Monday, July 19, 2010

Hna. Jessica Keele-July 19, 2010

Hola familia! I saw that you mentioned having me print out e-mails in the morning and then coming back to write. I would like to do that, but I feel bad asking Hna. Snow to do that because I feel like it's rubbing it in that I get e-mails every week. I like to just let her pick the computer time because if she doesn't get an e-mail I feel bad. So I probably won't do that for a couple more weeks. But it's okay. I print them out later and then just respond to them in a letter or the next e-mail. I know I'm bad at that but still. haha
Oh could you do me a favor? Hna. Snow sent her family a couple pictures of the Savior she got while working at Seagull Book or Deseret Book. Anyway she had a really hard time letting them go because they were her favorites. Would you mind getting them? Just the small pass along card size. But they are by David Bowman. One is called Innocence and the other is called My Child. They are really cute and they're in black and white if that helps! She really didn't want to give them up, but we had just gone to a devotional and they talked about a lady who got interested in the Church because of the pictures she saw that we had of Christ. In all the ones Hna. Snow normally see's, he never looks happy. So she's hoping it might help her family. I hope so too. But if you could find those that would be wonderful! :)
Yeah, I saw Jen yesterday!! It was good :) No it doesn't distract me. haha I love being here! But it was still good to see her! I love you all and miss you tons but I'm working hard and I know why I'm here! hmm I'm trying to think of something interesting to say, haha No se, pero ayer Presidente Lindsey asked if I would be the coordinating sister. I think it's really funny because there is only going to be the 3 of us in our whole zone after Wednesday and so far we have no new sisters coming in. So I don't know if I'm suppose to do a whole lot with that, but I guess I'll find out! Although we will be getting 3 new sisters in our room (just not in our zone) so it's going to be a lot more crowded now. We've been spoiled!! We each have 2 closets and a bunkbed. Oh well, we figured it wouldn't last. Well I hope you all are doing well. I love you so much! Take care.

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