Monday, January 31, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Jan. 31, 2011

Hola familia!

Bueno, another week come and gone. Time goes so fast!! Next week are transfers, but I feel like I´m staying and probably Hna Moreno too. That would break my curse of only having companions for 1 transfer or less. So we´ll see if that happens!

Yesterday we had an amazing lesson with Cheryl. But surprise... it´s a boy!! (and he looks exactly like Johny haha) Anyway, Cheryl is an active Catholic and is married to a member, Noelia, who is mas o menos active. Her brother, Jairo, is less active. Cheryl was sleeping upstairs, and we asked if he was going to join us so Jairo went to wake him up but he said no.

Then after we sang the hymn and said a prayer Cheryl joined us anyway!! We talked about the plan of salvation and surprisingly he had a lot of questions!! (Good questions!) He has a firm belief in God and the Savior and the lesson went really well. Then just as we were finishing up with the kingdoms of glory, their home teachers showed up... After their lesson it was like a ping pong tournament of testimonies!! haha It was crazy but it went really well anyway. He´s already read the Book of Mormon and prayed about it. But then he had 5 more testimonies shared with him and some scriptures letting him know that sometimes answers don´t come right away and asking him to try again. Anyway, he comitted to read again and, then without an invitation, said that he´s going to come to church this Sunday!! Es Buenisimo El!!

We found a lot of new people last week that I´m really excited about! Also, we´re working with another part-member family. The dad is a recent convert about 2 weeks before I got here, but then he went to Bolivia and just came back last week. The abuelo (grandfather) comitted to be baptized on the 12th.

Melani and her family are going to go to Peru for a month :( Bah! So we´re going to have to wait a little longer to work with her mom, Sara.

Hermanos!! Felicitaciones con todo su suerte in los juegos de basketball, eh?! Muy bien! Que siguen practicando su español! Saludos a todos! y les amo muchisimo!!!!
Con amor,
Hna Keele

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