Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hna. Jessica Keele- Sept. 6, 2011

Hola Familia!!

I am in Caballito!! Es tan lindo!!! Our apartment is the best I have had!!! The walls are even painted. :D My new companion is Hna IƱigo (In ye go). And she´s not Chilean. She´s from Salta, Argentina. She´s more than a foot shorter than me. Today was transfer day.

Last week in Vicente Lopez, Hna Alfaro and I were finally able to visit a young couple that we´ve been trying to contact for months. I had never met them so they haven´t gone to church in about 6 months or more. Sabrina and Mario se llaman. Anyway, they were super sweet. We started asking about how they came to know the church. She´d been a member since she was little and he met the church through her. Mario told us how he didn´t even notice at first as he started to become inactive because it started just little by little until he realized he was completely astray. He said he felt like he was in debt to God and that makes him feel bad and makes it even harder to progress and make it a goal to change.

So we shared the good news about the gospel and atonement of Jesus Christ!! All it takes is a decision. When we feel like were stuck and not progressing, we´ve just got to remember that He is ALWAYS there anxious to lift us up again. Once we´ve made the decision to repent and make a change we can have that new clean slate!! It´s not only at baptism :) I love the gospel!!

Then yesterday, Mario even showed up a little early to church so he was able to pass the sacrament. His wife didn´t come yet but he said she´d be there next week. Then the Bishop called on him to share his testimony. He explained how he felt in debt to God. Then he broke out into tears and just thanked the Lord and said how he felt that when the missionaries went to visit him he felt like God was reaching out to him again. Fue super lindo! I think a lot of the time the reason why we don´t repent is not because we don´t want to, but because we forget how merciful our Heavenly Father and Savior truly are. It doesn´t matter how many times they´ve already forgiven us. When we´re sincere they´re happy to do so again. They are so FULL of love, and I know that they wish for all of us to come back to them. That´s why they do everything possible to help us return. Even when it means forgiving us over and over and over again! :) Increible

Derk, I´m stoked to hear where you are going on your mission!!! :D Keep staying excited. The time will come!!

I love you all


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