I´m asleep by 10:45-11. I´m so grateful because the days are packed! This week has been happy, hard, frustrating, scary (haha in 1 area), humbling, tiring, painful, cold, sad, spiritual, uplifting, fast, and AMAZING! The ward is small to me, but I don't know if it´s big for here or what. But we met the bishop and pretty much everyone throughout the week. There were only a couple new faces that I saw at church. haha I don't know how many people exactly but maybe 40 including me, my companion, 2 elders and the kids tambien. We had 2 investigators that came. I was happy to see them but I´m expecting more next week that said they just weren´t able to come but plan to next week.
I'm going to start with Florencia now.. It´s a long story but basically my first day Hna Peña (my companion) told me we were going to fast the next day for a little girl, Florencia, who had a baptismal date for Saturday (2 days ago) but her mom didn´t want to sign the paper to allow it 2 weeks ago when her older sister got baptized (Rocio). Her mom was yelling at Hna Peña saying she doesn´t know what she wants. She´s too young. So Wednesday we fasted. Thursday was Florencia's birthday. We went over to sing and talk with her mom but she wasn´t there. First off she lives in a really ghetto, scary area and she was home alone because her mom has to work. I don't know where her sister was. Thursday night, Hna Peña had the impression to bake a cake for Florencia and her mom. So Friday night (day before the baptismal date) we took it over. Her mom told us she didn´t have any money to get Florencia anything for her birthday. She asked Florencia, "Do you want to be baptized?" She said yes, and then she signed the papers. So the next day she was baptized. Her mom wasn´t able to attend though. But when the Elder (our zone leader) asked her why she wanted to be baptized, she said, ´´to help my family´´. She´s adorable. I´ll send you pictures. Yesterday she was confirmed and has the Spirit so she doesn't have to be alone anymore!! :)
Man, I´m so happy to be here, I know this church is true, and I love it! I know that the Holy Ghost is real! It´s really hard just jumping in to investigators that my comp knows more about and I don´t even know their names. And then trying to help them and speak after my companion haha. There´s no way without the Spirit. I know that the gift of tongues is real and the Spirit helps me so much. My favorite day so far was Saturday. Not only for Florencia to get baptized, but during the night we had so many lessons where I could speak Spanish and follow along with what they were saying. At least enough to know what I needed to know and share scriptures that have helped me personally that they said was exactly what they needed. I know it's because of the Spirit, definitely not me! haha I love my mission. I love my companion. I love the people. I love the Spirit. I love learning Spanish. I love this gospel and love learning more about it. I love you all, AND I love my Savior!!!
Con amor,
Hna Jessica Keele

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