Thursday, July 22, 2010

Elder Jordan Keele- July 22, 2010

July 22, 2010
10:00 a.m.

It was so cool to see my cousin Jenny-fur here at the MTC! I loved that! She looks so good and I can't wait for her to experience all of this as well. I still can't wait to find out where she and R-jay are going. This is so cool! If she got her call yesterday I'm going to pick up the mail soon, and I'll check to see if you wrote me about it.
Today my district gets to do service in the temple! I can't wait. I'm not sure exactly what we'll be doing in there, but we're going to be there for 3 and a half hours doing stuff. I feel so temple deprived. It's been about a month since I've been in there, and it's just an unusual feeling. It'll be so nice to finally be in there again.
I love my MTC teachers. Hno. Milne and Hno. Reschke. Hno. Reschke went to Europe the last three weeks, and he just got back yesterday. Before he left I promised him he'd never hear me speak English again. Yesterday was my first test. It's really cool. It's fun to only speak Spanish even though it's difficult at times. My district has 3 days a week where we go on 'English fasts'. We can't speak English at all on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. It is hard for a lot of us, but we've all progressed and learned a ton!
Well, I'm going to go for now. I have about 16 min. left for later today, and I'll probably use it around 4:30-5:30. Well, hope everyone is doing well. I love you all!
Elder Keele

July 22, 2010
4:50 p.m.
YES!!!!! Way to go R-JAY! I sent a letter home for him thinking he was still in town. I hope you can find his address and let him know. That's so awesome!!! Good job R-Jay. [Jordan's friend going to Little Rock, Arkansas]
YES! Way to go Marcos! [friend from Argentina going to Barcelona, Spain] That's so awesome! I can't wait for him to meet Josh. I see Bro. Littlefield all the time here. Josh I've seen 3 times, but if I see him again I'll tell him.
We just got done doing some temple cleaning. It was so cool! I cleaned the baseboards all over the chapel in the baptistry, and in the two confirmation rooms. So, my brothers and sisters, next time you go to the temple, and you see some baseboards in the baptistry, just remember that I cleaned them. :) It was such a neat experience doing physical labor in the temple of the Lord. I just can't explain it. We moved a million chairs around, tons of extra carpet we stored in the basement, and it was just cool to see the temple like that. All new carpet everywhere, all new wallpaper, all new lighting including the chandelier... it looks so good! The temple opens back up on Monday, so by next P-day we'll be able to go. I'm so glad it's here because I've been dying from not going to the temple.
I have a cd player with speakers. But unfortunately, due to some careless missionaries, they don't allow music while at the MTC. It's really too bad, because I most often feel the spirit when listening to music. Jamie, I would love for you to do that for me. That would be so nice. I can't wait to get to the field and listen to music all the time!
I absolutely love the Book of Mormon. I absolutely did not even come close do what I should have done to fully take advantage of the Book of Mormon. It's so cool! I don't wanna put it down. I hate when my study time is over. Mom, did you hear that? I can't stand it when I can't read anymore! Weird, huh? It's amazing what changes the mission can make in your life if you allow it to.
I haven't been able to read the rest of the letter. I took a picture of the duty to God stuff, and I look forward to reading it.
Read the Book of Mormon, go to the temple, even if you don't have a recommend. Allow the Lord to mold you into the best you can be. I love you all!
I sent some pictures for you today. I hope you get them sometime. There's only a couple, but before I leave the MTC, I'll send some more. My thoughts are all jumbled, but I know at least the Lord knows what I'm trying to say.
Otra vez, les amo a todos! Me encanta esta obra.
Elder Jordan Keele

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