Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Sept. 12, 2011

A side note from me, Lynette. I received this email from my friend, Florencia K., last week who lived in Buenos Aires before leaving for their mission to Venezuela. For those who don't speak Spanish, she said that the Caballito Ward was their Stake Center. They were friends with a family from Venezuela who lived in Caballito. That family helped prepare the Krasnoselskys for Venezuela. She wanted Jessica to be sure and give them hugs and hellos from her and her family. I am sure she will meet many people who know the Krasnos. in that stake.

"Y Jessica está en Caballito!! Acabo de leerlo en su blog. Caballito era nuestro Centro de Estaca y allí asisten los Vezenyi, nuestra amada familia Vezenyi!! Por favor, dile a Jessica que los abrace o salude a todos de parte nuestra. Laura y Alejandro (los padres: divertidos, generosos, fieles, celestiales) y Pablo (futuro misionero, el más puro y noble que conozco), Conce (brillante pianista), Manuel (se bautizó hace unas semanas) y Valeria (la nena más dulce de Buenos Aires). Son 6 ángeles!! "

I´m so happy for you Derk, but man I want to see you before you leave!!!! You've got to write me and fill me in on the details of your life right now eh?
Still Crazy!!!! Chile, I´ve got to tell my Chilean companions.They´ll all be excited!! Although I don´t think it´s in any of their homes. The closest one would be Copiapo...let me know if that is in your mission. Actually I think it´s in Viña del Mar. I'm not sure. How´s your Spanish??? :D We already know Nathan´s coming here so we´ve only got 3 more to go (Steph, Dallin and Tam) to hear about which Spanish mission they´ll be going to!! haha Que loco!!

Okay, it´s been a busy week here in Caballito. Esteban got baptized Sunday. He was suppose to be baptized Saturday but there was no water in the church building... Our apartment is about a block away from the church and we´ve also been having the water cut off every now and then. I don´t know what's up with that, BUT we had a neat experience because of it. Since we used all the water for the baptism Sunday morning, by the time the sacrament came there was no water left for the sacrament. And I was reminded of the importance of having our only thoughts toward the Savior.

First it reminded me of a poem I found right before my mission about the Sacrament, I don´t remember it at all but it talks about how during the sacrament the girl on the back bench was thinking about the new skirt she had seen her neighbor walk in with, and the girl with the new skirt was thinking about her neighbors hairdo on the bench in front of her, and the deacon boys were looking at the girl they liked on the bench behind them.... I don´t remember how it went but it later went on to talk about how ashamed everyone would feel as they got up to leave at the end to see the Savior sitting in the very back unnoticed. They would be sad because they did not have their thoughts turned toward him. Sometimes it gets hard to remember that it´s not just a Sunday routine of drinking a tablespoon of water and a piece of bread every Sunday. Sometimes we make it that way. But the whole point of it is that we put our full focus and attention toward the Savior not thinking about anything or anyone but Him and what he did for us.

But anyway, I failed in my attempt to have my only thought toward the Savior as I was distracted by the giggles of the cute Alarcón kids next to me. Then as I went to take the water, I almost spat it out being completely surprised by the Sprite inside my cup. I looked up to see if the Bishop knew or if it was a prank from the priests or deacons or something, but they were completely content, and the deacon who passed me the sacrament just smiled and passed it on. The Bishop afterward got up and explained how there was no more water in the church but how grateful he was to have found soda in the fridge left from a recent ward activity.

In D&C 27:2 Therefore it does not matter what you eat or drink to take the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory, remembering before the Father my body which was sacrificed for you , and my blood which was shed for you for the remission of your sins. (That wasn´t quoted directly but translated haha)
So the fact that it was soda was not important because the reason we take the sacrament is not just the routine water break.

It was a neat experience for me and a reality check to remember to keep my focus on the Savior ESPECIALLY during the sacrament, and I invite you all to do the same. Prepare for the sacrament extra hard before Sunday! Be repenting of your mistakes before so that you can have your full attention toward our Savior this Sunday during the sacrament.

We had another neat experience in church right before the second hour of church. (Our sacrament is the last hour here) As we walked our of Relief Society to get our lunch calendar, we saw a lady standing in front of the front doors. I assumed she was a member since I don´t know half of them yet. But as we went to greet her I realized she doesn´t normally come here because she asked us, "Am I late again? What time do I need to get here to be on time?" So we told her and then asked where she´s from and how she knew about the church. She said a friend had brought her once before a couple weeks ago, and then she asked, "What do I need to do for my 12 year-old daughter and I to be baptized?" :D haha So we set an appointment for later that day and passed by, shared the introduction to the Book of Mormon, and she accepted a baptismal date for the 25th :)

I feel like the Lord is blessing me hugely here in Caballito. Last transfer was really hard for me for a lot of reasons, but I feel so happy. I feel like I will be able to progress here in Caballito. I´m going to keep working my best to be able to try and be worthy of all the blessings the Lord is blessing me with.

DERK, I AM SO COMPLETELY AND 100 PERCENT PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going to love your mission!!! I´m determined to see you before you get to Chile!!! So just plan on that. haha And thank you mom for looking into that for me!! I fully appreciate it :D I love you all!! Steph I haven´t read your talk yet but I´m printing it and I´m excited to read it :) Again I love you all, Chau!!


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