Monday, January 24, 2011

Elder Jordan Keele- Jan. 24, 2011

Wow, I'm stunned and surprised, nervous and excited, and probably a whole lot of other adjectives that I don't want to waste time writing. This week we have transfers. My companion is staying here in Bosques, and I'm headed to another area of which I'll find out tomorrow. I don't know anything about my new companion until tomorrow, other than the fact that he's fresh from the CCM.

The scriptures Hno. Oaxaca wanted are actually the English ones. I haven't asked if he wants it indexed or not, (I would imagine he would), but he does want the mini quad. Even though I won't be here, I could send it to him easily at no cost. Thank you for checking up on that.

Thank you for sharing your experience in the temple. What a blessing it is to have those little connections, thoughts, and feelings of guidance as we do the Lord's work in whatever form.

Congrats Bert and Holly! I'm hoping it's a girl. I guess we'll find out. So Grant and Ali are moving again, huh? Do you think it has something to do with grandma's desire to serve a mission? She told me a couple weeks ago that that's what she wanted to do.

On Thursday, we went over to talk to Cristina. We sang a hymn to start, a prayer, and then E. Rodriguez and I both shared scriptures that we had prepared for her. We gently implied that we would like her to be baptized this week, without mentioning the word 'baptism', and before we finished she said, ''Alright, I'm ready. Let's get it done''. Long story short, she was baptized this past Saturday. It was a great feeling to see her there. I did give the talk during the program, so I guess now you can say I've given a talk. But still not in Sacrament Meeting. Cristina asked that the bishop baptize her. Before Sacrament Meeting yesterday, we talked with the bishop and Cristina about who would confirm her. I didn't expect they'd ask me to do it, and I hadn't practiced a confirmation yet. But I knew the Lord would help me out. During the Sacrament Meeting announcements, I quickly studied my white hand book, and it went fairly well. I know I messed up on the conjugations probably lots more than I think, but either way, she was confirmed. The fortune cookie I got last week was so true! ''Your long journey has come to a close. Don't expect the ordinary!".

Well, I'm excited to find out my new companion and area tomorrow. It'll be exciting, and I know as I try and do things the Lord's way, He'll guide me every step of the way. Thanks for all your support! It's much needed and much appreciated!

Until next time, Elder Jordan Keele

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