Monday, July 12, 2010

Hna. Jessica Keele-July 12, 2010

Hola mi familia!! Como estan? I'm sorry I'm such a slacker. I wrote you all letters on the first Monday I got here, but I haven't sent them yet. surprise surprise. They're coming though!! :) Mom, I think Jordan told me to tell you that he got his coat from Missionary Mall. And yeah, I'll just send my i-pod home for the Spanish scriptures. That works perfectly! Thanks!! :) I had an interesting day yesterday, but I'm still really loving it here!! haha I never know what to say in e-mails because I feel like once I get in to saying something, it just logs me off! But thank you so much for the packages and letters! I love and miss you all so much!!
I want to let you know that this experience has been a huge "learning experience" for me. I don't know, it's just made me think more about why I'm here, and all that I want to accomplish in this life because I know that my Heavenly Father has invested much in me! He sent me to you and you've taught me so much and set such good examples for me and set a standard that I am going to live up to! Because when I stand in the presence of my Heavenly Father again I couldn't handle standing there knowing I wasted any time, or any of the time He has spent on me so that I can help others. I'm not going to be another bad investment to Him!
Hermana Snow is such an example to me too! I can't remember if I've explained this already or if it's in one of the letters I haven't sent yet, but she is a convert and her family is still Catholic and really anti-Mormon! It makes me sad because they don't write her. But she's so strong and she knows why she's here and still has so much hope for her family. I'm just so grateful I don't have that to worry about along with learning the language and recognizing the Spirit more and everything else on top of it! You guys are such a strength to me!! Again, I love you all so much!! What have you been up to lately? Oh and how's Johny doing? I think I had him and Nicole text me there addresses but I forgot to get them out of my phone so if you would send them to me, por favor.
Con amor,

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